Baddeck, Nova Scotia Home and School Association (1881)

Baker, Harold (CAAE)

Baker, W.B. (Bill) Saskatchewan

Banff Centre

Banff Centre for the Arts

Banff School of Fine Arts

Barer-Stein, Thelma

Basic Training for Skills Development (BTSD)

Baskett, H. K. (Morris)

Bateson, Nora (PEI & Nova Scotia)

Beatty-Guenter, Patty

Beausoleil, Jocelyn

Bedard, Rene

"Beechville Project, The"

Bell, Debbie (B.C.)

Bell, Ruth Marion (CAAE)

"Behind the Headlines" (CAAE & Canadian Institute of International Affairs Periodical: 1940 -)

Bernard, Elaine (B.C.)

Bernard, Jean Louis (Quebec)

"Beyond Education: A New Perspective on Society's Management of Learning"

Bishop, Lincoln (1905 - 1979) (CLC)

Blackburn, Donald J. (Guelph)

Blais, Madeleine (Quebec)

Blanchette, Clement (Quebec)

Blondin, Michel

Blunt, Adrian

Bonar, James Charles (1906 - ca 1991) (CAAE)

Boshier, Roger (Vancouver)

Bouchard, Paul (Montreal)

Bourgeault, Guy (Quebec)

Bovey, Wilfred (1882 - 1956) (Quebec)

Boyle, Harry J.

Bradwin, Edmund William

Bratton, John

Brillinger, Margaret Fisher

"Bringing Literacy Within Reach : Identifying and Teaching Adults with Learning

Disabilities" (Learning Disabilities Association of Canada 1991)

British Columbia Association of Continuing Education Administrators

British Columbia



Free Libraries Act (1891)

Farmers' Instituted Act (1897)

Public Libraries Act (1919)

British Columbia Institute of Technology Act (1974)

Colleges and Institutes Act (1977)


Commissions and Reports:

Adult and Community Education (1977), "Faris Committee."





British North America Act (1867)

Brook, Paula

Brundage, Donald (Ontario)

Buchanan, D.W.

"Bunkhouse Man, The"

Bussiere, Eugene (Quebec)

Burnaby, Barbara J. (Ontario)

Burge, Elizabeth (Ontario/New Brunswick)

Burton, Francoise

Burton, Wendy

Butterdahl, Paz G.

Butterwick, Shauna

Etc.............. (we are pleased to receive suggestions for additional potential entries)


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