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Creating secure passwords and passphrases

Creating a password doesn't have to be complicated. Many password managers come with a password generator, or you can use a free online password generator.

Even better than a password is a passphrase.

What is a passphrase?

A passphrase is like a sentence and can be made up of 4 or more words. Unlike a traditional password, passphrases offer the best combination of memorability and security. Some examples of passphrases could be:

  • A personal memory: IceCreamOnTheBeach2022
  • Your favourite song lyrics: GoodbyeYellowBrickRoad!
  • 4 random words: RedFenceDragonJump

Find a passphrase generator and more information on passphrases at

Why use a password manager?

The best practice is to have a unique strong password for each account. Because people tend to have multiple accounts, the temptation is to use the same password for every account (particularly if you have a favourite password that is easy to remember). This is a dangerous practice. Should the password fall into the hands of another person, they now have access to all of the accounts "protected" by that password.

Using a password manager will make your online life easier and more secure. You won't need to remember a long, complex password for every one of your online accounts. Instead, the password manager remembers your passwords for you and can quickly generate new, strong passwords so you'll never have to reuse any. The only password you'll need to remember is the "master" password to the password manager itself.

Recommended password managers

Popular browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Edge all have built-in, free password managers. If you plan to use your passwords across devices, you may benefit from a password manager like one of these: