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Office of General Counsel

Publicly available information

Some records at UFV are readily available to the public, avoiding the need for a formal FOI request. The websites listed on this page provide information that UFV routinely shares with the public, aligning with British Columbia's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).

UFV Institutional Research and Planning

UFV's Institutional Research and Planning is the university's official data and reporting department. Dedicated to ensuring data integrity, the office supports decision-making with accurate information. Discover annual reports, fact sheets, and survey results, offering insights into UFV's strategic directions.

UFV Financial Services

Visit UFV Financial Services website for comprehensive financial reporting. From annual reports, including year-end statements and quarterly provincial reporting, to the Statement of Financial Information (SOFI), discover transparent insights into UFV's financial activities. Access information on endowment, specific purpose, banking, and capital accounting, all contributing to a publicly funded institution's accountability.

UFV Board of Governors

UFV's Board of Governors oversees the university's management and affairs. With 15 dedicated members, meetings are held to address priorities mandated by the BC Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training. Visit the Board of Governors website to better understand the Board's role in shaping UFV's future and to access documents like the Board Policy Directions, guiding the Board's responsibilities, and the Board Policies (BRP).

UFV Senate

Explore the Senate website, UFV's academic governing body overseeing policies and advising the Board of Governors. Access meeting materials, review agendas, minutes, and documents in the dedicated online portal. Stay informed about academic matters shaping UFV's policies.