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Fraser Valley Regional Science Fair

How can parents help?

We recognize this can be an exciting and nerve-wracking experience for students of all ages. Our hope is to celebrate your child’s work in science and congratulate them for their success at the school level.

While there are various processes in place for the different age groups and award categories, there are underlying principles that guide our event. Here are some ways in which you can support your child’s participation in this event:

  • ensure your child’s project display does not include any live specimens or liquids (including plants/moss/etc., closed water bottles, sealed jars, etc.)
  • ensure your child’s project comes accompanied by any necessary consent forms, if any of their experiment involved surveying or observing humans
  • discuss the concept of ‘professionalism’ with your child (i.e. dress code, appropriate language, and behavior are expected)
  • help your child review the Rules and Regulations for the event before attending
  • review the shape of the day, determine drop off and pick up locations
  • remind your child that participants competing from Grades 7-12 are to be in attendance from 1:00-5:00 pm on judging day. Participants competing from Grades K-6 are required to be in attendance during their judging time 3:30-5:00 pm. Partial or skipped attendance may result in the reduction or loss of eligibility for awards. Breaks will be available throughout the afternoon. 
  • help your child locate volunteers who can help them during their time at the event
  • ensure your child has the appropriate contact information to reach you, as well as an emergency contact person in case you cannot be reached
  • remind your child that this event is run by volunteers who are giving up their time. Their patience and gratitude are appreciated.
  • encourage your child to view this as a celebration!

Please ensure all fees are paid before the deadline. No registration fees will be accepted at UFV during the Fair unless previous arrangements have been made.

Only participants, judges, and science fair volunteers will be allowed in the room during judging. If a parent/guardian wishes to stay during the judging period, they must wait outside in the lobby area. Having others in the judging area causes distractions not only for your child but others who are being judged.

This event is a culmination of the efforts of many groups. We’d like to thank our sponsors, UFV, Science Fair Foundation BC, and the many other sponsors, volunteers, educators, and families who have made this event possible.

Thank you for your continued support and involvement in Science Fair at the classroom, school, and now regional level.  We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work together to make this a successful experience for students.

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