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The Race and Antiracism Network

RAN chairs since 2012

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Ghizlane Laghzaoui

Dr. Ghizlane Laghzaoui

Associate Professor, French

Modern Languages

Abbotsford campus, D3007

Phone: 604.504.7441, local 5104

email Ghizlane


Ghizlane is born and raised in Morocco and immigrated to Canada in 2000 with her husband and two children. She taught at SFU until 2011 and joined UFV in the same year. She teaches French language and literature at the second, third and fourth-year levels in the French programs.

Her research addresses issues of social and professional integration of francophone immigrant teachers and families in the schooling system of BC as well as francophone youth and governance in minority settings. Her focus is on language identity construction and belonging in the context of immigration.

She is also an active member of the community either as a member of the Abbotsford Local Immigration partnership or as a board member of the Francophone Federation of BC (FFCB) where she was co-chairing an advisory committee on strategic governance and immigration and evaluating funding applications to PCH (Patrimoine Canadien- Heritage Canada). 

Ghizlane also volunteers on a regular basis, particularly with Mentoraction, a program devoted to mentoring young immigrant women and facilitating their social and professional integration.


  • EdD in Educational Leadership and Diversity, Simon Fraser University (2011)
  • PhD in African Francophone Literature,Charles de Gaulle University, Lille III, France (1992)
  • Diplôme d'Études Appliquées (DEA) in African Francophone Literature,  Charles de Gaulle University, Lille III, France (1989)
  • Bachelor's degree in French Comparative Literature (Science Fiction and Fantasy), Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco (1988)

Teaching Interests

  • Francophone Language, Literature and Culture
  • Workshops in communication, social and professional integration, and anti-racism.

Research Interests

  • Educational leadership and diversity
  • Identity construction and belonging
  • Immigration and anti-racism
  • Youth leadership and engagement


Laghzaoui, G. (2021). Students’ Evaluation of Teaching: RateMyProfessors as a deciding factor in course selection, Canada International Conference in Education, CICE 2021, Toronto (virtual).

Laghzaoui, G. (2021). Giving Students a Voice: How RateMyProfessors fills the gaps in students’ evaluation of teaching, Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, Congress 2021, Edmonton (virtual).

Laghzaoui, G (2020, 2021). RAN Series Workshops on Allyship. Race and Anti-racism Network, University of the Fraser Valley.

Laghzaoui, G. and Bullock C. (November 2020). Youth Leadership and Engagement: keys to a successful partnership with hosting communities, Francophone Youth Council of British Columbia, Vancouver Virtual Forum.

Laghzaoui, G. (2017). Transfert des compétences à l’écrit : étude des représentations sur le processus d’écriture dans une classe d’écrit avancé. International Conference on Foreign Languages, Communication and Culture, University of Holguin, Holguin, Cuba.

Laghzaoui, G., Marien, R., & Sabatier, C. (2016). Researchers and Communities’ Engagement in Rethinking Identity Spaces. An example of a Community-Researcher partnership in BC.  Langues, identités et appartenances: repenser les espaces et les frontières pour un engagement social renouvelé dans une francophonie canadienne en mouvement, CEFCO, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver.
Laghzaoui, G. (2016). Language, Discourse and Identity Construction among Francophone Immigrant Teachers in British Columbia: Between the Obvious and the Oblivious. Twenty-Third International Conference on Learning and the Learner Knowledge Community, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.


Most recent publications

Laghzaoui, G., & Bullock, C. (2021). Les jeunes et l’engagement communautaire: Les clés d’un partenariat réussi. Connecte – Initiative d’engagement Jeunesse. Rapport des tables rondes.

Laghzaoui, G. (2016). L’école francophone et les enseignants immigrants en Colombie-Britannique : un idéal communautaire entre résistance et alliance. Culture Française d’Amérique. CEFAN-Presses Universitaires de Laval.

Laghzaoui, G. (2014). L’école francophone en milieu minoritaire : regards et discours des enseignants immigrants francophones pour une meilleure compréhension du lien famille-école. : Les nouveaux c@hiers de la recherche en éducation, 17(2), 96-124. 

Marshall, S., & Laghzaoui, G. (2012). Langues, identités et francophonie chez des étudiants universitaires issus de l’immersion française à Vancouver, au Canada. Le Français dans le Monde, 2012(5).pp. 76-90.

Media Interviews

CBC- Radio-Canada (2017). Hiring practices and shortage of French teachers in BC French programs, Colombie-Britannique.

CBC- Radio-Canada(2014). Sensible la question du recrutement des enseignants, ICI Radio-Canada, Colombie-Britannique.

 CBC- Radio-Canada (2014.), Des allégations de discrimination au CSF surprennent son directeur, reportage réalisé par Saida Ouchaou



Community Engagement

  • Renewal of leadership in francophone communities in minority settings: young leaders and continuity. Community-based research (UFV, SFU and Conseil Jeunesse of BC)

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