Program Index
- B - C - D - E - F
- G - H - I - J - K - L - M -
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Aboriginal Culture and Language Support diploma
Accounting certificate
Accounting option, Bachelor of Business Administration degree
Administration certificate
Adult Basic Education (ABE)
Adult Dogwood (B.C. Adult Graduation diploma)
Adult Education, Bachelor of Arts degree
Adult Education Studies (Program paths)
Adventure Tourism Training certificate (not available in 2011/12)
Agriculture: Berry Production Essentials certificate
Agriculture: Current Agricultural Practices Essentials certificate
Agriculture: Field Vegetable Production Essentials certificate
Agriculture: Horticulture Crop Production and Protection certificate
Agriculture: Integrated Pest Management Essentials certificate
Agriculture: Livestock Production certificate
Agriculture Management, Bachelor of Business Administration program
Agriculture Technology diploma
Aircraft Structures Technician certificate
Animation Arts certificate
Anthropology (Sociology/Anthropology major)
Anthropology minor
Applied Business Technology certificate
Applied Ethical and Political Philosophy minor
Applied Ethical and Political Philosophy, certificate in Extended Studies in Arts
Architectural Drafting Technician certificate
Art History extended minor
Art History minor
Arts, Associate degree
Arts, Bachelor degree
Arts (Liberal Arts diploma)
Arts Studies (Program paths)
Associate of Arts degree
Associate of Science degree
AutoCAD (Computer Assisted Drafting (CAD) certificate)
Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing certificate
Auto Service Technician certificate
Aviation, Bachelor of Business Administration degree
Aviation theme, Bachelor of General Studies degree
Aviation diploma (one-year program)
Aviation diploma (two-year program)

Bachelor of Arts (Adult Education) degree
Bachelor of Arts (Criminal Justice) degree
Bachelor of Arts degree
Bachelor of Arts in Child and Youth Care degree
Bachelor of Arts in Child and Youth Care degree — Child Welfare specialization
Bachelor of Business Administration (Aviation) degree
Bachelor of Business Administration degree
Bachelor of Business Administration degree — Accounting option
Bachelor of Business Administration degree — Finance option
Bachelor of Business Administration degree — Human Resource
Management option
Bachelor of Business Administration degree — Marketing option
Bachelor of Business Administration for Agriculture Management
Bachelor of Business Administration for Trades Management
Bachelor of Computer Information Systems degree
Bachelor of Fine Arts degree
Bachelor of General Studies degree
Bachelor of Kinesiology degree
Bachelor of Science degree
Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree
Bachelor of Social Work degree
Bachelor of Social Work degree — Child Welfare specialization
B.C. Adult Graduation diploma (Adult Dogwood)
Biology extended minor (for Bachelor of Arts degree)
Biology Honours
Biology major
Biology minor (for Bachelor of Science degree)
Biology minor (for Bachelor of Kinesiology degree)
Bookkeeping for Small Business certificate
Business Administration, Bachelor degree
Business Administration, Bachelor degree, Accounting option
Business Administration, Bachelor degree, Agriculture Management
Business Administration, Bachelor degree, Finance option
Business Administration, Bachelor degree, Human Resource Management option
Business Administration, Bachelor degree, Marketing option
Business Administration, Bachelor degree, Trades Management
Business Administration diploma
Business minor
Business Studies (Program paths)

