"Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all."
— United Nations
"Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all."
— United Nations
By replacing all the existing fountains and water stations with new and improved bottle refills in each building, UFV hopes to encourage more sustainable water use on campus. The two available models, a bottle refill station combined with a water fountain that replaces existing fountains or a simple refill station, now total up to 27 stations at the Abbotsford and Chilliwack campuses.
Related SDGs:
Good health-Responsible consumptionDue to drought, flooding, and extreme weather caused by climate change, food supply shortage and soaring food prices have become a serious issue globally resulting in more people growing vegetables in their backyard. Dr. Lin Long and four of her students, along with two other co-supervisors (Dr. Renee Prasad, John English), were able to design, prototype, and test a precision vegetable garden watering system.
This system can detect the soil moisture level around the plants by using moisture sensors and automatically water individual plants or the same type of plants depending on the sensor data. Depending on the individual plant’s need, it can customize when to water and how long to water.
Related SDGs:
Zero hunger-IndustryThis project is a multi-dimensional knowledge mobilization platform with a local, regional and global collaboration nexus. It connects academia, industry policymakers and innovators across water and climate change sectors. Together they embed knowledge within communities, history and culture.
Building on its foundational principles, the World Water Journey is an empowering platform that calls upon youth, community members, Indigenous cultural educators, water practitioners, citizens, artists and scientists to share knowledge to curate this collaboration-igniting journey.
Generated from Waterlution program harvesting, research projects, artist commissions, competitions, calls for collaboration and problem-solving, media creations, resource guest knowledge sharing and community-based voices and partners, the platform will re-imagine ways to learn, collaborate, and create water security solutions for the world.
Related SDGs: