Learning Styles Quizzes
Find out about the many types of intelligence and your preferred learning style on this Government of Canada site.
Study Skills Package
www.uwaterloo.ca/student-success/resources/online-resources#Test strategies
The University of Waterloo has developed an excellent package of information that will enhance your study skills. There are lots of suggestions for you to try and explanations for why all of the tips are recommended.
How to Study
This site has articles on areas such as language arts, math, taking notes, remembering, studying and taking tests.
Study Guides and Strategies
You’ll find lots of ideas here, including tips on time management, improving concentration, research and taking tests.
Study and Exam Skills
This site from the University of Calgary provides tools to help you determine your grades, assess your progress in terms of your studying and assignments, along with online seminars to assist you with studying and writing.