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The Race and Antiracism Network

RAN chairs since 2012

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Adrienne Chan

Dr. Adrienne Chan

Professor Emerita

School of Social Work and Human Services

email Adrienne


Adrienne Chan joined the School of Social Work and Human Services in 2004. She served as Associate Vice-President of Research, Engagement and Graduate Studies from 2012 to 2018.

Content Specialization (research and teaching):

Subject areas: Diversity, equity, gender, multiculturalism, anti-racism, academic culture, institutional change/culture, educational studies, educational policy, organizational behaviour, social justice, social policy, child welfare. Methods: Auto/biography, narrative, ethnography, qualitative methods, and feminist research methods.


Skills and Expertise:

Research skills: program evaluation, needs assessment, program review, developing research grants and proposal writing, program and project management, curriculum development.

Management skills: managing interdisciplinary teams/work groups, managing course/marketing information, managing budgets, team building, strategic planning, supervision of instructors and instructor contracts, supervision of students (undergraduate and graduate level).


Noted Achievements:

  • Grant holder Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR): (2015 – 2016 and 2017 – 2020)
  • Grant holder Standard Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC): (2006-2010 and 2011-2014).
  • Developed the Master of Social Work Program: Worked on the inception (2005) with the School of Social Work and Human Services towards the approval process and implementation (2010). MSW Program Chair 2010-2012.
  • Founding Member: Race and Anti-racism Network (RAN, 2006).  (Chair 2009- 2012)
  • Developed and completed four evaluation projects for the Ministry of Children and Family Development (provincial funding 2005-2011) in the child welfare system.
  • Recipient of the Teaching Excellence Award, 2008.
  • Recipient of the Inspirational Leadership Award, 2019.
  • Presented and published internationally.


Sample Publications and Presentations

Books and Chapters in Books:

Chan, Adrienne S. and Sivia, Awneet. (2024) Diversity leadership in our own words. In: C. McGregor and S. Bedi (editors). Diversity Leadership in Education. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press.

Chan, Adrienne S. (2022) Diversity in Higher Education. In: H. Kim (editor). Asian Canadian Voices. Facets of Diversity. Toronto: Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library. University of Toronto.

Arora, Kamal, Chan, Adrienne S., and Sivia, Awneet. (2022) Confronting microaggressions within and beyond the academy: Narratives of an anti-racism network.  In: C. L. Cho and J. K. Corkett (editors). Global Perspectives on Microaggressions in Higher Education: Understanding and Combating Covert Violence in Universities. London: Routledge. 

Chan, Adrienne S. (2021). Storytelling, culture, and Indigenous methodology. In A. Bainbridge, L. Formenti, and L. West (editors). Discourses, Dialogue and Diversity in Biographical Research: An Ecology of Life and Learning. London: Brill Publishers.

Schaepe, David M., Lyons, Natasha, Chan, Adrienne S., Phillips, Andy, and Hennessy, Kate. (2021). The Sq’ewlets youth origins experience. Providing tangible and intangible experiences of ancestral places and belongings in supporting wellness among Indigenous youth and community.  In T. Kador and H. Chatterjee (editors) Object-based learning and well-being. London: Routledge.

Chan, Adrienne S. (2020). The decolonizing and indigenizing discourse. In H. Wright and M. Hoyen (editors) Discourses we live by; Personal and professional narratives of educational and social practices. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers. 

Chan, Adrienne S. (2010). Challenging notions of identity in the learning journey. In: B. Merrill and J. González Monteagudo (editors) (2010) Educational Journeys and
Changing Lives.
Vol.1, Seville, European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA), University of Seville and University of Warwick.

Chan, Adrienne S., & Fisher, Donald. (eds.) (2008). The exchange university. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Chan, Adrienne S., & Fisher, Donald. (2008). Academic culture and the research intensive university. In A.S. Chan & D. Fisher (eds.) The exchange university. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Chan, Adrienne S., (2007). Diversity and change in institutions of higher learning. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press.

