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Office of General Counsel

Report a privacy breach

What is a privacy breach?

A privacy breach is a collection, use, disclosure, access, disposal, or storage of personal information, whether accidental or deliberate, that is not authorized by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). Personal information means recorded information about an identifiable individual other than business contact information.

A privacy breach is a type of information incident. Information incidents occur when unwanted or unexpected events threaten privacy or information security. They can be accidental or deliberate and include the theft, loss, alteration or destruction of information.


All UFV staff, faculty, administrators, contractors and volunteers must report suspected privacy breaches to their supervisor/manager and the Office of General Counsel.

Report a privacy breach


After reporting a privacy breach, what steps should I follow?

How to report and respond to a privacy breach
  Action Position responsible
1 Report the privacy breach immediately to supervisor/manager and the Office of GeneraL Counsel. Unit/department where breach occurred or was identified

Contain the privacy breach and limit its impact by:

  • isolating or suspending the activity that led to the Privacy Breach
  • taking steps to recover Personal Information, Records or affected equipment.
Office of General Counsel and other relevant units/departments


The Office of General counsel will conduct a review of the circumstances that gave rise to the breach. The review will include: assessing the risks, identifying the cause and extent of the breach, identifying the personal information involved in the breach.

Office of General Counsel


  • Determine if the breach should be reported to the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner, Security, Information Security, law enforcement.

  • Notify affected individuals if necessary

  • Contact others as appropriate

Office of General Counsel and other relevant units/departments


Implement measures to prevent recurrences of similar incidents.
Office of General Counsel and unit/department manager