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Sustainable UFV

Aligning with UN sustainability goals

Signing the SDG Accord

In 2023, UFV became a signatory of the SDG Accord, solidifying our alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Higher education institutions around the world are committing to the Accord and to making progress toward sustainability.

The 17 UN SDGs are a globally-recognized way to achieve sustainability. The goals represent a broad range of topics that help to promote prosperity while protecting the planet, its people, and peace.

Read the full story about UFV signing the Accord


The SDGs at UFV


United Nations Academic Impact Initiative

UFV is a membership university in the United Nations Academic Impact Initiative (UNAI). The UNAI is an initiative that aligns higher education institutions with the United Nations' goals and mandates. Ten principles encompass the goals of the UNAI, including access to education, human rights, sustainability, peace, and conflict resolution.

As a UNAI member, UFV carries out at least one activity in support of the UNAI and its ten principles each year.

Learn more about UFVs involvement in the UNAI