"Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development."
— United Nations
"Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development."
— United Nations
For the pasts 12 years, Associate Professor Steve Marsh has been conducting collaborative research on the Fraser River Watershed to develop a better understanding of what’s happening in our watercourses including the health of the environment, seasonal patterns, variance and changes, water quality and chemistry, pathogen presence, and movement of carbon from the terrestrial surface to the ocean. Over 60 student research posters have been presented on this research at conferences across North America, and the work is accomplished with collaborations through the Global Rivers Observatory Project, with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woodwell Climate Research Center, and many more.
Related SDGs:
Life on land-PartnershipsChristine Dalton and Alida Janmaat and their research students are collaborating with Fraser Valley Conservancy to study the gut contents of invasive American Bullfrogs. They are also investigating the infection of the bullfrogs by parasitic lung flukes. These projects are part of an effort to protect native amphibians and other wildlife in the Valley.
Related SDGs:
PartnershipsThe Bertrand Creek Watershed is the largest of the major tributaries entering the Lower Nooksack River and is a critical habitat for fish and wildlife. Falling primarily in the BC Agriculture Land Reserve the recent water sampling done by the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy has identified high levels of fecal coliforms and E. coli where its watercourses discharge into the United States
To address ongoing water quality issues in the Bertrand Creek Watershed, the Food and Agriculture Institute in collaboration with the Agriculture Research and Development Corporation delivered a report to serve as a basis for the development of a Group Environmental Farm Plan.
Related SDGs:
Zero hunger-Life on land-Partnerships