Summer 2017 Timetable

This timetable has been updated with changes made up to and including:
June 20, 2017

Changes are in red; additions are in blue.

                                                             FULL semester - May 3 – Aug 3       à Exam period –> Aug 8 -18 includes Saturday.
                                                             EARLY semester - May 3 – Jun 20  
à Exam period –>June 22 -26 includes Saturday.
                                                             LATE semester - Jul 4 – Aug 21        
àExam period –> Aug 23 - 25

Adult Education
Art History
Business Administration
Child & Youth Care
Computer Information Systems
Computer Science
Criminal Justice

Critical Analysis & Study Methods

English as a Second Language
Graphic Design
Hospitality & Event Planning
Human Services

Kinesiology & Physical Education
Library and Information Tech
Media & Communication Studies


Social Work
Visual Arts

 HYBRID format -       Some of the classroom instruction time has been moved to online. For example, one class in four will
take place online, or in-class time is significantly reduced and replaced with online activities. 
                      Online components can be accessed at or

ONLINE -              Online courses open at noon on May 3. Students are expected to login soon after that.
                      Students MUST login by noon May 5 for EARLY and FULL sessions or risk losing their spot in the course.
                      For LATE session online courses open at noon on July  4.  Students must login by noon July 6 or risk
                      losing their spot in the course.
-- Start the online course at or --

Subj Crse#  Course Title                        Credit      Fee      Requisites

 ---- -----  ------------------------------------ --------  ------------------------------------------------------------

      CRN   Sec Instructor                            Bldg   Room       UMTWRFS Begin End       Start Date   End Date           Max

      ----- --- ------------------------------ ------ ---------- ------- ----- ----  ----------- ----------- ------

                                                                                                Major                          Resv

                                                                                               ------------------------------ ----


 Adult Education


 ADED 330S  MBCT                             3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30 university-

                                                             level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education

                                                             program) or (permission of the Adult Education

                                                             department). Note: Students who do not have 30

                                                             university-level credits will need to contact the Adult

                                                             Education program advisor for permission to register.


      50279 AB1 Eileen Burkholder                                                       02-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017   25
                                                ABD    219              S 1000  1600    10-JUN-2017 10-JUN-2017     

                                                ABD    219          T     1830  2130    02-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017

                                                ABD    219            R   1830  2130    04-MAY-2017 01-JUN-2017

            NOTE: Classes start TUESDAY MAY 2.

            This is a face-to-face course. No classes on June 8 and June 15.  Instead there will be a class on June 10th 10 am - 4 pm


 ADED 365   AD ED IN CDA: INDIGENOUS PLPS    3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-

                                                             level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education

                                                             program) or (permission of the Adult Education

                                                             department). Note: Students who do not have 30

                                                             university-level credits will need to contact the Adult

                                                             Education program advisor for permission to register.


      50128 ON1 Linda Pardy                     ONLINE UFV                              03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017   25
                                                ABD    225         M      1730  2030    08-MAY-2017 08-MAY-2017     

                                                ABD    225         M      1730  2130    15-MAY-2017 15-MAY-2017

                                                ABD    225         M      1730  2130    05-JUN-2017 05-JUN-2017

                                                ABD    225         M      1730  2030    12-JUN-2017 12-JUN-2017                                                

            This course meets two Mondays for four hours, Monday, May 15 and June 5.
            Blackboard Collaborate
participation will be provided for distance students.
            All remaining classes are conducted online.

      50365 ON2 Linda Pardy                     ONLINE UFV                              03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017   25
ABD    225         M      1730  2130    12-JUN-2017 12-JUN-2017              

            This course meets Monday June 12 for four hours.

            Blackboard Collaborate participation will be provided for distance students.
remaining classes are conducted online.


 ADED 380   EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES         3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-

                                                             level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education

                                                             program) or (permission of the Adult Education

                                                             department). Note: Students who do not have 30

                                                             university-level credits will need to contact the Adult

                                                             Education program advisor for permission to register.


      50129 ON1 Janice Johnson                  ONLINE UFV                              03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017   36
                                                ABD    225              S 1000  1300    06-MAY-2017 06-MAY-2017     

                                                ABD    225              S 1000  1300    27-MAY-2017 27-MAY-2017

                                                ABD    225              S 1000  1300    17-JUN-2017 17-JUN-2017

            Online course - Please see explanation above.

            This course meets four Saturdays for three hours, including the first class on Saturday, May 6th and the

            last clas    s Saturday, June 17.  Blackboard Collaborate will provided for distance students. All remaining classes are

            conducted online.


 ADED 408   ASSESSING ADULT LEARNING         3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-

                                                             level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education

                                                             program) or (permission of the Adult Education

                                                             department). Note: Students who do not have 30

                                                             university-level credits will need to contact the Adult

                                                             Education program advisor for permission to register.


      50130 ON1 Mary Saudelli                   ONLINE UFV                              03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017   36
                                                ABD    225           W    1830  2130    10-MAY-2017 10-MAY-2017     

                                                ABD    225           W    1830  2130    24-MAY-2017 24-MAY-2017

                                                ABD    225           W    1830  2130    07-JUN-2017 07-JUN-2017

            Online course - Please see explanation above. All classes are conducted online.

            This course meets three Wednesdays for three hours, including the first class on Wednesday, May 10,

            and the last class Wednesday, June 7th. Blackboard Collaborate will be provided for distance students.




 ANTH 102   INTRO TO SOCIAL & CULTUR ANTHR   3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50002 ON1 Christine Elsey                 ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
            The final exam will be held on campus.


