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Adapted and Directed by Shelley Liebembuk ‌‌‌

Based on english translation by Ian Johnston ‌‌

How does an individual stand up to violent rule?

Performances: November 25, 26 & 27, 2020 at 7pm and November 28, 2020 at 2pm


Performances will be held via zoom and are free of charge.

Please email for information on how to attend this zoom production.

Bookings will be done through Eventbrite. 

Post Performance Talkbacks will occur after every show, which promise to enhance audience

members’ understanding of the performance.

Shelley Liebembuk is a theatre scholar, actor, and dramaturg. Liebembuk’s most recent directing credit includes Brecht’s Saint Joan of the Stockyards at Mount Allison University’s Drama department (Winter 2019).


Director's Note

This live-streamed Zoom performance of Antigone will be taking place in real-time as you watch it, with cast and crew creating the show from their individual home computers. All of the work on this show—from auditions through to dress rehearsal, and building all design elements—has taken place solely through virtual gatherings. As you might imagine, to reconfigure the virtual conference call interface into a stage for dynamic theatrical embodiment is a formidable challenge. I am proud of our team of students who have met this challenge with enthusiasm and creativity, and allowed us to generate new creative possibilities. 

I am grateful for this opportunity to create theatre in a time when most theatre artists cannot, and to be able to offer my adaptation of Sophocles’s Antigone—inspired by the powerful version by José Watanabe—as a call to reflection.

Thank you, cast and crew, for making it possible in these difficult times to create a show that asks us to reflect on how to take responsibility for our actions and be a good ally in difficult times.  

Thank you, audience member, for joining us in this experiment! 
Shelley Liebembuk, November 1st, 2020.

Meet the Cast and Crew

From top left to right:
Shelley Liebembuk, Director. 
Makayla Pollock, Digital Media Team. 
Raven Phoenix, Sound Designer. 
Second row, from top left to right: 
Jenna Gagnon, playing Antigone. 
Keegan Zaporozan, playing Creon. 
Arjun Krishnaprasad, Digital Media Team. 
Parjad Sharifi, Scenographer. 
Third row: 
Bella Dimanno, playing Isemene, 'actor playing Ismene', Guard. 
Not pictured
Mark Sutherland, Technical Support
Heather Robertson , Wardrobe Manager
Leigh Kerr, Production Coordinator

About our cast and crew


Jenna Gagnon, playing Antigone

Jenna Gagnon plays the role of Antigone. She has enjoyed finding new ways to perform using this online format, in addition to creating new friendships over Zoom call rehearsals. Jenna is in her second semester at UFV, and her previous acting experience includes the 2018/19 Sullivan Heights Drama Program productions of In the HeightsThe Addams Family, and Beauty and the Beast. Addionally, she has participated in summer workshops at Vancouver’s Bard on the Beach.


Bella Dimanno, playing Isemene, 'actor playing Ismene', Guard. 

Bella Dimanno plays the parts of Ismene, the actor playing Ismene, and the guard. Bella has loved being able to create in this time of stress and uncertainty, and being able to meet and work with new people. She is currently attending UFV as a student and taking dance classes. In the past, Bella has been involved with Robert Bateman Secondary's musical theatre program, running the tech team and acting in their productions. Outside of school she was in the Chilliwack Players Guild's 2019 production of The Diary of Anne Frank


Keegan Zaporozan, playing Creon

Keegan is playing the part of Creon. He has really enjoyed the challenge of doing a production in an online format. Currently, he is majoring in theatre at UFV while working on a podcast with his friends titled “short rest for the wicked”. His most recent acting project was in the UFV pop up production of Dog sees God.


Arjun Krishnaprasad, Digital Media Team

Arjun is part of the Digital Media Team. Arjun is finishing up his semester at UFV, and hopes to "find a job, and not end up selling his art degree". Arjun says, "This was my first theatre production, and it was really cool to see this happening in real time. I have zero theatre experience (if you can count being a backup dancer in my high school theatre production of Aladdin, then yes), and with Antigone, I hope this opens up new doors for me. My only wish in theatre is to learn enough to one day, have my own production on stage."


Makayla Pollock, Digital Media Team

Makayla is part of the Digital Media team and she is delighted to be working on her first production, and helping to build a digital platform while learning QLab. Makayla is in her second year at UFV, working towards a BA in Theatre and in Visual Arts. Throughout her schooling, she has learned a lot, including that she is a fast learner, and has gained in personal growth, and has learned to not to be afraid to fail, making her a great fit in Theatre. During her time working as a stagehand, she has enjoyed learning what it takes to run and produce a show—watching how all the different pieces come together to create one magnificent show!  Makayla wants to thank everyone, including the faculty, cast, and crew for helping her in this journey.


Raven Phoenix, Sound Designer

As sound designer for Antigone, Raven has enjoyed learning new methods and techniques in the manipulation of sound cues. Raven's previous backstage experience with UFV Theatre includes the role of props assistant for Attempts on Her Life, costume designer for Art, and hair and makeup assistant for Rocks. Raven was also cast in the pop-up show Dog Sees God in Winter 2020 and looks forward to being cast in future productions. In addition to theatre, Raven is studying visual arts and social sciences, with the goals of relocating to Vancouver, pursuing a career in performing arts, and continuing to build upon their experience in visual arts.