Carpentry certificate
Certificate in Extended Studies in Arts: Applied Ethical and
Political Philosophy
Certificate in Extended Studies in Arts: English
Certificate in Extended Studies in Arts: French minor
Certificate in Extended Studies in Arts: Geography
Certificate in
Extended Studies in Arts: History
Certificate in Extended Studies in Arts: Psychology
Certificate in Extended Studies in Arts: Psychology Honours
Certificate in Extended Studies in Arts: Social, Cultural, and Media Studies
Certificate in Extended Studies in Arts: Theatre
Certificate in Extended Studies in Child and Youth Care: Child Welfare specialization
Certificate in Extended Studies in Early Childhood Education
in Extended Studies in Fashion Design: Marketing option
Certificate in
Extended Studies in Fashion Design: Textiles option
Certificate in
Extended Studies in Science: Physical Geography
Certificate in
Extended Studies in Social Services — First Nations option
Certificate in
Extended Studies in Social Work — Child Welfare specialization
Certificate in Extended Studies in Visual Arts
Certified Dental Assistant certificate
Chemistry major
Chemistry minor
Child and Youth Care, Bachelor of Arts degree
Child and Youth Care, certificate in Extended Studies, Child Welfare specialization
Child and Youth Care Studies (Program paths)
Welfare specialization, Bachelor of Arts in Child and Youth Care degree
Child Welfare specialization, Bachelor
of Social Work degree
CISCO Networking and Network Security certificate
Communications (Professional Communication Essentials certificate)
Communications minor
Community Pharmacy Technician certificate (not available in 2011/12)
Community Support Worker certificate
Computer Assisted Drafting (CAD) certificate
Computer Information Systems, Bachelor degree
Computer Information Systems certificate
Computer Information Systems certificate, Web Design and Animation option
Computer Information Systems diploma
Computer Information Systems extended minor
Computer Information Systems minor
Computer Information Systems Studies (Program paths)
Computer Proficiency certificate
Computing Science minor
Continuing Studies programs
Cooking (Professional Cook certificate)
Creative Writing extended minor
Creative Writing minor
Criminal Justice, Bachelor of Arts degree
Criminal Justice, Master of Arts degree
Criminal Justice diploma
Criminal Justice extended minor
Criminal Justice minor
Criminal Justice Studies (Program paths)
Culinary Arts (Professional Cook certificate)

Dental Assistant (Certified Dental Assistant certificate)
Dental Hygiene diploma (not available in 2011/12)
Dental Office Receptionist certificate
Diaspora Studies certificate
Drafting (Architectural Drafting Technician certificate)
Drafting (Computer Assisted Drafting certificate)

Early Childhood Education certificate
Early Childhood Education diploma
Childhood Education, Certificate in Extended Studies
Early Modern Studies certificate
Economics minor
Education, Adult, Bachelor of Arts degree
Education, Adult Basic
Education, Teacher
Electrical Work certificate
Electronics Technician — Common Core certificate
Engineering Transfer
English Honours
English extended minor
English majors
English minor
certificate in Extended Studies in Arts
English as a Second Language program
English as a Second Language (University
Foundation certificate)
Event Planning (Hospitality Event Planning certificate)
Extended Studies (see Certificate in Extended Studies)

Family Child Care certificate
Fashion Design diploma
Fashion Design,
certificate in Extended Studies, Marketing option
Fashion Design,
certificate in Extended Studies,
Textiles option
Fashion extended minor
Fashion minor
Finance option, Bachelor of Business Administration degree
Fine Arts, Bachelor degree
First Nations option, Social Services diploma
Floral Design certificate
Foundation (University Foundation certificate)
French, Advanced proficiency certificate
French extended minor
French, Intermediate proficiency certificate
French minor
minor, certificate in Extended Studies in Arts

General Educational Development (GED)
General Studies, Bachelor degree
General Studies diploma
Geographic Information Systems certificate
Geography extended minor
Geography, certificate in Extended Studies in Arts
Geography Honours (for Bachelor of Arts degree)
Geography major (for Bachelor of Arts degree)
Geography minor (for Bachelor of Arts degree)
Geography, Physical, Honours (for Bachelor of Science degree)
Geography, Physical, major (for Bachelor of Science degree)
Geography, Physical, minor
Graduate certificate in Program Evaluation
Graduate certificate in Teacher Leadership and Mentorship
Graphic and Digital Design extended minor
Graphic and Digital Design minor
Graphic Design diploma

Halq’eméylem Intermediate proficiency certificate
Health and Human Services certificate
Health Care Assistant certificate
Heavy Duty/Commercial Transport certificate
History extended minor
History major
History minor
History, certificate in Extended Studies in Arts
Home Support / Resident Care Attendant - now called
Health Care Assistant certificate
Horticulture Crop Production and Protection certificate
Hospitality Event Planning certificate
Human Resource Management option, Bachelor of Business Administration degree

India-Canada Studies certificate
Indigenous Arts certificate: Honouring Our Gifts
Indigenous Maps, Films, Rights, and Land Claims certificate
International and Development Studies option,
Associate of Arts degree
Introduction to Journalism certificate

Japanese, Intermediate proficiency certificate
Joinery certificate
Journalism, (Introduction to Journalism certificate)

Kinesiology, Bachelor degree
Kinesiology minor (for Bachelor of Arts degree and Bachelor of General Studies degree)
Kinesiology minor (for Bachelor of Science degree)
Kinesiology Studies (Program paths)

Latin American Studies extended minor
Latin American Studies minor
Legal Administrative Assistant certificate
Liberal Arts diploma
Library and Information Technology diploma
Library and Information Technology Studies (Program paths)
Library Technician Post-diploma certificate
Literacy Tutor certificate
(not available in 2011/12)
Livestock Production certificate
LPN Access — Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree

