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Human Rights & Conflict Resolution Office

UFV Statement of Institutional Ethics

UFV Statement of Institutional Ethics Policy

The University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) takes pride in articulating a Statement on Institutional Ethics (“The Statement”). This document expresses the collective moral wisdom and aspirations of UFV. Its value, therefore, is entirely dependent on the moral understanding, judgment and sensitivity of members of UFV. It is intended to guide daily practice as well as institutional policy at UFV.


Members of UFV differ in age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, political persuasion and many personal values. However, they agree on the following values:

  • A respect for persons: Respecting persons implies recognizing that we are distinctive individuals with our own goals, beliefs, feelings, values and relationships, and that these have a vital place in one’s sense of dignity and autonomy.
  • Collegiality and individual responsiblity: Members of UFV are individually accountable for their activities, but they also acknowledge a deep interdependence with others in achieving their goals. Consequently, we are co-operative, consultative.
  • Honesty and openness: At UFV we can expect others to respect the value of truthfulness. This includes intellectual honesty as well as honesty in our relations with colleagues, subordinates and supervisors.


Conflict resolution: Members of the UFV community recognize the inevitability of personal and professional conflicts with other members and the impact that these conflicts may have on seemingly uninvolved students and colleagues. In recognition of these dynamics, members of the UFV community embrace the responsibility to respond to these conflicts in positive and professional ways.

Read UFV Statement of Institutional Ethics (#22)

New training initiative for all UFV employees

Help build a positive and inclusive workplace: complete your mandatory “Respect in the Workplace” web-based training now.

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