 ANTH 111   FIRST NATNS-BC TRAD'TL CULTURE   3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50132 ON1 Douglas Hudson                  ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

            The final exam will be held on campus.


 ANTH 130   ANTHROPOLOGY - WORLD RELIGIONS   3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None.


      50133 ON1 Nicola Mooney                   ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
            The final exam will be held on campus.


 Art History


 AH   330   MUSEUM PRINCIPLES & PRACTICES    4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): 3 credits of 100- or 200-level Art

                                                             History or 45 university-level credits.


      50131 ON1 Aleksandra Idzior               ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     20

            Online - please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             6

            This course will involve individual visits to galleries

            and museums.




 BIO  093   PRE-COLLEGE BIOLOGY II           4.0    $538.48  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (Biology 12 with a C- or

                                                             better) or (BIO 083 or BIO 11 with a C+ or better).

                                                             Note: Chemistry 11 or CHEM 083, and/or Principles of Mathematics 11,

                                                             Applications of Mathematics 11, Foundations of Mathematics 11,

                                                             Pre-calculus 11, or MATH 085 are highly recommended.


      50312 AB1 Barnabe Assogba                 ABA    253          T R   1730  2020  04-MAY-2017 15-AUG-2017     24


 BIO  111   INTRODUCTORY BIOLOGY I           5.0    $780.70  Prerequisite(s): One of Biology 11 or BIO 083 with a C+ or better and

                                                             one of Chemistry 12, CHEM 093, or CHEM 110 with a C or better or one of
                                                             Biology 12 or BIO 093 with a C+ or better and one of Chemistry 11,

                                                             Chemistry 12, CHEM 083, CHEM 093, or CHEM 110 with a C or better.


      50005 CH1 Carolos Leon                    CEPA   1360         T     1000  1210  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36

                                                CEPA   1360           R   1000  1120 
 Choose one of the following labs:

      50003 C#A Allan Arndt                     CEPA   2111         T     1400  1650  03-MAY-17   03-AUG-17       18

      50004 C#B Alan Reid                       CEPA   2111          W    1000  1250  03-MAY-17   03-AUG-17       18


 BIO  112   INTRODUCTORY BIOLOGY II          5.0    $780.70  Prerequisite(s): BIO 111


      50008 CH1 Debbie Wheeler                  CEPA   2207         T     1300  1510  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36

                                                CEPA   2207           R   1300  1420 
 Choose one of the following labs:

      50006 C#A Jennifer Barrett                CEPA   2105           R   1000  1250  03-MAY-17   03-AUG-17       18

      50007 C#B Jennifer Barrett                CEPA   2105           R   1430  1720  03-MAY-17   03-AUG-17       18


 BIO  202   CELL SIGNAL/GENE REGULATION      4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): BIO 111, BIO 112, CHEM 113 and CHEM 114

                                                             all with a C+ or better. 


      50134 CH1 Carolos Leon                    CEPA   1360        M      1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     24

                                                CEPA   2111        M      1430  1720

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   3

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           2

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          17


 BIO  210   INTRODUCTION TO ECOLOGY          4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): BIO 111 and BIO 112.  Note the

                                                             prerequisite will be waived for students who have

                                                             completed the Agriculture Technology diploma.  Contact

                                                             the Biology department to arrange a prerequisite waiver.


      50009 AB1 Alan Reid                       ABA    301            R   1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     24

                                                ABA    301            R   1400  1650

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   3

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          17

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           2


 BIO  220   GENETICS                         4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (BIO 111 and BIO 112)

                                                             or (BIO 111 and three AGRI courses), all with a C+ or better.


      50010 CH1 Nathan Bialas                   CEPA   1360          W    1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     24

                                                CEPA   2111          W    1400  1650

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   3

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          17

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           2


 BIO  315   EQUINE BIOLOGY                   3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): Any three biology courses numbered 200

                                                             or above, or AGRI 238, or permission of the instructor.


      50011 AB1 TBA                             ABA    301          T     1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   4

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          24

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           3


 BIO  320   BIOCHEMISTRY                     3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): BIO 201 and CHEM 213


      50012 AB1 Justin Lee                      ABA    312          T     1400  1650  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   4

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          24

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           3


 BIO  335   METHODS IN FRESHWATER ECOLOGY    4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): BIO 210 or GEOG 202


      50013 IS1 Sharon Gillies                                                        03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017      2

            Note: involves off campus activities


 BIO  360   INSECT BIOLOGY                   4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): Any two Biology courses numbered 200 and above.


      50014 AB1 Debbie Wheeler                  ABA    305           W    1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     24

                                                ABA    253           W    1400  1650

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   3

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           2

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          17


 BIO  408   DIRECTED STUDIES IN BIOLOGY I    3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): B+ or better in BIO 202, 210, and 220,

                                                             and instructor's permission.


      50015 IS1 TBA                                                                   03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017      6


 BIO  409A  DIRECTED STUD BIOL II - PART A   3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): B+ average in BIO 202, 210, 220, and

                                                             permission of instructor


      50016 IS1 TBA                                                                   03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017      6


 BIO  409B  DIRECTED STUD BIOL II - PART B   3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): B+ average in BIO 202, 210, 220, and

                                                             permission of instructor


      50017 IS1 James Bedard                                                          03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017      1


 BIO  410   PLANT ECOLOGY                    4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): BIO 210 or GEOG 219/BIO 219(formerly GEOG 317/BIO 317).


