English Language Requirements Students registering in post-secondary level courses (numbered 100 to 499) will be required to meet the English language entrance proficiency requirements. Students in ESL or the University Foundations programs can register in those courses identified in the University Foundations program with lower levels of language proficiency.

ESL BU553 credits
Intermediate Business English Prerequisite(s): A grade of C- or better in ESL WG44, ESL R40, ESL V43, and ESL S46; or ESL assessment of 50 level or above in all skill areas
This course focuses on basic communication in a business environment. ESL students will be introduced to a wide variety of written and oral communication tasks, including writing short business letters, faxes, memos, and emails. Case studies and role playing will teach students how to act and speak in various business situations. By the end of the course, ESL students will have improved their English skills and will have gained a basic understanding of North American-style business correspondence and face-to-face communication.
ESL BU753 credits
Pre-University Business English for ESL Prerequisite(s): ESL WG54, RV58 (or R50 & V53), and S56
This course is designed to help prepare ESL students for Business Administration & Computer Information Systems programs. In addition, it should be very useful for currently employed ESL students or those aiming to work in a business environment.
ESL C543 credits
Canadian Culture & Communication Prerequisite(s): None
This course is for all new international students in their first semester. It is designed to orient students to Canadian culture and the Canadian educational milieu, to encourage intercultural communication, and to support cultural adjustment. If space is available, other students may also register.
ESL CB503 credits
Basic Computer Concepts and Use Prerequisite(s): ESL RV48 (or ESL R40), and ESL S46
A basic introduction to computer use, terminology and concepts, including keyboarding, Windows, word processing, the Internet, and e-mail for ESL students who have little or no experience with computers and weak English skills. This course is designed for intermediate to advanced ESL students who need computer basics for further training in ESL on-line or ESL courses which incorporate a high degree of computer-aided instruction.
ESL CB603 credits
Computers for Business Prerequisite(s): ESL CB50 or instructor permission
This course focuses on using computers in a business environment. Students will be introduced to a wide range of computer applications including spreadsheet programs, database management, graphics for business presentations, word processing for professional business documents, and internet and e-mail communication. By the end of the course, students will have a good basic understanding of how computers are being used in the world of business today.
ESL CB773 credits
Computer Concepts English Prerequisite(s): ESL CB60 or instructor permission
The course focuses on language, terminology, and concepts needed to continue studies in Computer Information Systems. Using a textbook and numerous hands-on computer exercises, ESL students will develop a basic understanding of computer hardware, software for systems and applications, components of the system unit, and storage devices, as well as operating systems and utility programs.
ESL CMS3 credits
Computer-Mediated Multiskill Course Prerequisite(s): None
Students will study each of the skill areas of speaking, grammar, vocabulary, reading, and writing. Instruction will be through the use of computer software, internet resources, and interactive web-based activities.
ESL CWE303 credits
Computer Word Exploration I Prerequisite(s): ESL placement test showing that a student has a basic grasp of the English alphabet, phonics and sentence structure
Students will study the spelling, phonics, grammatical class, and meaning of 400 one syllable English words through the use of computer generated software, computer generated activities, and speaking and writing reinforcement activities.
ESL CWE403 credits
Computer Word Exploration II Prerequisite(s): One of ESL CWE30, S36, RV38 or WG34 or placement by ESL assessment
Students will study the spelling, phonics, grammatical class, and meaning of 400 one to three-syllable English words through the use of computer software, computer-generated activities, and speaking and writing reinforcement activities.
ESL DR473 credits
ESL Through Drama Prerequisite(s): None
This course focuses on using drama to practise speaking in English. Students will be introduced to a wide range of drama-related activities intended to improve their speaking and presentation skills. By the end of the course, students will be able to speak and present themselves in a wide variety of culturally appropriate ways.
ESL FLM3 credits
ESL Through Film Prerequisite(s): ESL R40 and ESL S46
Students practice and develop reading, writing, grammar, listening and speaking English through the interesting medium of film.
