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Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity

Guide to student appeals and academic conduct

This site is a resource of information about available avenues of appeal and the processes for determining student academic misconduct.

Student Appeals

Late withdrawal appeal

UFV's Course Withdrawal policy (81) permits students to request an appeal for late withdrawal, if there extenuating circumstances beyond their control that affect their ability to complete a course. Appeals for late withdrawal are considered only after students have provided the required documentation and given detailed reasons. Students seeking to appeal should review the procedures and refer to the guidelines on withdrawals and refunds.

Academic standing appeals

UFV provides students the opportunity to appeal decisions that directly affect their academic standing. Students looking to appeal a Required to Withdraw or other academic standing decision should refer to the academic standing FAQs and refer to the instructions for appealing.

Final grade appeal

Students may appeal a final grade through a process established by the Final Grade Appeals Policy (217) and Final Grade Appeals Procedures. The policy requires that students first discuss the matter with the course instructor. If the matter is not resolved at that level, a student may initiate an appeal by completing a final grade appeal form and providing supporting documentation.

Academic misconduct appeal

Revised with the suggestions from faculty and 1100 UFV students this appeal process, effective as of Fall semester 2019, is described in section 5 of the Student Academic Misconduct (70) Regulations and Procedures.

After receiving a Notice of Disciplinary Action for Academic Misconduct discussed at a resolution meeting, students may appeal the finding of academic misconduct, any bias or procedural unfairness in the investigation, or the severity of the academic misconduct penalty assigned.

Student academic conduct and honesty

As members of the university community, students are expected to demonstrate appropriate academic conduct. They are responsible for their actions, whether acting alone or in a group. Academic integrity involves applying the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility to your academic studies, even in the face of challenges. Students seeking assistance in this area may utilize a range of resources available through the Academic Success Centre, UFV library, and more.

Allegations of violations of academic integrity, including cheating and plagiarism, are regulated by the Student Academic Misconduct policy (70) and its companion Student Academic Misconduct (70) Regulations and Procedures.  The procedures specify formal steps that must be followed where academic misconduct is alleged. Students who have been accused of academic conduct can read the regulations and procedures or the academic misconduct sections of this website for more detailed information. Contact the appeals assistant with any questions or concerns.

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