General Interest
Studying for General Interest is for students who are interested in taking individual courses, but who do not intend to pursue a credential. Students with a university degree who want to take courses for interest or to prepare for application to other programs should apply using this category.
Studying for General Interest students must meet the following minimum entrance requirements.
Applications are accepted for entrance to the Fall, Winter, and Summer semesters. For application deadlines, see Specific intake application process. UFV reserves the right to limit admission to, or enrolment in, this category; early application is advised.
Applicants who meet the entrance requirements will be admitted in order of their application date. This date is set when an application, all required documentation, and the application fee have been submitted.
Studying for General Interest students must meet the terms set out in UFV’s Undergraduate Continuance policy (92). Students enrolled in undergraduate courses (courses numbered 100 or higher) must maintain an undergraduate Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 2.00 to remain enrolled in Good Academic Standing at UFV. Failure to meet the minimum CGPA requirement will result in restrictions on registration and may eventually lead to academic suspension from undergraduate studies at UFV. Students on Academic Warning or Academic Probation are limited to registering in 10 credits. For further details, see the Academic standing and undergraduate continuance section of the academic calendar. Academic standing is governed by UFV's Undergraduate Continuance policy (92).
For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.