Chan, Adrienne S., (2007). Race based policies in Canada. In R. Joshee & L. Johnson (eds.). Multicultural education policies in Canada and the United States: Symbol and substance. Vancouver: UBC Press.

Chan, Adrienne S., Fisher, Donald, & Rubenson, Kjell. (eds.) (2007). The Evolution of Professionalism. Vancouver: Centre for Policy Studies in Higher Education and Training, University of British Columbia

Refereed Papers:

Maiter, Sarah, Chan, Adrienne, Alaggia, Ramona, & Ngo, Anh. (2019) Burdens felt by child protection workers serving immigrant families with limited English proficiency: The need for sustained support The International Journal of Community Diversity. 19 (1)

Maiter, Sarah, Alaggia, Ramona, Chan, Adrienne, & Leslie, Bruce. (2015) Trial and error: Attending to language barriers in child welfare service provision from the perspective of frontline workers. Child & Family Social Work. Doi 10.1111/cfs.12214

Chan, Adrienne S., Dhamoon, Rita Kaur., & Moy, Lisa. (2014)  Metaphoric representation of women of colour in the academy. Borderlands (online journal)

Chan, Adrienne S., & Merrill, Barbara. (2012) Learning and identity: Life, work and citizenship. Advances in Gender Research, Volume 16, 229–252.

Chan, Adrienne S., (2010) Women at the boundaries. Forum on Public Policy. Vol 22 (1). September, 2010.

Chan, Adrienne S., & Fisher, D. (2009). Academic culture and the research intensive university. The impact of commercialism and scientism. Peking University Education Review. Vol 7. No 1. 29-43.

Chan, Adrienne S., Goertzen, April, & Wolfson, Gloria, K. (2007) Kith and kin care: A review of the literature. UCFV Research Review Vol. 1. Issue 2.

Chan, Adrienne, & Wolfson, Gloria. (2006). Managing change. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture & Change Management. Vol. 6. Melbourne, AU: Common Ground Publishing.

Chan, Adrienne S. (2005) Policy discourses and changing practice: Diversity and the university college. Higher Education. 50 (1). 129-157

Refereed Presentations:

Arora, Kamal, Chan, Adrienne, S. & Sivia, Awneet. (2022) Confronting Microaggressions Within and Beyond the Academy: Narratives of an Anti-Racism Network. Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education Conference. Online. Toronto, ON.

Chan, Adrienne, S. & Sivia, Awneet. (2022) Leadership reflections of women of colour: Conceptualizing diversity leadership in our own words. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference. Online. Toronto, ON.

Chan, Adrienne S. (2020). Activist research: Collaborative, community-based, and decolonizing work. Paper presented at 2020 ESREA Conference: Canterbury Christ Church University. Canterbury, UK.

Chan, Adrienne S., LaRock, Nikki, McIntyre, Matthew, & Wolgram, Lisa. (2019) Community, land based wellness and suicide prevention. Reconciliation: Honouring the Other. National Conference of Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention. Edmonton, AB.

Chan, Adrienne S. & Hardman, Shirley (2019) Decolonization and reclamation of language. Paper presented at 2019 ESREA Conference: Western Norway University of Applies Sciences. Bergen, NOR.

Chan, Adrienne S. (2018). Storytelling as a way forward to belonging and identity. Paper presented at Conference: ‘Togetherness’ and Its Discontents. University of Turin. Turin, IT.

Chan, Adrienne S. (2017). The Decolonizing and Indigenizing Discourse. Paper presented at the 2017 ESREA Conference: Discourses We Live By. Aarhus University. Copenhagen, DK.

Chan, Adrienne S. (2016).Networks of Hope: A Place for Possibility and Agency. Paper presented at the 2016 ESREA Conference. Resources of Hope: The place of hope in researching learning lives. Canterbury Christ Church University: Canterbury, UK.

Maiter, Sarah, Alaggia, Ramona, & Chan, Adrienne S. (2014). Child Welfare Services when clients do not speak the National Language: Voices from the Frontlines. European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents (EUSARF). Copenhagen, DK.