      50018 IS1 Sharon Gillies                                                        03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017      4

            Note: involves off campus activities


 BIO  416   EVOLUTION                        3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): BIO 210 and BIO 220, and any three 300-

                                                             or 400-level biology courses.


      50135 AB1 Sharon Gillies                  ABA    301         M      0900  1150  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     24

                                                ABA    301         M      1300  1550

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Biology Honours                   3

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          17

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           2


 BIO  421E  CLAYOQUOT BIOSPHERE FIELD SCHL   4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): Any three biology courses numbered 200 or above


      50019 CB1 Allan Arndt                     ABA    266             F  1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     48

            Note: Reserved for Clayquote Biosphere Field School - Tofino, BC


 BIO  421HH CLAYOQUOT BIOS FIELD SCHOOL II   4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): Any three biology courses numbered 200 or above


      50020 CB1 Allan Arndt                     ABA    266             F  1400  1650  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     48

            Note: Reserved for Clayquote Biosphere Field School - Tofino, BC


 BIO  430   FOREST ECOLOGY                   3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): 75 university-level credits, including BIO 210.


      50136 AB1 Sharon Gillies                  ABA    312            R   0900  1150  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     24

                                                ABA    312            R   1300  1550

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Biology Honours                   3

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          17

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           2


 BIO  499A  DIR STUD IN HONOURS BIOL PT I    4.5    $702.63  Prerequisite(s): Enrolment in Biology honours degree program

                                                             and completion of at least 10 upper-level Biology credits.


      50021 IS1 TBA                                                                   03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017      6


 BIO  499B  DIR STUD IN HONOURS BIOL PT II   4.5    $702.63  Prerequisite(s): Enrolment in Biology honours degree program

                                                             and completion of at least 10 upper-level Biology credits.


      50022 IS1 TBA                                                                   03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017      6


 Business Administration


 BUS  100   INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS         3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None.


      50137 AB1 TBA                             ABB    132         M  R   0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017      0

            WAITLIST ONLY


      50023 AB2 Kishore Anand                   ABA    269          T     1130  1420  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36

                                                                                               Int’l Students           8


      50138 AB3 Kim Milnes                      ABC    1427         T  F  1130  1420  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

                                                                                               Int’l Students           8


      50024 AB4 Kishore Anand                   ABC    1427          W    0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36

                                                                                               Int’l Students           8


 BUS  120   ESSENTIALS OF MARKETING          3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): BUS 100 or AGRI 142.


      50139 AB1 Anne Lavack                     ABC    1427        M W    1130  1420  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

                                                                                               Int’l Students           8


      50250 AB2 Padma Vipat                     ABC    1427        M W    1730  2020  04-JUL-2017 21-AUG-2017     36

                                                                                               Int’l Students           8


 BUS  143   INTRO FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING I     3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): BUS 100 and the pre-requisites for MATH



      50140 AB1 Tillie Parmar                   ABD    134         M W    0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic stu       24


 BUS  144   INTRO FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING II    3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): BUS 143.


      50141 AB1 Robert Anderson                 ABC    1420        M W    0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic stu       24


      50142 AB2 Robert Anderson                 ABC    1426        M W    1430  1720  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic stu       24


 BUS  160   COMPUTERIZED BUS APPLICATIONS    3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None. It is recommended that students

                                                             are competent in computer skills.


      50143 AB1 Gary Schmidt                     ABA    302         M W    0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     25

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.             MAJOR:Accounting Cert                   1

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Cert      2

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Dipl      7

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Deg       6

                                                                                MAJOR:BBA Aviation                      2


      50144 AB2 Trish Blondin                   ABA    302          T R   0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     25

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.             MAJOR:Accounting Cert                   1

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Cert      2

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Dipl      7

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Deg       6

                                                                                MAJOR:BBA Aviation                      2


      50145 ON1 Colleen Gingerich               ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     20

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Accounting Cert                   1

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.             MAJOR:Business Administration Cert      2

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Dipl      7

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Deg       6

                                                                                MAJOR:BBA Aviation                      2


 BUS  201   HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT        3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): BUS 203.


      50146 AB1 Sophia Barton-Bucknor           ABC    1427         T R   0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic stu       24


      50147 AB2 Liz Wiebe                       ABC    1427        M W    1430  1720  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic stu       24


 BUS  203   ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR         3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): BUS 100 or 30 credits of Criminology.


      50148 AB1 Kishore Anand                   ABC    1426        M W    1130  1420  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic stu       24


      50149 AB2 Kishore Anand                   ABD    217          T R   0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic stu       24


 BUS  221   PROFESSIONAL SELLING             3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): BUS 120.


      50150 AB1 Mark Breedveld                  ABC    1427         T R   1430  1720  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic stu       24


 BUS  226   ECONOMIC & BUSINESS STATISTICS   3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): STAT 106 (formerly MATH 106) and one of

                                                             MATH 111 or MATH 141 (formerly MATH 115).


      50151 AB1 Ahmed Hoque                     ABA    302         M      1130  1420  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     35

                                                ABA    302           W    1130  1420

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 226 and ECON 226              School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic stu       24


 BUS  227   NEW BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT         3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): BUS 120, (BUS 160 or CIS 110), (BUS 144 or

                                                             BUS 145), BUS 249 (formerly BUS 149 and BUS 162), and CMNS 125.


      50152 AB1 Darrell Lim                     ABC    1426        M W    0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic stu       24


 BUS  247   INTRO MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING      3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): BUS 144 or BUS 145.


