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Student Wellness

Spiritual wellness

What is spiritual wellness?

Spiritual wellness is the practice of finding purpose and meaning to life and existence. Our personal beliefs, faiths, and values serve as a compass to help us find balance in our purpose and connect to the world. When we engage in our spiritual practices, we help to bridge the gaps between mind, body, and spirit.  

Spiritual well-being can be practiced in many ways, including: 

  • spiritual, religious, and faith-based practices
  • bonding with land, nature, water, and people
  • connecting with an energy source larger than oneself.

Student Wellness aims to support you with the ways you practice spiritual wellness.


UFV multi-faith prayer spaces

Students, staff, and faculty who are looking for space on campus for prayer or quiet reflection can access two multi-faith spaces on our campuses:

  • Room S3102 of the S Building (third floor) on the Abbotsford campus
  • Room A3404 (third floor) on the Canada Education Park (CEP) Chilliwack campus 

The prayer rooms offer two to three semi-private cubicles, as well as floor mats and other items that can be used for prayer. The spaces are available anytime the buildings are open.

We ask that folks remove their shoes when entering the space – there is a bench with shoe storage for your convenience. These spaces are for individual prayer, and are not bookable for clubs or groups. 

For any questions or inquiries, please contact the Student Wellness team.

View UFV's Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Calendar.


Cultural ceremonies

A group of indigenous drummers perform at UFV's gathering place.

UFV supports Indigenous ceremonial and spiritual practices across the Abbotsford and Chilliwack campuses. If you require support with smudging and other ceremonial space on campus, please connect with Indigenous Support Centre.


Land, nature, and water

UFV campus landscapes are lush with forestry, plants, and animals, allowing students immediate access to connect with nature. Students can access designated spots on campus to support their spiritual well-being.


Students look up at a tree carved with beautiful Indigenous patterns

Indigenous Teaching Garden

Learn about the Indigenous Teaching Garden on the Abbotsford campus.


A flowerbed with red flowers. A student's arm is visible, cradling one of the blooms.

Pollinator garden

The pollinator garden is located behind Lá:lem te Baker student housing. The garden hosts many Indigenous plants, herbs, and pollinating flowers. The space is accessible to students and holds teaching space for courses on plant and biology.


Shakespeare Reconciliation Garden at CEP

The garden is located on the Chilliwack campus, Stó:lō Temexw, the sacred lands of the Stó:lō Peoples. The garden is seeded with Indigenous plants and supported by cultivars from other parts of the world. The garden honours beauty, healing, and contemplation, allowing students space for quiet enjoyment and reflection on reconciliation. 

Learn more about the Shakespeare Reconciliation Garden.



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