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Esposito Family Centre for Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Esposito Family Centre for Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Guidance to launch and scale your new venture
Solve problems, develop skills, learn to innovate
Mentor and build interdisciplinary collaborations

Cultivating innovation and entrepreneurship in the Fraser Valley

The Esposito Family Centre for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (EFCIE) is a research hub at the University of the Fraser Valley, established through a generous endowment provided by the Esposito family.

EFCIE will work to foster an inclusive, vibrant, and resilient space for innovation and entrepreneurship initiatives for the UFV and Fraser Valley communities.

EFCIE's activities include research, course development, and mentoring both students and local entrepreneurs. We also emphasize community outreach through events and projects that explore the interactions between technology, innovation, and society.

This connection between innovation and society is in fact a unique aspect of the Centre. The understanding that innovative technologies impact society and society in turn shapes technological progress guides the research and work we do.

In the news

Innovation partners

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