      50153 AB1 Randy Millard                   ABC    1427         T R   1730  2020  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic stu       24


 BUS  249   INTRODUCTION TO FINANCE          3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): BUS 100 and the pre-requisites for MATH 141.


      50154 AB1 Don Dixon                       ABC    1426         T R   1130  1420  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic stu       24


 BUS  261   BUSINESS LAW                     3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): BUS 100


      50155 AB1 Gerald Palmer                   ABC    1426        M W    1730  2020  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic stu       24


      50156 AB2 Vincent Keramat                 ABC    1426         T R   1730  2020  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic stu       24


 BUS  320   BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS        3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): BUS 120, and one of BUS 226 or BUS 301.


      50025 AB1 Ronnie Gao                      ABC    1426            F  1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     25

                                                                                           School of Business          25


 BUS  324   CUSTOMER RELATIONS MANAGEMENT    3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): BUS 120, one of BUS 221, BUS 223, BUS 323,

                                                             BUS 328 (formerly BUS 224)


      50157 AB1 Morna Fraser                    ABD    228          T R   0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     25

                                                                                           School of Business          20


 BUS  327   CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR               3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): BUS 320


      50158 AB1 Cindy Stewart                   ABC    1015        M W    0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     25

                                                                                           School of Business          20


 BUS  344   INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING II       3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): BUS 343


      50159 AB1 Joe Ilsever                     ABC    1426         T R   0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     25

            Seats restricted for Accounting and Finance Majors, and Accounting Cert. students. Students outside of these areas

            should email


 BUS  346   INCOME TAX II                    3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): BUS 345


      50160 AB1 Joe Ilsever                     ABC    1423         T R   1430  1720  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     25

            Seats restricted for Accounting Major and Accounting Cert. students. Students outside of these areas should email



 BUS  349   FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT I           3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): BUS 143, BUS 249 (formerly BUS 149 and

                                                             BUS 162), and BUS 226 (formerly BUS 301).


      50161 AB1 Nik Venema                      ABC    1420         T R   1730  2020  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     25

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 349 and ECON 349                        Economics                    1

                                                                                           School of Business          24


 BUS  403   STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT             3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): BUS 349


      50162 AB1 Lorne Mackenzie                 ABC    1423         T  F  0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     25

                                                                                           School of Business          25


 BUS  404   MANAGEMENT SCIENCE               3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): 60 university-level credits including STAT 106.


      50163 AB1 Ron Zitron                      ABD    228         M W    1730  2020  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     25

                                                                                           School of Business          25



 BUS  405   STRATEGIC MGMT SIMULATION        3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the BBA degree or BBA

                                                             (Aviation) degree

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): Business 403 – Strategic Management


      50164 AB1 Lorne Mackenzie                 ABC    1420         T     1300  1550  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     25

                                                ABC    1426            F  1300  1550       School of Business          25


 BUS  406   COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS        3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): BUS 201


      50165 AB1 Liz Wiebe                       ABC    1423        M W    1130  1420  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     25

                                                                                           School of Business          20



 BUS  420   INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS           3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): ECON 100 and ECON 101; 90 credits of

                                                             university-level course work recommended


      50166 AB1 Kenneth Blawatt                 ABC    1423        M W    0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     25

                                                                                           School of Business          20


 BUS  421   INTERNATIONAL MARKETING          3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): BUS 120


      50167 AB1 Benny Hakak                     ABC    1423        M W    1430  1720  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     25

                                                                                           School of Business          20


 BUS  422   SALES MANAGEMENT                 3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): BUS 221; BUS 322 and BUS 326 recommended.


      50168 AB1 TBA                             ABC    1422         T R   1130  1420  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     25

                                                                                           School of Business          20


 BUS  423   SERVICES MARKETING               3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): BUS 320


      50431 IS1 Mark Breedveld                                                        03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017      6
                               Instructor's permission required


 BUS  492   DIRECTED STUDIES                 3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50026 AB1 Kenneth Blawatt                 ABC    1423           R   1000  1250    04-MAY-2017 04-MAY-2017   25

                                                ABC    1423           R   1000  1250    18-MAY-2017 18-MAY-2017

                                                ABC    1423           R   1000  1250    01-JUN-2017 01-JUN-2017

                                                ABC    1423           R   1000  1250    15-JUN-2017 15-JUN-2017

                                                ABC    1423           R   1000  1250    29-JUN-2017 29-JUN-2017

                                                ABC    1423           R   1000  1250    13-JUL-2017 13-JUL-2017

                                                ABC    1423           R   1000  1250    27-JUL-2017 27-JUL-2017
                                This course is for Management Post-Degree Certificate students only

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Management post-bach cert        25

            This class meets on campus alternating Thursdays starting May 4th


 BUS  499   APPLIED PROJECT                  6.0    $936.84  Prerequisite(s): Completion of 30 upper-level credits in

                                                             Business and Economics courses, and instructor’s permission.


      50027 AB1 Kenneth Blawatt                 ABC    1423           R   1000  1250    11-MAY-2017 11-MAY-2017   25

                                                ABC    1423           R   1000  1250    25-MAY-2017 25-MAY-2017

                                                ABC    1423           R   1000  1250    08-JUN-2017 08-JUN-2017

                                                ABC    1423           R   1000  1250    22-JUN-2017 22-JUN-2017

                                                ABC    1423           R   1000  1250    06-JUL-2017 06-JUL-2017

                                                ABC    1423           R   1000  1250    20-JUL-2017 20-JUL-2017

                                                ABC    1423           R   1000  1250    03-AUG-2017 03-AUG-2017

            This course is for Management Post-Degree Certificate students only

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Management post-bach cert        25

            This class meets on campus alternating Thursdays starting May 11th




 CHEM 083   PREP COLLEGE CHEMISTRY           4.0    $538.48  Prerequisite(s): Science 10. Note: One of Principles of

                                                             Mathematics 11, Applications of Mathematics 11,

                                                             Foundations of Mathematics 11, Pre-calculus 11, or MATH 085

                                                             is highly recommended.


