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Centre for Justice, Equity, and Sustainable Action (JESA)

Centre for Justice, Equity, and Sustainable Action (JESA)

Meet our team
Research projects

JESA is made up of diverse faculty associates who engage in local and global dialogue, research, and action for equity, justice, and sustainability. We aim to contribute to transformative socio-economic and environmental change, action, and resiliency.

Our work promotes interdisciplinary collaboration, critical thought, local ways of knowing, and participatory and decolonial practices and approaches. We provide opportunities for the co-creation and generation of diverse knowledge and community-informed responses and actions. READ MORE

Centre highlights

JUN 4 | Dr. Geetanjali Gill, Director at JESA, is one of 32 award recipients across the country receiving $1,179,183.00 for their project titled Building resilience of coastal inhabitants in vulnerable regions of Bangladesh through a participatory, gender-transformative approach.

Applications for the 2023 International Joint Initiative for Research in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation competition were identified for funding using a coordinated funding approach, with each consortium partner funding researchers within a project team who are eligible to receive funding from them.

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FEB 7 | Catherine Liao, Research Associate at JESA, received the Karen Takacs Award from Cooperation Canada on Feb. 7, 2024. This honour goes to an individual who has shown collaborative leadership and commitment to promoting gender equality at the global level.

The Karen Takacs Award is presented by Cooperation Canada to an individual who has notably, by virtue of working collaboratively, made a difference in the lives of women globally. The award honours outstanding collaborative leadership and commitment to promoting women’s equality. As in previous years, the Karen Takacs Award winner is honoured during International Development Week and is given the opportunity to host a workshop to share acquired expertise and experience of collaborative leadership. 


FEB 7 | JESA hosted The humanitarian face in war. Speakers from humanitarian organizations responded to conflicts in war-torn regions of the world. This event aimed to raise awareness and foster a deeper understanding of the complexities of humanitarian conflicts, the dire need for action, and the tireless efforts of humanitarian organizations.

With support from the Fund for Innovation and Transformation, the University of the Fraser Valley and Albinism Royal Foundation tested a solution to empower women and girls with albinism, as well as women with children with albinism in Sierra Leone.

Women and girls, who experience marginalization and stigmatization, have been empowered to be leaders, role models, and advocates for the rights of persons with albinism and gender equality. The project has focused on building women’s and girls’ skills in advocacy and leadership, secure livelihoods, and financial literacy. The experiences of these women and their families have been captured through the use of participatory tools and approaches such as photovoice and digital storytelling. Telling their own stories (including successes and challenges), and sharing them with policymakers, government officials, community leaders, law enforcement bodies, schools, health workers, business leaders, and other NGOs and donors can build a better and a more equitable future for all persons with albinism.

This 2-part video was prepared by Mediaset Africa, with the participation of University of the Fraser Valley and the Albinism Royal Foundation project participants in Sierra Leone.