ESL IB1915 credits
Intensive Beginner I Prerequisite(s): Placement by ESL Interview assessment
ESL IB19 is intended for students who cannot read or write or have minimal literacy skills in their own language or are unfamiliar with the Roman alphabet. This intensive course is designed to introduce the students to the basic vocabulary and structure of survival English through listening and speaking. The content provides the basis for instruction on basic reading and writing skills. Pre-literacy skills instruction is given when required.
ESL IB2915 credits
Intensive Beginner II Prerequisite(s): ESL IB19 or equivalent, or placement by ESL assessment
ESL IB29 is intended for students who have completed ESL IB19 or who have the equivalent competence in using English. This intensive course is designed to build on students' previous learning in using survival English. As much as possible the content focuses on the functions for which English is used in everyday life. The skill areas of listening and speaking are emphasized, but reading and writing play a supportive role. The emphasis is on comprehension and recognition. Successful completion of I29 will allow students to take the 30-level ESL courses.
ESL L873 credits
ESL Listening Bridge I Prerequisite(s): S76, or placement by ESL assessment
ESL L87 is intended for students with academic aspirations and good oral skills. The course will expose students to a variety of academic listening situations, taped and live, and develop students' abilities to understand complex language at full speed. The course will also cultivate note-taking skills.
ESL MSC3 credits
Multiskill Class for ESL Students Prerequisite(s): None
Students will study each of the skill areas of speaking, grammar, vocabulary, reading, and writing. This is a section of ongoing, self-paced instruction and is intended for local students who have insufficient time and little necessity to take academic day courses.
ESL MU473 credits
ESL Through Music Prerequisite(s): None
This course focuses on using music to improve vocabulary, speaking, listening, and pronunciation skills in English. Students will be introduced to a wide variety of musical activities as a way of expanding their English abilities.
ESL P453 credits
ESL Pronunciation I Prerequisite(s): ESL WG34, RV38 (or R30 and V33), and S36 or higher, or placement by ESL assessment
ESL P45 is intended for intermediate to advanced ESL students who would like to improve their listening and speaking skills. It teaches sounds as part of the rhythm and stress used in informal English and focuses on difficult sounds from a variety of perspectives.
ESL P553 credits
ESL Phonics/Spelling Prerequisite(s): ESL WG44, RV48 (or R40 AND V43), AND S46
This course is intended for Intermediate/Advanced ESL students who still find it difficult to understand the relationship between the English spelling and sound systems. The course will survey the English sounds represented by a given spelling as well as all the possible spellings for a given sound. It will also deal with word and phrase stress, rhythm, intonation, and reductions in rapid speech as well as use of dictionary pronunciation keys.
ESL P653 credits
ESL Pronunciation II Prerequisite(s): ESL P45 or all of WG44, RV48 and S46
This course is intended for intermediate to advanced ESL students who would like to improve their listening and speaking skills by studying rhythm, stress, and intonation. It concentrates on emphasising parts of each sentence which are essential for clear communication. It includes techniques for improving listening comprehension and giving oral presentations.
ESL R703 credits
ESL Reading Advanced II Prerequisite(s): RV68, or R60 & V63, or placement by ESL assessment
ESL R70 is designed for high-advanced students who wish to continue to strengthen their reading skills for academic or career purposes. Students will be exposed to a variety of academic reading selections of varying lengths. In addition to consolidating the more literal skills, students will be challenged to develop their skill in critical reading, analysis, note-taking, and summarizing. Reading speed and comprehension will be developed through specific drills and reading self-selected novels.
ESL R803 credits
ESL Reading Bridge I Prerequisite(s): R70 and V73, or placement by ESL assessment
ESL R80 is designed for very advanced students who wish to gain the reading skills necessary to be successful in their academic studies. It will prepare students for the reading that is required in university and college courses. Students will strengthen their study/reading skills: note-taking, summarizing, outlining, paraphrasing, understanding and restating logical structure, integrating ideas from multiple sources, and varying reading speed according to purpose.
