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Student Rights & Responsibilities Office

What is academic misconduct?

Academic misconduct is the failure to be honest, fair, and responsible in scholarly and practical work. At UFV we are committed to setting standards that promote academic honesty and foster mutual respect for all members of the university community. Types of academic misconducts include, but are not limited to, the following:


Plagiarism occurs when a student presents as his or her own the work or data of someone else. For example, taking an idea, words, images, or code from a published or unpublished author and presenting it as your own.


Seeking academic credit for a work done by another or for knowledge not learned is cheating.

Examples of cheating include communicating with others, writing formulas on your arm, and using a mobile to look up answers during an exam.

Impersonating another student in a class or online while engaged in a test, examination, interview, or in connection with any other type of assignment or placement associated with a course or academic program is also a form of cheating.

Another form of cheating occurs when a student acquires, possesses, and/or distributes examinations, examination materials, or information from an examination without the instructor’s authorization.

Falsification, fabrication, or unauthorized modification of an academic document/record

Falsifying, fabricating, or in any way modifying an academic document or record used in support of an application, record, petition/appeal, or endeavor constitutes academic misconduct. For example, forging a doctor’s note or altering your transcript.

Resubmission of work

Submitting, in whole or part, an essay, presentation, or assignment more than once, whether the earlier submission was at this or another institution, unless prior approval has been obtained from the instructor(s), constitutes academic misconduct. 

Improper research practices

Improper research practice includes but is not limited to the following: dishonest reporting of investigative results through fabrication or falsification; misrepresenting or selectively reporting research results or methodologies: destroying your own or another’s research records to avoid detection of wrong-doing; or violating research ethics contracts, permissions, or approvals.

Obstructing the academic activities of another

This occurs when a student interferes with the academic work of another in order to harass or to gain, or attempt to gain, unfair academic advantage. Examples of obstruction include but are not limited to: willfully withholding materials necessary to the completion of academic work such as library resources or lab materials; and knowingly providing false information to a student regarding the location, time or expectations of an academic activity. 

Aiding and abetting

This is when a student encourages, enables, conspires with, or causes others to do or attempt any of the above academic misconducts. For example, helping a classmate access examination materials.

The academic misconduct definitions above are more fully described in the Student Academic Misconduct (70) Regulations and Procedures. The academic conduct standards set by UFV are outlined in Student Academic Misconduct - Policy 70.