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Student Wellness

Relationships & sexual wellness

Relational wellness

An important part of wellness as a student is understanding the values and boundaries around your body. Having healthy relationships with ourselves and others is an important aspect of our sexual well-being and overall experience. Often this begins with our own attitudes and beliefs surrounding sex and relationships. Moving through these resources, check in with your beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and behaviour surrounding sex and sexual experiences. 


Sexual wellness

Explore how to balance sexual health including practices for safe sex.

Sexual wellness resource page


Communication & sexual wellness

Essential info about consent and tips for getting past the awkward and communicating openly about sex.

Communication & sexual wellness resource page


Relational wellness

Tips for establishing healthy boundaries, building healthy relationships, and spotting unhealthy patterns.

Relational wellness resource page

Please note that this website does not constitute, and should not be interpreted as, medical advice, diagnosis, or opinion. This website is for informational purposes only and is not guaranteed to be accurate, complete, reliable, or error-free. This website is not intended as a tool for self-diagnosis, is not a recommendation of a specific treatment plan or healthcare provider, and is not a substitute for proper medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek a consultation with a qualified medical or health professional.