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Office of General Counsel

Respond to requests for information

Routine requests

Many requests are for records containing information to which exceptions do not apply. Individual departments may respond to these types of requests by following their own departmental procedures for the release of information.

Types of records that may be released through routine channels include:

  • A record that was received from or previously sent to the applicant.
  • A record that does not contain personal information about a third party and will only be released to the individual to whom the information relates.
  • Personal information may also be released to a third party with a signed consent form from the individual to whom the information relates.

A typical example of a request for personal information is a student asking for a copy of his or her transcript.

Formal requests

Some requests are governed by exceptions to the Act, as they involve records that are not routinely available. This includes requests that seek access to UFV information, such as information (including the identity) of a third party, or a record that contains information a department believes is confidential. These requests require formal proceedings to ensure the protection of personal privacy and the prevention of unfair advantages in commercial transactions.

Request process

UFV employees

UFV employees should assist requesters with formal FIPPA requests, but not make decisions about providing the information being sought. The requester must complete a formal request form or submit a signed letter outlining the information desired.

Requesters need to be encouraged to be specific about the information requested and include contact information such as their name, address and telephone number. Unsigned communications, such as e-mail messages, verbal requests, and telephone messages, are unacceptable and, if received, should be forwarded to the AIPP office.

FIPPA requests must be date stamped and forwarded to the AIPP office on the day they are received.

Access to Information and Protection of Privacy (AIPP) office

The AIPP office establishes a request file and determines the due date for delivery of the information. All records that are to be released to the requester are due within 30 days of the receipt of the request. The AIPP office works with the departments concerned to identify and obtain copies of the records.