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ConnectED – May 7, 2025

ConnectED – May 7, 2025

UFV Teaching & Learning is excited to host ConnectED 2025 – a day for building connections, engaging in teaching and learning experiences, and creating opportunities for transforming education, one conversation, idea, and action at a time. 

Proposal submissions are now closed. 



ConnectED 2025

Teach, Learn, Transform —
Building Experiential and Innovative Pedagogies of C.A.R.E.

The theme for this year's ConnectED is Teach, Learn, Transform — Building Experiential and Innovative Pedagogies of C.A.R.E. We chose this theme for the way it situates teaching and learning innovation in the nexus between care, agency, and community. In the context of current geopolitical, social, and environmental tensions, how do we educate for a hopeful future? What does it mean to cultivate a caring generation? How does an educational institution such as UFV create flourishing communities of learners? What does it mean to be a change agent in today’s world?

As we grapple with these grand questions, we are excited to bring Dr. Carrie Nolan into this conversation as our Keynote Speaker for ConnectED 2025. Dr. Nolan has cultivated a pedagogy of C.A.R.E, a model for engaging students in practices that mobilize learners into action.

Join us on May 7, 2025 to explore these and many other questions with the help of an inspiring keynote address, a powerful day of learning with colleagues, and sessions to broaden our scope as an institution dedicated to excellence in teaching and learning.

Event details


Date & time

May 7, 2025 | 8:30 am - 4:00 pm


University of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford campus, Evered Hall
(33844 King Rd, Abbotsford)


Event registration will open on April 7, 2025.




2025 Keynote speaker — Dr. Carrie Nolan

"When teaching, we must consider the relevancy of material to the student, transferability of knowledge gained, and connections within the student and to world around them (Chapman, 1995). An educator is meant to be a facilitator, rather than a keeper of the knowledge. I believe strongly that the learner must have an active, participatory role in learning.”

Carrie Nolan is a proven post-secondary leader, an award-winning experiential educator, cross Canada paddler and has been recognized as a Kickass Canadian. With a PhD in Educational Foundations, Masters in Experiential Education and undergrad degrees in Outdoor Rec and Geography, she aims to increase educative encounters in higher education, leading a way to ensure students are engaged in meeting themselves, others, and the world. She has served as Dean of Learning Transformation at Coast Mountain College, the College Director at New Brunswick’s College of Craft and Design and currently leads her own adventure education & consulting company, Advened.




Presenters: Call for proposals


Proposal options

We invite you to submit a proposal for one of the following options:

Micro-teaching (15 minutes)

Teaching and Learning experience (50 minutes)

Community of practice (50 minutes)

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (25 minutes)

Important dates

  • Proposals Open: January 15 - March 3
  • Proposals Due: Extended – accepting submissions after March 3.
  • Notification of Acceptance: March 17



Submit a proposal


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