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Community Engagement

Community Engagement

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Relationship and Fund Development
Alumni Engagement team

Building community through awareness, experiences, and relationships

UFV’s Vice-President, Community Engagement (VPCE) portfolio includes five dynamic teams: Alumni Engagement, Communications, Community Programming & Experience, Marketing & Brand Experience, and Relationship & Fund Development.

VPCE mission

Together, we build awareness and co-create experiences and mutually beneficial relationships to foster understanding, engagement, partnership, advocacy, and funding opportunities to support UFV's success.

Principled community engagement

In pursuing our mission, we are deeply committed to principled community engagement. We invest our resources and effort in collaborative opportunities that foster partnership, agency, inclusion, and recognition, both for UFV and for our local partners. It’s our privilege as the VPCE portfolio to co-create programs and events that enrich our communities, make meaningful contributions to decolonization and reconciliation, enhance community access to UFV’s programs, and celebrate the powerful impact of our university and graduates on the world around us.

VPCE strategic priorities

VPCE’s strategic priorities support UFV’s mission and strategic plan (link).

We work to:

  1. Enhance UFV’s brand identity and image throughout the Fraser Valley.
  2. Attract prospective students and support student retention in accordance with UFV’s strategic enrolment goals.
  3. Foster donor relationships and partnerships to increase giving to UFV aligned with UFV goals and priorities.
  4. Partner with the UFV Alumni Association to engage every alumni through their time, talent or treasure.
  5. Support our people, culture, and work environment.
  6. Streamline operations; promote and use best practices.