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Hope Centre

Community members

Are you a community member living in the Hope area? Find out what UFV's Hope Centre can do for you.

Rent a room

Rooms equipped with tables and chairs may be booked for your meeting or community event. Rental room fees apply. To find out room availability or for more information, fill out the room booking request form.

Request customized professional development or training

Get customized training for your workplace either onsite or at the Hope Centre. Fill out the Continuing Education training request form to get a quote.

Write exams for courses from other institutions

Have your exam proctored by a trained UFV invigilator for your professional certifications. If you are writing non-UFV exams, there is an invigilation charge of $55/person per exam up to 3 hours and an additional $15 for every hour or portion thereof after 3 hours. Payment methods include debit, credit, cash, or cheque. Hope Centre can invoice your institution if you aren’t responsible for payment; contact your institution to find out if you are responsible for invigilation fees.

Community event collaboration

Increase your cross-promotion opportunities and add value to your event attendees with UFV’s Hope Centre in attendance.

Support UFV students

Support your community and help provide educational opportunities for Hope-based university students through scholarship funding.

Find unique networking opportunities

Take advantage of Hope Centre’s community connections — meet and collaborate with other community-based organizations in the Hope area.