      50313 AB1 Raji Balagopal                  ABA    253          T R   0830  1120  04-MAY-2017 15-AUG-2017     24


 CHEM 113   PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY I        5.0    $780.70  Prerequisite(s): (Chemistry 12 or CHEM 110) and (one of

                                                             the following: Principles of Mathematics 12, Pre-calculus 12,

                                                             MATH 095, MATH 096, or MATH 110).


      50171 AB1 David Fenske                    ABA    259           W    1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

                                                ABA    253         MT R   1130  1250

  Choose one of the following labs:

      50169 A#A Jane Webb                       ABA    388         M W    1300  1550  03-MAY-17   20-JUN-17       18

      50170 A#B Sarah Xiyan Hou                 ABA    388          T R   1300  1550  03-MAY-17   20-JUN-17       18


 CHEM 114   PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY II       5.0    $780.70  Prerequisite(s): CHEM 113.


      50253 AB1 Vinay Choytun                   ABA    416         MTWRF  0830  0950  04-JUL-2017 21-AUG-2017     36


 Choose one of the following labs:

      50251 A#A Vinay Choytun                   ABA    388         M W    1000  1250  04-JUL-17   21-AUG-17       18

      50252 A#B Raji Balagopal                  ABA    388          T R   1300  1550  04-JUL-17   21-AUG-17       18


 CHEM 213   ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I              4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): CHEM 114 


      50172 AB1 Pedro Montoya-Pelaez            ABA    210         MTWR   1000  1120  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     24

                                                ABA    393          T R   1300  1640

                                                                                MINOR:Chemistry                         4

                                                                                MAJOR:Chemistry                         4


 Child & Youth Care


 CYC  310   SUPERVISED PRACTICUM             6.0    $936.84  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the CYC Program, all 200

                                                             level courses need to be completed.

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): CYC 320, CYC 321,CYC 340,CYC

                                                             341(formerly CYC 301A, CYC 301B, CYC 338A,CYC 338B) 


      50057 AB1 Kiran Sidhu                     ABD    133          T     1700  1850  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017      8


 CYC  360N  EXPRESSIVE THERAPY               3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the CYC degree program or

                                                             permission of the program head


      50278 AB1 Maple Melder Crozier            ABD    123             F  0900  1700  05-MAY-2017 09-JUN-2017     24

            NO CLASS: May 19


 CYC  360Q  TRAUMA INFORMED PRACT IN CYC     3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the CYC degree program or

                                                             permission of  department head


      50188 AB1 Cindy Rammage                   ABD    138         M W    1600  1850  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     24


 CYC  410   ADVANCED PRACTICE IN CYC DNU     6.0    $936.84  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Arts in

                                                             Child and Youth Care program and C+ or better in each of

                                                             the following: CYC 302, 310A, 310B, 320, 321, 340, and 341.

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): CYC 402, 467, 468, 469, 423, and 425.


      50058 AB1 Kiran Sidhu                     ABD    133          T     1700  1850  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017      8




 CMNS 125   INTRODUCTION TO WORKPLACE CMNS   3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): CPT score of 48 or better, or evidence

                                                             of any accepted test score or course grade listed under

                                                             the English Language Proficiency Standards published in

                                                             the UFV calendar and listed on the UFV website.


      50030 AB1 John Bermingham                 ABA    402          T     1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     25

                                                                                               Int’l Students          10


      50179 AB2 Gloria Borrows                  ABD    217         M W    1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     25

                                                                                               Int’l Students          10

50350 AB3 Lisa Allen                      ABC    1421           R   1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     25

                                                                                               Int’l Students          10


      50031 ON1 Samuel Schechter                ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                              Int’l Students          10


 CMNS 155   INTRO TO WKPL & ACADEMIC CMNS    3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): CPT score of 48 or better, or evidence

                                                             of any accepted test score or course grade listed under

                                                             the English Language Proficiency Standards published in

                                                             the UFV calendar and listed on the UFV website.


      50180 AB1 Kim Norman                      ABA    266          T R   1130  1420  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     25


      50032 ON1 Peter Clayton                   ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 CMNS 235   PUBLIC SPEAKING                  3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50033 AB1 Shoaib Nasir                    ABA    301          T     1430  1720  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     25

                                                                                               Int’l Students           6

                                                                                         MINOR:Communications           3


 CMNS 251   PROFESSIONAL REPORT WRITING      3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): One of CMNS 115, CMNS 125, CMNS 145,

                                                             CMNS 155, CMNS 175, or ENGL 105.


      50034 AB1 Lisa Allen                      ABD    228           W    1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     25

                                                                                               Int’l Students          10


      50181 AB2 Dana Landry                     ABD    136         M W    1430  1720  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     25

                                                                                               Int’l Students          10


      50254 ON1 John Vigna                      ONLINE UFV                            04-JUL-2017 21-AUG-2017     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                              Int’l Students          10

      50390 ON1 Peter Clayton                   ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 CMNS 335   ADVANCED PUBLIC SPEAKING         4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (45 university-

                                                             level credits including either CMNS 235 or CMNS 345) or

                                                             (EDUC 410, 445, and 490). Note: students with at least 60

                                                             credits and some background in public speaking can

                                                             contact the instructor for permission.


