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Student Experience Office

Work & Volunteer Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in working with us! The following UFV departments will be hiring in the Winter 2025 semester: Student Support Centre (SSC), Student Wellness Centre (SWC), Student Rights and Responsibilities Office (SRRO) and Student Experience Office (SEO). 

Applications will be available in February 2025. Please check back for more info.  Feel free to contact us at if you have any questions.

Work and volunteer with UFV Student Affairs staff!

The following UFV departments are collaborating to hire student workers for paid and volunteer positions for the upcoming academic year:

A list of paid and volunteer positions will be available in February 2025. 

Work and Volunteer Opportunities

See below for a list of paid and volunteer opportunities from 2024; these are for reference only. Opportunities for the 2025 academic year will be available in February 2025, so please check back.

Looking for more information on our hiring process?

Take a look at the instructions and find helpful information on our Applications & Interviews page.


Student Orientation

Welcome and connect new students to the UFV community, and contribute to orientation events and activities that ensure all students know how to access the information and resources they need for their personal, professional, and academic success throughout their studies at UFV.

In This Together (ITT) Sexualized Violence Prevention (SVP) Program

Help create a campus free from sexualized violence by creating a supportive learning environment that facilitates candid - and often challenging - conversations through peer-delivered educational workshops and responding to disclosures.

Peer Assist program

Provide a non-judgmental peer-perspective and one-on-one support to help students navigate the academic and/or personal challenges that are becoming barriers to their university success. 

UFV-SUS Food Bank

Help address food insecurity amongst our UFV community by providing low-barrier access to nutritious food and promoting healthy eating, in an accessible, inclusive, respectfuland sustainable manner.

Student Wellness Centre

Help provide a welcoming study and gathering space with all the comforts of home for students on campus, while spreading the word about upcoming events & initiatives.

getInvolved UFV

Support UFV student Clubs & Associations, and help all students find opportunities to socialize, learn new skills, search for volunteer opportunities, and make friends from all over the world!

Student Lounge & Kitchen

Help provide a welcoming study and gathering space with all the comforts of home for students on campus, while spreading the word about upcoming events & initiatives.

Apply for a paid or volunteer position!

Ready to apply? Applications will be available in February 2025.

Apply now