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Sustainable UFV

Zero hunger (SDG 2)

SDG 2 - Zero hunger

"End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture"

— United Nations


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Feed BC - Serving Local

As a Feed BC partner, UFV is committed to strengthening food systems through working to foster B.C. agriculture innovation and build local food culture, while leveraging its location in some of the world’s most fertile farmland to source local products from farms and food processors. UFV Food Services currently sources 30% of its products locally. UFV brings its passion and commitment to local food to the student experience on campus through research and partnerships and by active community engagement.

Related SDGs:

Decent work-Climate action-Partnerships
A student volunteer stocks shelves at the UFV-SUS Food Bank

UFV-SUS Food Bank

A partnership with UFV's Student Affairs department and the Student Union Society (SUS), the UFV-SUS Food Bank addresses food insecurity amongst our UFV community by providing nutritious food and promoting healthy eating in an accessible, inclusive, respectful, and sustainable manner.

Related SDGs:

No poverty-Good health-Reduced inequality-Partnerships
A hand holds up potatoes just pulled from the soil.

The Climate-Biodiversity-Health (CBH) Nexus

This community-based participatory research approach will engage stakeholders and local governments in B.C., in order to build an understanding of how communities can better engage in integrated food systems and sustainable community development planning. 

This research aims to advance integrated community planning by developing an experimental framework consisting of  strategic areas critical to sustainable development.

Applying the CBH nexus framework to different community planning areas could elucidate how strategies, policies, and actions align or conflict with imperatives for the sustainable development of local food systems.

Related SDGs:

Sustainable cities-Climate action-Life on land-Peace, justice-Partnerships
People at a table with plates of food

Food (In)Security: An Assessment of Communal Factors Impacting Food Security in Chilliwack

This report completed by CHASI in 2021 titled Food (In)Security: An Assessment of Communal Factors Impacting Food Security in Chilliwack describes the results of an analysis of factors related to household food security in Chilliwack. Through an environmental scan and an asset and gap analysis, the CHASI has identified how the economic, social, cultural, demographic, and environmental context of Chilliwack, as well as local food system and related food policies, contributes to community food security.

Related SDGs:

Peace, justice