English language proficiency requirements Students registering in post-secondary level courses (numbered 100 to 499) will be required to meet the English language entrance proficiency requirements. Students in ELS or the University Foundations programs can register in those courses identified in the University Foundations program with lower levels of language proficiency. |
Please note that not all courses are offered every semester.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): None.
Corequisite(s): None.
Pre- or corequisite(s): None.
In this experiential course, students learn how visual art, digital media, and culture inform and express diverse worldviews. Students participate in field trips and attend artist talks and exhibitions to gain exposure to contemporary examples of art, digital media, and visual culture practices. Applied learning is enhanced with discussions, reflection, and projects. Examples of Indigenous art, digital media, and visual culture are core content in all iterations of this course; when the course is offered as part of the Indigenous Arts certificate, all examples will be drawn from Indigenous cultural practices.
Note: Field trips outside of class time will be required.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (C+ or better in English Studies 12, English First Peoples 12, English 12 or English Literature 12), CPT score of 48 or better, or evidence of any test score or course grade listed under the Degree/diploma-level English language proficiency standards in the UFV academic calendar at www.ufv.ca/calendar/current/General/EnglishProficiency.htm.
Corequisite(s): None.
Pre- or corequisite(s): None.
Students learn about different ways of writing reflectively and critically about art, design, digital media, and visual culture. In-class and low stakes explorations of developing ideas, understanding genres and writing tasks, and rhetorical strategies allow students to develop their voices as writers. Emphasis is on developing strategies for writing and on writing for both critical reflection and creative development, including how oral and dialogic practices can contribute to writing. Examples of Indigenous art, design, digital media, and visual culture are core content in this course; when the course is offered as part of the Indigenous Arts certificate, all examples will be drawn from Indigenous cultural practice.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): SOCA 105.
Corequisite(s): None.
Pre- or corequisite(s): None.
Students gain familiarity with the field of visual studies by connecting ideas and themes in visual studies to artists working in the field, then experimenting with these ideas and themes in their creative practice, through the lens of their own experience. Content is explored through making practices and thematic approaches, focusing on how material and form are brought into conversation with concepts. Content will emphasize Indigenous subject matter and contemporary issues.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits.
Corequisite(s): None.
Pre- or corequisite(s): None.
Interdisciplinary theoretical content is illustrated with examples from creative practices, and students use creative and embodied methodologies to engage with course content. Students explore issues of decolonization, whiteness, racialization, privilege, and power, with the aim of promoting anti-racism. Students learn about global, national, and local expressions of systemic racism and the mechanisms of racial privilege.
Note: Field trips outside of class time may be required.
Note: Students with credit for IDS 300G cannot take this course for further credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): 60 university-level credits.
Corequisite(s): None.
Pre- or corequisite(s): None.
Students become familiar with a range of theoretical and methodological approaches to creative arts and apply theory to arts practices including digital media, visual art, film, and performance. Examples of Indigenous theories, methodologies, and creative practices are incorporated into the course.
Note: Field trips outside of class time may be required.
Note: Students with credit for THEA 401, AH 401, or VA 401 cannot take this course for further credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): 60 university-level credits.
Corequisite(s): None.
Pre- or corequisite(s): None.
Students explore a topic or question related to visual studies and/or creative art practices through reading and analysis of relevant theoretical texts. Students will synthesize information, lead in-class discussions, and develop research-based writings to articulate formal and conceptual links between visual studies theory and practice.
Last updated: May 14, 2024