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Safety and Security

Threatening phone-call

24/7 Emergency Contacts

Call 911 in emergencies | (9-911 from a UFV phone)

First aid: 1-855-282-7770  (local 7770) | Security: 1-855-239-7654 (local 7654)

Power/Internet outage: 604-824-2156

Receiving a threat or concerning message of any kind over the phone can be unsettling and confusing. It is often difficult to determine what information is important, but it is critical that you report as much as possible, as soon as possible.

To help with this process, use the checklist below. This checklist gathers details such as the caller’s voice, background noise, the nature of the threat and any concrete information about the caller that they (or you) identify (such as name, phone number, relationship to you, etc.).

Regardless of the nature of the call, or how serious you think it is, report all threats to Security immediately. Security will help direct the threat to the appropriate person to make sure that we can address it as soon as possible.

Security can be contacted in one of the following ways:

Download the telephone threat checklist »


If you receive a threatening phone call:

  • Be calm and courteous and keep a pleasant tone.
  • Listen carefully and identify:
    • Nature of threat
    • Caller's identity
    • Origin of call
  • Pretend difficulty with your hearing and keep the caller talking.
  • If caller is agreeable to further conversation, ask questions like:
    • How do you know so much about this threat?
    • Why are you calling?
    • What is your name and address?
    • Where are you calling from?
  • Take notes on everything said and on your observation about background noise, voice characteristics, language, etc.
  • Record the phone number and the time which the call was received.
  • Immediately notify your supervisor/security officer. Treat the information discreetly.