      50035 AB1 Samuel Schechter                ABD    213           W    1300  1640  03-MAY-2017 02-AUG-2017     25

                                                                                         MINOR:Communications          10


 CMNS 351   PROF FORMAL RSRCH RPT WRITING    3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): CMNS 251


      50182 AB1 Linda Howell                    ABD    134          T R   1430  1720  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     25

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                        MINOR:Communications          10


 CMNS 412   COMMUNICATIONS PRACTICUM         4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): 60 university-level credits completed,

                                                             at least 12 must be from CMNS, of which 9 credits must be

                                                             300-level and above, and instructor permission. Students

                                                             must complete an interview with the faculty liaison

                                                             including presenting a portfolio of their CMNS work as

                                                             part of the interview process.


      50036 PR1 Samuel Schechter                                                      03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017      6


 Computer Information Systems


 CIS  100   COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS     3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None.   Co-requisite(s): None


      50173 AB1 Kevin Renso                     ABD    223         M W    1300  1550  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     35


 CIS  110   COMPUTERIZED BUS APPLICATIONS    3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None. It is recommended that students

                                                             are competent in computer skills.


      50174 AB1 Gary Schmidt                    ABA    302         M W    0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     10

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.                            Int’l Students           5


      50175 AB2 Trish Blondin                   ABA    302          T R   0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     10

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.                            Int’l Students           5


      50176 ON1 Colleen Gingerich               ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     15

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                              Int’l Students           5

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.


 CIS  145   WEB PUBLISHING                   3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): Competent in computer skills - see `CIS

                                                             Required Skills’ section on the CIS department website for details.


      50028 AB1 KJ Lee                         ABD    223          T     0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     35

                                                                                               Int’l Students          17


      50029 AB2 KJ Lee                         ABD    226          T     1300  1550  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     35

                                                                                               Int’l Students          17


      50177 AB3 Mingwu Chen                    ABD    226         M W    1300  1550  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     35

                                                                                               Int’l Students          17


 CIS  190   SYSTEM HARDWARE CONCEPTS         3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: C or better in one

                                                             of Principles of Mathematics 11, Foundations of

                                                             Mathematics 11, Pre-calculus 11, or MATH 085; or one of

                                                             Principles of Mathematics 12, Foundations of Mathematic 12,

                                                             Pre-calculus 12, or MATH 094, and competency in

                                                             computer skills ‘ see ‘CIS Required Skills’ section on

                                                             the CIS department website for details.


      50178 AB1 Frank Zhang                     ABD    242         M W    1300  1640  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     35

                                                                                               Int’l Students          17


 CIS  497F  ETHICAL HACKING                  3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): Acceptance to the CIS degree program.

                                                             (Students accepted to a CIS or Computing Science minor

                                                             may register with permission of the department). Other

                                                             prerequisites determined by instructor and topic.


      50344 AB1 Mandeep Pannu                   ABD    226          T R   0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36


 Computer Science


 COMP 091   COMPUTER APPLICATIONS            3.0    $403.86  Prerequisite(s): COMP 071 or instructor's permission


      50314 AB1 Kevin Renso                     ABD    228          T R   0830  1120  04-MAY-2017 15-AUG-2017     24

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

      50315 ON1 Kevin Renso                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2017 15-AUG-2017     24

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 COMP 125   PRINCIPLES OF COMPUTING          3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: C or better in one of

                                                             Pre-calculus 11, Foundations of Mathematics 11, Principles of

                                                             Mathematics 11, or MATH 085; or one of Principles of Mathematics 12,

                                                             Foundations of Mathematics 12, Pre-calculus 12, or MATH 094.Competent
                                                             in computer skills - see
`CIS Required Skills’ section on the CIS
                                                             department website for details.


      50183 AB1 Jerry Ang                       ABD    242         M W    0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     35

                                                                                               Int’l Students          17


 COMP 150   INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING      4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: C or better in one

                                                             of Pre-calculus 11, Foundations of Mathematics 11,

                                                             Principles of Mathematics 11, or MATH 085; or one of

                                                             Principles of Mathematics 12, Foundations of Mathematics 12,

                                                             Pre-calculus 12, or MATH 094. Competent in computer

                                                             skills - see `CIS Required Skills’ section on the CIS

                                                             department website for details.


      50184 AB1 Leon Pan                        ABD    242          T R   0830  1210  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     35

                                                                                               Int’l Students          15


 COMP 155   OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING      4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): COMP 150 or COMP 152 with a grade of C+ or better.


      50185 AB1 Kevin Renso                     ABD    242          T R   1300  1640  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     35

                                                                                               Int’l Students          17


 COMP 251   DATA STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS     4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): COMP 125, COMP 155, and MATH 125.


      50339 AB1 Steven Pearce                   ABD    223         M W    0830  1210  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     35


 COMP 431   DATA MINING                      3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): STAT 271, STAT 331/COMP 331, and CIS 230


      50186 AB1 David Chu                       ABD    223          T R   1300  1620  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

            This course is offered as STAT 431 & COMP 431.                           MAJOR:Data Analysis Cert           8

            Students may take only one of these for credit.                          MAJOR:Data Analysis Cert           8


 COMP 482   NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING      3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): One of (STAT 106 or STAT 270) and one of

                                                             (COMP 251 or LING 101) and 60 university-level credits.