ESL RV386 credits
ESL Reading and Vocabulary Pre-intermediate (formerly ESL R30 & ESL V33)
Prerequisite(s): Placement by ESL assessment
ESL RV38 is designed for pre-intermediate students who want to improve their reading and vocabulary skills for academic, personal, and/or career purposes. This skills course will allow students to learn and practice the skills and vocabulary necessary for increasing their reading comprehension and speed.
ESL RV486 credits
ESL Reading and Vocabulary Intermediate I (formerly ESL R40 & ESL V43)
Prerequisite(s): ESL I39, or ESL R30 & ESL V33, or ESL RV38, or placement by ESL assessment
ESL RV48 is designed for low-intermediate students who want to strengthen their reading and vocabulary skills for academic, personal, and/or career purposes. This skills course will allow students to learn and practice the skills necessary to improve their reading comprehension and their reading speed.
ESL RV586 credits
ESL Reading and Vocabulary Intermediate II (formerly ESL R50 & ESL V53)
Prerequisite(s): ESL R40 & ESL V43, or RV48, or placement by ESL assessment
ESL RV58 is designed for high-intermediate students who wish to continue to strengthen their reading and vocabulary skills for academic, personal, and/or career purposes. This skills course will expose students to different types of readings and give students the skills they need to enable them to become independent learners.
ESL RV686 credits
ESL Reading and Vocabulary Advanced I Prerequisite(s): RV58, or R50 & V53, or placement by ESL assessment
ESL RV68 is designed for advanced students who wish to continue to strengthen their reading and vocabulary skills for academic, personal, or career purposes. This course builds on reading skills with an emphasis on summarizing, outlining, and taking notes from a range of fictional and non-fictional material. Students are also introduced to literature through unabridged novels and to interpretive reading. Students can also expect to increase their vocabulary by at least 300 word and 50 idiomatic expressions.
ESL S363 credits
ESL Listening/Speaking Pre-Intermediate Prerequisite(s): Placement by ESL assessment
ESL S36 is intended for students at the pre-intermediate level. It is designed to provide students with the basic grammar and vocabulary they need to become more confident speakers and listeners in social situations. Though reading and writing skills will be used, the primary focus is on listening, speaking, and pronunciation.
ESL S463 credits
ESL Listening/Speaking Intermediate I Prerequisite(s): ESL S36, or I 39, or placement by the ESL assessment
ESL S46 is intended for students at the low-intermediate level. It is designed to build on the listening and speaking skills necessary for social interactions and to expand these skills for more challenging academic or career tasks. Though some reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary will be involved, the primary focus is on listening, speaking and pronunciation.
ESL S563 credits
ESL Listening/Speaking Intermediate II Prerequisite(s): ESL S46 or placement by ESL assessment
ESL S56 is intended for students at the intermediate level. It is designed to prepare students for more complex academic speaking and listening tasks, and help them toward greater fluency and competence in the use of English. Though some reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary study may be involved, the primary focus is on listening, speaking, and pronunciation.
ESL S663 credits
ESL Listening/Speaking Advanced I Prerequisite(s): ESL S56 and or placement by ESL assessment
ESL S66 is intended for advanced students. Students will be taught social interaction functions such as making introductions, giving and following instructions, persuasion, conversation management strategies, offering suggestions, and debating. Pronunciation emphasis may include stress, intonation, reductions, and contractions. Listening activities may involve identifying a speaker's attitude, mood, and level of formality as well as content. In addition, students will be taught note-taking skills for a variety of lecture situations.
ESL S763 credits
ESL Listening/Speaking Advanced II Prerequisite(s): ESL S66 or placement by ESL assessment
ESL S76 is intended for advanced students who wish to take university or college courses. Students will be taught functions such as managing a discussion/debate in a small formal group, giving clear detailed instructions on how to perform a complex task, and presenting a persuasive proposal. They may also discuss information and opinions with individuals in order to coordinate teamwork for accomplishing assignments and tasks. Pronunciation emphasis may shift towards the needs of each specific class, with the aim of developing near-native speech production. Listening tasks may include demonstrating critical comprehension of a lecture given by one speaker, or of an extended oral exchange between several speakers.
