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Sustainable UFV

UFV and the 17 SDGs

The University of the Fraser Valley has recently become a signatory of the SDG Accord, solidifying its alignment with the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  The SDGs serve as a call to action to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. 

UFV is in an excellent position to contribute to achieving these goals because of the existing knowledge, research, and innovative thinking that is foundational to higher education. As such, UFV is working to contribute to economic, social, and environmental sustainability. Through such engagement, UFV embraces the SDGs as one means to understand as well as gauge our impact.

How UFV is taking action 

SDG 1 - No poverty

SDG 2 - Zero hunger

SDG 3 - Good health & well-being

SDG 4 - Quality education

SDG 5 - Gender equality

SDG 6 - Clean water

SDG 7 - Affordable and clean energy

SDG 8 - Decent work & economic growth

SDG 9 - Industry, innovation & infrastructure

SDG 10 - Reduced inequalities

SDG 11 - Sustainable cities & communities

SDG 12 - Responsible consumption & production

SDG 13 - Climate action

SDG 14 - Life below water

SDG 15 - Life on land

SDG 16 - Peace, justice & strong institutions

SDG 17 - Partnerships for the goals