      50187 ON1 Gabriel Murray                  ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     35

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 Criminal Justice


 CRIM 100   INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINOLOGY      3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50037 AB1 Erin Osterberg                  ABA    269           W    0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36


      50038 AB2 Kevin Burk                      ABA    253            R   1430  1720  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36


      50039 ON1 Kevin Burk                      ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 CRIM 103   INTRO TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE        3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50040 AB1 Richard Konarski                ABA    312            R   1900  2150  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36


      50041 AB2 Mike Trump                      ABA    312         M      1130  1420  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36


      50042 AB3 Mike Trump                      ABA    312          T     0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36


 CRIM 104   SOC EXPLAN OF CRIM & DEV BEHAV   3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50043 AB1 Raegan Heidt                    ABA    210          T     1130  1420  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36


      50044 AB2 Raegan Heidt                    ABA    305          T     0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36


 CRIM 105   PSYC EXPLAN OF CRIM & DEV BEHV   3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50045 AB1 Erin Osterberg                  ABA    266           W    1130  1420  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36


      50046 ON1 Zina Lee                        ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 CRIM 213   DIRECTED STUDIES                 3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor


      50047 IS1 Amy Prevost                                                           03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017      1


 CRIM 230   CRIMINAL LAW                     3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50048 AB1 Simon Thomson                   ABA    305         M      1900  2150  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36


 CRIM 251   LAW ENFORCEMENT IN CANADA        3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50049 AB1 Charn Kingra                    ABA    269         M      0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36     


 CRIM 311   MULTICULT, CONFLICT & SOC JUST   3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Criminal Justice

                                                             degree program with a minimum of 45 university-level

                                                             credits including nine credits of lower-level CRIM, to

                                                             include CRIM 100 and 103; or permission of the School of

                                                             Criminology and Criminal Justice.


      50051 ON1 Shelley Cole                                                          03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     27                          

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

            Section pending - waitlist only


 CRIM 320   QUANTITAT RESEARCH TECHNIQUES    4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Criminal Justice degree

                                                             program with a minimum of 45 university-level credits

                                                             including STAT 104 (formerly MATH 104) with a C or better and

                                                             nine credits of lower-level Criminology including CRIM 220.


      50052 AB1 Zina Lee                        ABC    1423         T     1200  1420  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017      0

                                                ABA    302          T     1430  1550

            Section pending - waitlist only


 CRIM 411   DIRECTED STUDIES                 3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.


      50053 IS1 Amy Prevost                                                           03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017      1


 CRIM 412   ORGANIZED CRIME                  3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Criminal Justice

                                                             degree program with a minimum of 45 university-level

                                                             credits including nine credits of lower-level CRIM, to

                                                             include CRIM 100 and 103; or permission of the School of

                                                             Criminology and Criminal Justice


      50054 AB1 Mike Trump                      ABA    253             F  0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     27


 CRIM 710   CHANGE MGMT IN CRIM JUST SYST    3.0   $1728.84  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MA Criminal Justice program.


      50288 AB1 Len Garis                                                               03-MAY-2017 12-AUG-2017   15
                                                ABA    203B           RFS 1300  1700    04-MAY-2017 06-MAY-2017     

                                                ABA    203B           RFS 1300  1700    01-JUN-2017 03-JUN-2017

                                                ABA    203B           RFS 1300  1700    06-JUL-2017 08-JUL-2017

                                                ABA    203B           RFS 1300  1700    10-AUG-2017 12-AUG-2017


 CRIM 730   ETHICAL & LEGAL ISSUES IN CRIM   3.0   $1728.84  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MA Criminal Justice program.


      50289 AB1 Peter German                                                            03-MAY-2017 12-AUG-2017   15

                                                ABA    203B           RFS 0830  1200    04-MAY-2017 06-MAY-2017     

                                                ABA    203B           RFS 0830  1200    01-JUN-2017 03-JUN-2017

                                                ABA    203B           RFS 0830  1200    06-JUL-2017 08-JUL-2017

                                                ABA    203B           RFS 0830  1200    10-AUG-2017 12-AUG-2017


 Critical Analysis & Study Methods



 CSM  104   INTEGRATED ACAD. LEARN. SKILLS   3.0    $468.42  Pre- or co-requisite(s): One of CMNS 099, ENGL 099, ENGL 091,

                                                             ENGL 081 or ESL WG84 or equivalent


      50055 AB1 Lara Jongedijk                  ABC    1424            F  0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     25


      50056 AB2 Linda Howell                    ABC    1424            F  1300  1550  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     25

      50351 AB3 Rita Atake                      ABC    1422            F  1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     25




 ECON 100   PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICS     3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50189 AB1 Bosu Seo                        ABB    140          T R   1130  1420  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     72

                                                                                MAJOR:Accounting Cert                   1

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Cert      1

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Dipl     11

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Deg      14

                                                                                MAJOR:BBA Aviation                      3


 ECON 101   PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS     3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50190 AB1 Sean Parkinson                  ABB    140         M W    1600  1850  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     72

                                                                                MAJOR:Accounting Cert                   1

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Cert      1

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Dipl     11

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Deg      14

                                                                                MAJOR:BBA Aviation                      3


 ECON 226   ECONOMIC & BUSINESS STATISTICS   3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): STAT 106 (formerly MATH 106) and one of

                                                             MATH 111 or MATH 141 (formerly MATH 115).


