"Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages."
— United Nations
"Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages."
— United Nations
The Student Wellness Centre exists to provide support for students. Our wellness peers offer one-on-one support sessions, health & wellness programming, and help students to find information in a safe, welcoming, and inclusive space by identifying resources available to them, and providing referrals when required.
Related SDGs:
Quality education-Reduced inequality-PartnershipsA Student Support Referral is an online service that enables instructors to identify and assist students who are struggling or at risk of falling behind. A referral to the Student Support Centre provides early intervention so small problems don’t turn into large problems and students connect to the resources they need. After a Student Support Referral is received, a Student Support Coordinator will reach out and provide support.
Related SDGs:
Quality education-Gender equalityThe Not Myself Today program is a Canadian Mental Health Association program that UFV has opened up for use for employees. It focuses on three main objectives: building greater awareness and understanding of mental health, reducing stigma, and fostering a safe and supportive work culture. It provides learning opportunities remotely to deal with emotions and stress, encourages opening up, and has a page dedicated to further support those who need it. The code to sign up through UFV can be found through Human Resources Health and Well-being resources.
Related SDGs:
Reduced inequalityAs a component of UFV’s Organizational Health Strategy, the Employee Fitness Challenge: Strive to Thrive is a health promotion program intended to motivate, support, engage, and maintain employees’ overall health and wellbeing. Within the program, employees are encouraged to participate and connect with one another through a variety of health and wellness opportunities such as physical activity, exercise and nutrition groups, and mindfulness activities.
Related SDGs:
Decent work