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The Psychology Resource room is open to all students interested in psychology. We provide resources for a variety of activities students may be interested in from materials for papers, projects, and presentations to participation in research or the Student Association. All psychology students are welcome in the resource room. Resources provided are suitable for students at all levels of study, from first year students preparing a paper or presentation to fourth year students looking for information on graduate programs.

The Resource room is located in D125. The room is supervised by students in either work study or volunteer positions. Hours of operation are posted outside the door of the lab.

Resources Available:

The resource room contains hundreds of articles from psychology journals, and a broad selection of books related to the many areas of psychology (e.g., abnormal psychology, cognition, memory, child psychology). Many of these books and articles are from the personal collections of instructors, and are not available in the library. Instructors may also place additional course materials on reserve in the resource room. Articles and books are available to students for up to a 2 week period. You will be asked to provide identification when signing out materials.

The resource room is one of the main rooms on campus in which undergraduate research is conducted. If you are looking for research in which to participate, go to Sona Systems. Students enrolled in Psychology 101 or 102 may participate in research for up to 4% of their course grade.

If you have any questions about the Psychology Resource room, services offered, writing APA style or about general research projects you can e-mail tracy.porter@ufv.ca or drop by during office hours (check schedule posted on Resource Room door).

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