ESL T090 credits
ESL Pre-Beginner Prerequisite(s): None
For students who cannot attend regular classes.
ESL T853 credits
ESL TOEFL Preparation Bridge I Prerequisite(s): ESL WG74, R70, V73 and S76, or instructor's permission
ESL T85 is intended for students with academic aspirations and who wish or need to take the TOEFL test. The course is intended to help these students master the English grammar and writing skills they will need on the test.
ESL V733 credits
ESL Vocabulary Advanced II Prerequisite(s): RV68, or V63, or placement by ESL assessment
ESL V73 is designed for students who already have a good reading vocabulary and a basic knowledge of common idioms. The students will strengthen their vocabulary by learning at least 300 words and 50 idioms. Students will also be made sensitive to levels of formality and become familiar with many word parts which will help the student become more efficient as an independent learner.
ESL V833 credits
ESL Vocabulary Bridge I Prerequisite(s): V73, or placement by ESL assessment
ESL V83 is intended for students with academic aspirations and a strong vocabulary base. It familiarizes students with the vocabulary that they can expect to encounter in university and college courses. It also includes studies in independent vocabulary development.
ESL WG346 credits
ESL Writing and Grammar Pre-Intermediate Prerequisite(s): Placement by ESL assessment
ESL WG34 is intended for students who are at the beginning of their second language learning. This course is designed to round out students' skills at survival written English and prepare them for the academically oriented intermediate ESL writing and grammar classes. It teaches the basic English grammar used in writing correct simple sentences. Some reading, vocabulary study, and speaking/listening may be involved.
ESL WG446 credits
ESL Writing and Grammar Intermediate I Prerequisite(s): ESL I39, WG34, or placement by ESL assessment
ESL WG44 is intended for students who are ready to begin working on the more academically oriented intermediate skills needed for writing. It is designed to give students a good grasp of the simple sentence and the simple paragraph. Some reading, vocabulary study, and speaking/listening may be involved.
ESL WG546 credits
ESL Writing and Grammar Intermediate II Prerequisite(s): ESL WG44, or placement by ESL assessment
ESL WG54 is designed to give intermediate students near mastery of the simple sentence and to provide them with a good grasp of complex/compound sentences and a variety of basic paragraph types. Some reading, vocabulary study, and speaking/listening may be involved.
ESL WG646 credits
ESL Writing and Grammar Advanced I Prerequisite(s): WG54 or placement by ESL assessment
ESL WG64 reviews basic paragraph structure and teaches students how to incorporate that structure in a variety of paragraph development types that are standard in English. Students will be introduced to multi-paragraph (essay) writing by the end of the course. Throughout the course, the emphasis will be on clear and effective written communication in English. Grammar, sentence structure, style, and logical development will be studied in relation to this emphasis.
ESL WG746 credits
ESL Writing and Grammar Advanced II Prerequisite(s): WG64 or placement by ESL assessment
ESL WG74 develops skills for academic writing. The course focuses on five common writing tasks using a variety of rhetorical modes. In particular, students will develop academic writing abilities in the areas of defining, instructing, explaining, evaluating, summarizing, and responding. The course is conducted as a writer's workshop encompassing researching topics, organizing information, outlining, peer-editing, revising, and publishing. Grammar is integrated and manipulated for essay clarity and cohesion.
ESL WG846 credits
ESL Writing and Grammar Writing Bridge Prerequisite(s): WG74 or placement by ESL assessment
ESL WG84 provides students with a range of strategies to prepare them for academic writing assignments in their undergraduate college and university courses. In addition to an emphasis on analysis and production of correct grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation, the course provides students with an opportunity to respond to the course writing assignments using a variety of writing strategies and grammatical structures.
Last extracted: April 14, 2011 09:45:13 PM