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Student Rights & Responsibilities Office

Disruptive behaviours

UFV is committed to providing the safest possible environment where people feel respected. We also know that conflict can occur in any group. We expect our students to behave in ways consistent with UFV's mission, mandate, values, and policies.

The following list sets out examples of behaviours that are not acceptable at UFV and is intended to help students make choices about their behaviour. It is not an exhaustive list and students should be aware that their behaviour may still be considered disruptive behaviour, even if it does not appear in the list below.

At UFV, it is NOT OKAY to:


Disrupt teaching and learning

Behave in disruptive ways that obstruct the learning and teaching environment, including making it difficult to proceed with scheduled lectures, seminars, meetings, examinations, or tests.


Damage or misuse UFV or personal property

Damage, remove, or make unauthorized use of university property, or the personal property of faculty, staff, students, or others at UFV.


Put people at risk

Use any university facility, equipment, material, or service in a manner that places another person at risk.


Remove books

Remove books, equipment, or other library material from UFV libraries without proper authorization; or purposefully misplace or deprive others of access to library material and equipment.


Abuse UFV computers

Abuse any UFV computer, computer-related facility, or software; alter or remove computer files or software without proper authorization; purposefully misplace, or deprive others of access to such computer resources.


Download, upload, share offensive material

Except for the purpose of legitimate research for a specific course or program, students shall not receive, upload, download, distribute, or send offensive, racist, pornographic, discriminatory, and/or harassing material using:

  • University-owned or operated equipment or software whether it be on campus or off campus
  • Student-owned computers and communication devices, software, or hardware on campus equipment on campus
  • University-owned or operated networks.


Bully or harass anyone

Engage in activity that violates the Discrimination, Bullying or Harassment Prevention policy; or engage in conduct that, although not based on the grounds specified by the Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment Prevention policy, is abusive, demeaning, threatening, intimidating, racist, or involves the misuse of authority or power.


Be disruptive because you're impaired

Be disruptive by reason of impairment by alcohol, drugs, or other substances in circumstances where this policy applies.


Drink alcohol on campus without permission

Possess or consume alcoholic beverages, except when properly in attendance at a licensed establishment or event, or as permitted under the Residence Contract.


Threaten anyone's wellbeing

Threaten the physical or emotional well-being of faculty, staff, students, or others at the University.


Touch someone without permission

Use unauthorized physical contact upon another individual.


Posses weapons or dangerous material

Store, possess, or use real or replica firearms or other weapons, explosives (including fireworks), ammunition, or toxic or otherwise dangerous materials on university property.


Engage in hazing

Engage in hazing, which is defined as an act which endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purposes of initiation or admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in, a group or organization.


Incident reporting

If you experience someone at UFV engaging in a disruptive behaviour listed above, you can report it.

Report an incident