Mandarin, Intermediate proficiency certificate
Marketing and Sales certificate
Marketing option, Bachelor of Business Administration degree
Master of Arts (Criminal Justice) degree
Master of Social Work degree
Mathematics major (for Bachelor of Arts degree)
Mathematics major (for Bachelor of Science degree)
Mathematics extended minor (for Bachelor of Arts degree)
Mathematics extended minor — Statistics
option (for Bachelor of Arts degree)
Mathematics minor (for Bachelor of Arts
degree and Bachelor of General Studies degree)
Mathematics minor (for Bachelor of Computer Information Systems
Mathematics minor (for Bachelor of Science
Mathematics minor — Statistics option (for Bachelor of Arts
degree and Bachelor of General Studies degree)
Mathematics minor — Statistics option (for Bachelor of Science
Media and Communication Studies extended minor
Media and Communication Studies minor
Media and Communication Studies option, Associate of Arts degree
Media Literacy certificate
Medical Imaging Clinical Support Worker certificate
(not available in 2011/12)
Medical Office Assistant certificate (not available in 2011/12)
Mennonite Studies certificate
Milker Technician certificate
Modern Languages, Proficiency certificates

Native Indian Teacher Education Program (NITEP)
Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree
Nursing (LPN Access — Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree)
Nursing (Practical Nursing certificate)
Nursing Studies (Program paths)
Nursing Unit Clerk certificate

Paralegal diploma
Parts and Warehousing certificate (not available in 2011/12)
Philosophy major
Philosophy extended minor
Philosophy minor
Philosophy (Applied Ethical and Political Philosophy minor)
Philosophy (certificate in Extended Studies in Arts: Applied Ethical and
Political Philosophy)
Physical Geography Honours (for Bachelor of Science degree)
Physical Geography major (for Bachelor of Science degree)
Physical Geography minor (for Bachelor of Science degree)
Physics Honours
Physics major
Physics minor
Plumbing & Piping certificate
Political Science major
Political Science extended minor
Political Science minor
Political Science (Applied Ethical and Political Philosophy minor)
Political Science (certificate in Extended Studies in Arts: Applied Ethical and
Political Philosophy)
Portfolio Essentials certificate
Practical Nursing certificate
Professional Communication Essentials certificate
Professional Cook certificate
Proficiency certificates in Modern Languages
Program Evaluation, Graduate certificate
Program paths
Psychology extended minor
certificate in Extended Studies in Arts
Psychology Honours
Psychology Honours, certificate in Extended Studies in Arts
Psychology major

Russian, Advanced proficiency certificate
Russian, Intermediate proficiency certificate

Science, Associate degree
Science, Bachelor degree
Science Studies (Program paths)
Social Services,
certificate in Extended Studies, First Nations option
Social Services diploma
Social Services diploma — First Nations option
Social Services Studies (Program paths)
Social Work, Master degree
Social Work, Bachelor degree
Social Work, Bachelor degree — Child Welfare specialization
Work, Certificate in Extended Studies, Child Welfare specialization
Sociology/Anthropology major
Sociology major
Sociology minor
Spanish, Advanced proficiency certificate
Spanish, Intermediate proficiency certificate
Speech and Language Assistance diploma (not available in 2011/12)
Stó:lõ Studies certificate
Studying for Interest (Program paths)
Substance Abuse Counselling certificate

Teacher Education Program
Teacher Leadership and Mentorship, Graduate certificate
Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) certificate
Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) certificate
Theatre Arts diploma
Theatre extended minor
Theatre minor
Theatre option, Associate of Arts degree
certificate in Extended Studies in Arts
Tourism (Adventure Tourism Training certificate) (not available in 2011/12)
Tourism (Hospitality Event Planning certificate)
Trades and Technology programs
Trades Management, Bachelor of Business Administration degree
Training in Attitudes, Skills, and Knowledge (Workplace TASK certificate)

University Foundation program
Upgrading and University Preparation

Visual Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts degree
Visual Arts diploma
Visual Arts major
Visual Arts extended minor
Visual Arts minor
Visual Arts,
certificate in Extended Studies
Visual Arts, Indigenous Arts certificate: Honouring Our Gifts

Web Design and Animation option, Computer Information Systems certificate
Welding Level C, Level B, and Level A certificates
Workplace Training in Attitudes, Skills, & Knowledge (TASK) certificate