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Academic Success Centre

Academic writing


A Guide for Writing Introduction Paragraphs for Academic Essays [PDF]
Explains the purpose of your essay’s introduction and provides an annotated example.
Annotated Bibliographies [PDF]
Includes examples of citations and annotations in both APA and MLA styles.
Article Review and Critique [PDF]
A guide to how, when, and why to review or critique in your academic writing.
How to write Memo [PDF]
Explains the purpose and format of a memo with annotated examples
Literature Reviews [PDF]
How to get started writing your review of literature; includes an annotated example.
Summarizing A Scholarly Journal Article [PDF]
A step-by-step guide to active reading to derive key points; includes an example of a summary written in a scholarly style.
The Research Paper [PDF]
The basics of writing a research paper with explanations of key terms and examples of the different parts of this type of academic writing.
The Essay Exam [PDF]
How to organize your time and ideas in essay exams; includes a guide to understanding key terms in exam instructions.


Bias-Free Language in Academic Writing [PDF]
Understand the impact or words on your reader; includes categories and examples to illustrate key concepts.
Principles of Citation [PDF]
Understand why citations are a key element of academic writing; includes examples in MLA and APA format.
The Joy of Checks: The Timeless Art Of Revision [PDF]
Outlines a process for proofreading your own writing to ensure accuracy and focus.


Upcoming academic writing workshops


Online workshops


If this is your first time attending an online ASC workshop:

  1. Log into myClass (Blackboard)
  2. Use the navigation menu to go to the Courses section
  3. In the search field, type ASC
  4. In the search results, under Course ID, hover over the title askASC and then click on the arrow that appears
  5. Click Enroll
  6. Click Submit
  7. Click OK. You have now successfully joined the ASC drop-in tutoring online space
  8. Scroll down on the page to view the workshops
  9. Click on the name of the workshop you would like to join

If you've already attended an online ASC workshop:

  1. Log into myClass (Blackboard)
  2. Use the navigation menu to go to the Courses section
  3. Click on the askASC course in your current courses list
  4. Scroll down on the page to view the workshops
  5. Click on the name of the workshop you would like to join

  • Access to the workshops is available 5 minutes prior to the start time — you do not need to register in advance.
  • You can participate with full audio and video, audio only, or through the text/chat function.

In-person workshops

  • In-person workshops take place on the Abbotsford campus.
  • Room: G113 (Building G — Peter Jones Learning Commons)

Organize that paper — create an outline



  • TBA (contact us to schedule a workshop!)

Learn strategies to craft an outline that will get your paper written.

Writing thesis statements — Getting started



  • TBA (contact us to schedule a workshop!)

Learn the ins and outs of creating a powerful and effective thesis statement.

Writing Introductions and Conclusions



  • TBA (contact us to schedule a workshop!)

Have you always wondered what should go in your introduction and conclusion? Wonder no more! Come to this workshop to learn how to write effective introductions and conclusions.