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Sustainable UFV

Sustainable office certification


In August 2023, the Office of Sustainability launched the Sustainable Office Certification proram as a way to empower UFV staff to foster sustainable workplaces through individual and collective practices. Since then, six departments have joined the program, working to improve the environmental and social sustainability of their office spaces and practices. From infrastructure and materials to office practices and management systems, participating departments are helping to make UFV a more sustainable space.

Certification benefits

No matter your role on campus, there is a place for you in Sustainable Office Certification program. Some of the benefits include: 

  • Building relationships across campus
  • Learning new skills
  • Making a positive impact on campus sustainability
  • Achieving certification for your department
  • Having fun!

How the Sustainable Office Certification program works

The Sustainable Office Certification program supports Sustainability Champions from each participating department to improve sustainability in their office spaces and build a culture of sustainability within their teams. Sustainability Champions can access the following tools to help make these changes:

  • Sustainability Champions Network
    • A discussion board with a network of like-minded employees from across campus who are also supporting efforts in their own areas
  • Resource toolkit
    • A set of templates, best-practice guides, and communication materials
  • Recognition
    • A common checklist to help identify areas of improvement and receive a Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum designation for the office
  • Support structures
    • Ongoing check-ins, training and resources led by the Office of Sustainability to help implement sustainable actions

How to get started

Email if you are interested in becoming a Sustainability Champion for your department.

Certified departments

As of April 2024:

Award that reads Certified Sustainable Office - Platinum

Certified Platinum:

  • Campus Planning and Facilities Management

Gold Certified:

  • Alumni Engagement and Advancement
  • Chilliwack Library

Silver Certified:

  • Human Resources
  • Community Health and Social Innovation Hub (CHASI)

Bronze Certified:

  • Abbotsford Library