Directed studies
Students with an interest in pursuing gerontological research can apply for directed studies under CERA members in subjects including media and communications, nursing and psychology.
MACS 490 Directed studies in media and communications studies
This course is designed for upper-level students who wish to examine in greater depth a particular problem/issue in media and communication studies.
NURS 490 Directed studies in nursing
Students who have a special interest in a nursing topic area not offered through identified core curriculum may request to do a directed study under the supervision of a faculty member.
PSYC 493A & PSYC 493B Directed studies in psychology
This is an independent reading and research in topics course, selected in consultation with a supervising instructor.
Research assistants
Alternatively, students can apply for a research assistant position. UFV faculty members request research assistants in March of every year and the positions become available for the summer, fall and winter semesters. Students should approach specific faculty or department heads to inquire about opportunities.
There are also a variety of grants and funds available for students to pursue and to present their research both on and off-campus.