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Institutional Research and Planning

Survey Services

Survey Ethics and Policy

There is currently no official survey policy at UFV. Responsibility for reviewing research involving humans at UFV rests with the Human Research Ethics Board, and individually with the researchers themselves.

Institutional Research and Planning (IRP) conducts its own surveys of UFV students and administers surveys for third parties, such as BCStats, which designs the various student outcome surveys. IRP has no official role in administering surveys for other areas at UFV, but the department informally provides some services for surveys, such as managing SurveyMonkey accounts and providing feedback on survey instruments.

Create a survey using SurveyMonkey

UFV has a site license for SurveyMonkey. If you would like an account, please email Margaret Waruiru at

Survey Support Services

IRP provides some support for surveys to internal bodies. In general, other than for surveys specified by senior management at UFV, IRP does not develop and administer surveys for internal or external bodies.

Support services include:

  • Consultation on survey development, sample design, and sample size determination
  • Sample selection
  • Survey deployment scheduling
  • Information on best practices to improve response rate
  • Training on SurveyMonkey software

Surveys involving student samples

IRP has the authority to extract student samples from the internal student records system. You must request student samples at least three weeks prior to the required date of survey deployment. In special cases when IRP is unable to extract a sample, we can contact the Office of the Registrar (OREG) to create a population selection file (popsel) for the request. 

The Office of the Registrar requires at least three weeks to process popsel-creation requests.

IRP cannot access certain groups to extract samples. These groups include UFV faculty and staff, alumni and students who attended UFV, but did not graduate. You must make a special request to the departments that hold this information, namely Human Resources, Alumni Relations and OREG respectively.