Maiter, Sarah & Chan, Adrienne S. (2014). By Trial and Error: Experiences of Child Welfare Workers in Providing services when clients are not proficient in English   Prairie Child Welfare Consortium’s Symposium. Saskatoon, SK

Chan, Adrienne S. (2014) Equity in the University: The Challenges of Globalization and Commercialization. International Conference for Academic Disciplines. Universita’ Ca’ Foscari Di Venezia. Venice IT.

Chan, Adrienne S., Maiter, Sarah, & Alaggia, Ramona. (2013). Policy and Practice Issues for Children and Families: Language Interpretation and Translation.International Society for the Prention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN). Dublin, Ireland.

Chan, Adrienne, S., Dhamoon, Rita, K., & Moy, Lisa. (2013) The Construction of Women of Colour Faculty: Teaching about Race and Racism. Presented at the Canadian Association of Studies in Adult Education (CASAE), Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities. Victoria: University of Victoria.

Alaggia, Ramona, Maiter, Sarah, Chan, Adrienne, Ma, Jennifer, & Black, Raven. (2013) Structural Barriers in Service Provision for Child Welfare Clients with Language Challenges. Presented at the Canadian Association for Social Work Education (CASWE). Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities. Victoria: University of Victoria.

Chan, Adrienne, S. (2013) Interdisciplinarity: Disrupting disciplinary boundaries. Paper presented at ESREA. Researching Learning Lives: On discipline, inter-disciplinarity and imaginative imperatives in auto/biographical and narrative research. Canterbury Christ Church University. Canterbury, UK.

Chan, Adrienne S. & Sivia, Awneet (2012). Turning difficult conversations into learning

conversations. Presented at Embracing Difference: Engaging Community. Burnaby: BC:

EmbraceBC, Multiculturalism Unit. Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation

Chan, Adrienne S. (2011) Equity and diversity. Equity and diversity in the academy: Can the legacy of colonization and racism be overcome? Canadian Association for Social Work Education. Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities. Fredricton: St. Thomas University.

Chan, Adrienne S.  & Moy, Lisa (2011) Student learning and engagement for change: Race and racism. Paper presented at 5th Annual Social Work Research Symposium: Human Rights, Social Justice and Transformations. Toronto: York University.

Chan, Adrienne S. (2011) Agents of change: Discourse of despair or optimism? Paper presented at European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA) Life History and Biography Network Conference. University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland.

Chan, Adrienne S. (2010) Health and Mental Health Issues for South Asian Families. Paper presented at Changing Health Conference. Dublin.

Chan, Adrienne, S., Moy, Lisa, & Henderson, Christina. (2010) Learning about Race and Racism – Implications for Social Work Practice. Paper presented at Canadian Association for Social Work Education. Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities. Montreal: Concordia University.

Chan, Adrienne, S. (2010) Learning identities, social identities, and access to learning. Paper presented at: Panel on Access and Experiences of Non-traditional Students in Higher Education. Vancouver, BC: Simon Fraser University.

Chan, Adrienne, S. (2010) Women at the Boundaries. Paper presented at: Women in the Academy, Oxford University. UK.

Chan, Adrienne S. & Poonian, Amanjit. (2009)Service Learning and Social Work: Contested or Compatible Principles? Paper presented at: Canadian Association of Social Work Education. Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities. Ottawa: Carleton University.

Chan, Adrienne S. (2009). Stories of hope: Learning, life, and resistance.Paper presented at: European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA) Life History and Biography Network Conference: “Wisdom and knowledge in researching and learning lives: diversity, differences and commonalities”. Centro Studi Adul-tità “Ettore Gelpi” Società Umanitaria, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, and Università degli Studi di Siena. Milano, Italy.

Chan, Adrienne S. (2008). Challenging notions of identity in the learning journey. Paper Presented at: European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA) Identity and Adult Learning Network Conference: “Educational Journeys and Changing Lives”. Universidad de Sevilla and The University of Warwick. Sevilla, Spain.

