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Student Rights & Responsibilities Office

Course repeat petition

You may petition to register in a course for a fourth and final attempt if serious mitigating factors impeded your ability to be successful in one or more of the first three attempts.

Before submitting your petition

If you would like to petition for a fourth and final attempt, please meet with an Academic Advisor to confirm that the course is a program requirement and that you have previously attempted the course three times.


Review the Course Repeat Policy and Petition digital form questions

Review the Course Repeat policy and the Course Repeat Petition digital form.

Please note that petitions for a fourth and final attempt will only be considered if both of the following circumstances apply: 

  • The course is a program requirement and 
  • Serious mitigating factors impeded the student's ability to be successful in one or more of the first three attempts, including:
    • Documented physical or mental health concerns
    • Documented significant illness of a family member for which the student was required to provide caregiving
    • Documented evidence of a personal circumstance which significantly hindered the student's ability to be successful, such as the impacts of a natural disaster (including housing insecurity, financial insecurity, ect.), the death of an immediate family or household member, or other  

Provide supporting documentation and create a petition package

Provide supporting documentation to show that serious mitigating factors (described above) impeded your ability to be successful in one or more of the first three attempts. Examples of documentation include but are not limited to:

  • Doctor's note
  • Death Certificate
  • Photographs of a relevant natural disaster 

You also need to include a plan that demonstrates you will have a reasonable chance of success in the course.

How to create a petition package: 

  • Open up a new Word document on your computer
  • Write your rationale, explaining the mitigating factors in your case
  • Write your plan demonstrating how you will have a reasonable chance of succeeding at a 4th attempt
  • Locate all supporting documentation 
  • Save your written work and the supporting documentation together in a Word or PDF file

Submit your petition package

Submit your completed petition package using the digital form below.  

Course Repeat Petition form 

If you have already submitted your petition package and wish to include more information, email and it will be added to your file.

Receiving a response

The petition for a fourth attempt will be considered by a committee consisting of the area Dean, the program Department Head, and the Executive Director, Student Academic Affairs, or designate. The decision of the committee is final.

The committee may impose conditions upon successful petitioners.

All course attempts and grades will appear on the transcript, but only the higher of the grades will be counted in the UFV grade point average (GPA) as per .

For further information, please review the Course Repeat policy (86).