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Luminescence Dating Laboratory

Research projects


2020 | Clam gardens

Optical dating revealed that the three clam garden sites tested on northern Quadra Island were between 1,000 and 1,700 years old. Christina Neudorf, a post-doctoral researcher and Hakai scholar, and her colleagues from the University of the Fraser Valley and Simon Fraser University published these results in a new study in the journal PLOS ONE.

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2018 | Central BC coast may have been a viable migration route to Americas, new research shows

Was there a prehistoric superhighway used by ancient peoples to migrate south from North-east Russia to the Americas? And if so, where was it?

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2015 | UFV earth scientist researches ice age oasis on Haida Gwaii

"For Dr. Olav Lian and his team of student researchers it’s all about the details.

Teeny, tiny, minuscule details — grains of sand in this case — that lead to big discoveries.

Lian is an earth scientist in…" 

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2013 | UFV + NASA. Looking for signs of life.

"Working with NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is a dream for most scientists. And it’s something a group of UFV students were able to experience during a summer research trip to south central B.C. last summer.

The group spent two days at Kelly Lake (near Clinton) in..."

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