Chan, Adrienne, S. & Fisher, Donald. (2008). Academic culture and the research intensive university: Contexts for change.  Paper presented at The Consortium of Higher Education Researchers 21st Annual Conference (CHER), Universitadegii Studi di Pavia, Italy.

Chan, Adrienne S. (2008) Presenting factors in child protection in Indo-Canadian families. Paper presented at the 34th Bi-annual Congress of the International Association of Schools of Social Work: Transcending Global-Local Divides. Durban, South Africa.

Chan, Adrienne, S. & Bains, Satwinder. (2008). Racial identity and cultural politics in post-secondary education. Paper presented at Emergent Perspectives in Fostering Successful Environments in Higher Education: Experiences Among Post-secondary Minority Students in Canada. Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education and the Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences. Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia.

Chan, Adrienne S., Kangro, Kaillie, & Larson, Nancy. (2008). International education, international social work, and social justice. Paper presented at Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work Annual Conference. Toronto, Ontario.

Chan, Adrienne, S. & Schecker, Susi (2007). Social justice in the university. Annual Conference of Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work. Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan.

Chan, Adrienne, S.,Wolfson, Gloria, K, & Fotouhi, Ali Reza. (2006). Mental health issues in kith and kin child welfare placements. 5th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health. Hong Kong, China.

Chan, Adrienne, S., Goertzen, April, & Wolfson, Gloria, K. (2006). Kith and kin care: Best practices. ISPCAN International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect. University of York, Heslingon, York, UK.

Chan, Adrienne S. & Wolfson, Gloria. (2006). Managing change: A case study of competencies and standards. Sixth Annual Conference of Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organizations. Prato, IT: Monash University, Australia.

Chan, Adrienne, S., Este, D., O’Neill, B. & Todd, S. (2006). Intersections and boundaries in social work education. Annual Conference of Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work. Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities. Toronto: York University.

Chan, Adrienne, S. & Douma, Matthew. (2006). Homelessness: The lived experience of a marginalized population. Annual Conference of Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work. Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities. Toronto: York University.

Chan, Adrienne, S. (2005). Reinserting ‘diversity’ into social work research education. Annual Conference of Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work. Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities. London: University of Western Ontario.

Other reports and papers

Thach, Tran Ngnoc, Dandurand, Yvon, & Chan, Adrienne. (2011). Proposed Child Protection Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism for Viet Nam. Hanoi, VN: UNICEF.

Chan, Adrienne, S. & Redekop, Jayme. (2011) Integrated Case Management: Final Report. Surrey, BC: Ministry of Children and Family Development.

Chan, Adrienne, S. (2008). IndoCanadian Families: Project Final Report. Ministry of Children and Family Development, Abbotsford, BC.

Chan, Adrienne S. & Wolfson, Gloria K. (2008) Complaints Resolution Process: Final report. Surrey, BC: Ministry of Children and Family Development, BC.

Steyn, Pieter, & Chan, Adrienne S. (2008) Mobility Scooter Research Project. Centre for Education and Research on Aging.Abbotsford: City of Abbotsford and University College of the Fraser Valley.

Chan, Adrienne S. & Steyn, Pieter (2007) Getting Around: Transport and Mobility of  Elders in Abbotsford. Abbotsford: City of Abbotsford and University College of the Fraser Valley.

Dandurand, Yvon, & Chan, Adrienne. (2007). Child Protection Indicators for Viet Nam - Proposed Framework and Indicators. Hanoi: CPFC and UNICEF Viet Nam.

Chan, Adrienne S., Wolfson, Gloria K., & Fotouhi, Ali Reza. (2007) Out of care options: Success, barriers, and challenges. Final report. Surrey: Ministry of Children and Family Development, Fraser Region.

 Chan, Adrienne S. & Steyn, Pieter (2006). Elders of Abbotsford: An Exploration of Strengths and Issues. Abbotsford: City of Abbotsford and University College of the Fraser Valley.


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