FAM 01
1.5 credits
Introduction to Family Child Care
Prerequisite(s): None
This course provides students with an overview of the whole family child care program, including goals and content. It introduces the students (potential and existing child care providers, parents, and those considering a career change) to the mechanics of operating a home-based family child care business.
FAM 02
1.5 credits
Understanding Child Development
Prerequisite(s): None
This course provides students with an overview of the development of the individual from conception through adolescence. Particular attention is paid to the psychological, emotional, physical, moral and intellectual development from birth to age twelve. This course will look at each of these areas from different theorists' perspectives with application to the family child care setting.
FAM 03
1.5 credits
Understanding Children's Behaviour
Prerequisite(s): None
This course will focus on the guidance and nurturing of young children based on an understanding of their behaviour. Family child care providers will have the opportunity to achieve competency in the development of strategies for interpersonal communication, child management and the fostering of positive, emotional and social development of young children. Students will explore effective ways in dealing with negative behaviour while developing strategies to encourage positive behaviour as well as preserving and encouraging children's self-esteem.
FAM 04
1.5 credits
Health, Safety, and Nutrition
Prerequisite(s): None
This course will familiarize participants with the health, safety and nutritional needs of young children. It will emphasize how family child care providers can offer a safe home environment that is consistent with the healthy growth and development of children.
FAM 05
1.5 credits
Planning Children's Experiences
Prerequisite(s): None
This course offers family child care providers practical knowledge in planning activities in terms of materials, space requirements, and time management. The focus will be on play-based activities that promote developmentally appropriate learning to meet children's needs on an individual basis.
FAM 06
1.5 credits
Administration/Working with Families
Prerequisite(s): None
This course will emphasize the importance of seeing family child care in a professional manner -- as a business and a career. The course will cover the administrative procedures necessary for licensing, tax planning, parent/care giver contracts, record-keeping, household management, networking and the operation of a business including liability insurance.