Associate Vice-President
Institutional Research and Integrated Planning
Abbotsford campus
Phone: 604-864-4637
Toll Free: 1-888-504-7441 ex. 4637
email VladimirEnrolment Planning Manager
Institutional Research and Integrated Planning
Abbotsford campus, G290D
Phone: 604-851-6344 ext. 6344
Toll Free: 1-888-504-7441 ex. 6344
email DonnaBusiness Intelligence Developer
Institutional Research and Integrated Planning
Abbotsford campus, G290B
Phone: 604-504-7441 ex. 4154
Toll Free: 1-888-504-7441 ex. 4154
email AidanSenior Research Analyst
Institutional Research and Integrated Planning
Abbotsford campus, G290E
Phone: 604-557-4039 ext. 4039
Toll Free: 1-888-504-7441 ex. 4039
email TheresaData Analyst
Institutional Research and Integrated Planning
Abbotsford campus, G290B
Phone: 604-504-7441 ext. 4249
Toll Free: 1-888-504-7441 ext. 4249
email AbdurResearch Analyst
Institutional Research and Integrated Planning
Abbotsford campus, G290F
Phone: 604-504-7441 ext. 4321
Toll Free: 1-888-504-7441 ext. 4321
email YifeiAdministrative Assistant to the Associate Vice-President
Institutional Research and Integrated Planning
Abbotsford campus, G290
Phone: 604-504-7441 ext. 4744
email MargaretMailing address
Institutional Research and Planning
University of the Fraser Valley
33844 King Road
Abbotsford, British Columbia V2S 7M8
Toll Free: 1-888-504-7441
Phone: (604) 504-7441