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Supply Chain

Procurement Services

As most of you are probably aware, global supply chains continue to be disrupted with new and unforeseen barriers. In order for Procurement Services to try and obtain the goods and services you require in a timely manner; we ask that you work with us as early as possible by submitting a Purchase Requisition.

The purchase of goods and services at UFV is the responsibility of Procurement Services. While there are specific exceptions (notably library, bookstores and travel and business expenses) you should assume that procurement policies apply to you. As the public procurement landscape continues to evolve with greater emphasis on transparency and accountability, UFV must maintain high legal, ethical, and professional standards in its purchasing practices.

The overarching objective of Procurement Services is to acquire goods and services in a manner that results in the best overall value to UFV. The main approach in meeting this goal is the selection of suppliers through open, fair, transparent and non-discriminatory practices that are in compliance with Canada’s competitive bidding laws and trade agreements. Please refer to UFV’s Purchasing Policy for a complete overview of procurement policies and your responsibilities.

Quick guide to the procurement process

Direct purchases

A resource for any purchase less than $5K

Competitive purchasing

Getting supplier quotations to secure the best value

Direct Award requests

When to award a project to a supplier without a public tender

Restricted and exempt goods

The scoop on restricted and exempt goods & services

If your requirement falls outside the parameters of any of these actions, please submit a general inquiry.