      50191 AB1 Ahmed Hoque                     ABA    302         M      1130  1420  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017      0

                                                ABA    302           W    1130  1420

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 226 and ECON 226


 ECON 307   MANAGERIAL MICROECONOMICS        3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits, including

                                                             ECON 100 and ECON 101, and one of MATH 111 or MATH 141.


      50192 AB1 Mike Solyom                     ABC    1420        M W    1130  1420  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     28


 ECON 349   FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT I           3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): BUS 143, BUS 249 (formerly BUS 149 and

                                                             BUS 162), and BUS 226 (formerly BUS 301).


      50193 AB1 Nik Venema                      ABC    1420         T R   1730  2020  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017      0

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 349 and ECON 349




 EDUC 442   CLASSROOM RESEARCH               1.0    $156.14  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP).


      50300 AB1 Awneet Sivia                    ABD    137                            29-MAY-2017 30-JUN-2017     36


      50301 AB2 Awneet Sivia                    ABD    138                            29-MAY-2017 30-JUN-2017     31


 EDUC 446   INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY           1.0    $156.14  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP).


      50302 AB1 Awneet Sivia                    ABD    137                            29-MAY-2017 30-JUN-2017     36


      50303 AB2 Awneet Sivia                    ABD    138                            29-MAY-2017 30-JUN-2017     31


 EDUC 447   INDIGENOUS YOUTH AND SCHOOLING   3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP).


      50304 AB1 Wenona Victor                   ABD    137                            29-MAY-2017 30-JUN-2017     36


      50305 AB2 Wenona Victor                   ABD    138                            29-MAY-2017 30-JUN-2017     31


 EDUC 452   UNIT PLANNING AND EVALUATION     2.0    $312.28  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP).


      50306 AB1 Chuck Charles                   ABD    137                            29-MAY-2017 30-JUN-2017     36


      50307 AB2 Chuck Charles                   ABD    138                            29-MAY-2017 30-JUN-2017     31


 EDUC 460   GOVERNANCE AND REFORM            2.0    $312.28  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP).


      50308 AB1 Chuck Charles                   ABD    137                            29-MAY-2017 30-JUN-2017     36


      50309 AB2 Awneet Sivia                    ABD    138                            29-MAY-2017 30-JUN-2017     31


 EDUC 495C  REFLECTIVE PRACTICE III          1.0    $156.14  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP).


      50310 AB1 Vandy Britton                   ABD    137                            29-MAY-2017 30-JUN-2017     36


      50311 AB2 Vandy Britton                   ABD    138                            29-MAY-2017 30-JUN-2017     31




 ENGR 100   PRODUCTION IN PRACTICE           1.0    $156.14  Prerequisite(s): Enrolled in the Engineering Physics

                                                             diploma in Mechatronics program.


      50290 CH1 TBA                                                MTWRF  0830  1500  21-AUG-2017 25-AUG-2017     18

            This course is reserved for Mechatronics students
            SEE CRN 93383


 ENGL 081   ADVANCED ENGLISH                 3.0    $403.86  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: English 071,

                                                             English 10 with a C+ or better, English 11 with a C or

                                                             better, English 12 with a C or better, Communications 12

                                                             with a B or better, LPI essay score of 24 or higher (level 4),

                                                             CPT score of 41 or better, or ESL WG 74 with a C+ or better.


      50316 AB1 Allison Kilgannon               ABA    212         M W    0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 14-AUG-2017     24

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


      50323 CH1 Beverly Jones Redekop           CEPA   1415        MTWR   0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 22-JUN-2017     24

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 ENGL 091   PROVINCIAL ENGLISH               3.0    $403.86  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: English 081,

                                                             English 11 with a C or better, English 12 with a C- or

                                                             better, English 099, LPI essay score of 24 or higher

                                                             (level 4), CPT score of 41 or better, or UUP department

                                                             permission (assessment may be required).


      50324 AB1 Sheryl Newton                   ABA    212         MTWR   1130  1420  03-MAY-2017 22-JUN-2017     24

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


      50325 CH1 Beverly Jones Redekop           CEPA   1415        MTWR   0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 22-JUN-2017     24

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 ENGL 099   PRE-UNIVERSITY COMPOSITION       1.5    $201.93  Prerequisite(s): One of the following:

                                                             English 12 or English Literature 12 with a grade of C- or

                                                             better; UFV ENGL 081 or 091 with a grade of C or better;

                                                             UFV ESL WG74 with a grade of C+ or better; CPT score of 41 or

                                                             better; LPI minimum score of 24-26 or level 4 in the essay section.


      50317 ON1 Mark Friesen                    ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 15-AUG-2017     22

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 ENGL 105   ACADEMIC WRITING                 3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): English 12 or English Literature 12 with

                                                             a minimum final grade of C+ or better; UFV CMNS 099 or

                                                             ENGL 099 with a grade of C or better; UFV ENGL 081 or 091

                                                             with a grade of C+ or better; UFV ESL WG84 with a grade

                                                             of C+ or better; a minimum grade of C- in a university

                                                             level English or Communications course; CPT score of 48

                                                             or better; LPI score of 30 (level 5); TOEFL (Test of

                                                             English as a Foreign Language) score of 570 or better (or

                                                             230 if computer-based score), plus a minimum TWE or essay

                                                             score of 4.0; or IBT score of 88, with no section below 20;

                                                             MELAB (Michigan English Language Assessment Battery)

                                                             score of at least 85; CAEL (Canadian Academic English

                                                             Language) score of at least 70; CanTEST score of at least

                                                             4.5 in both Listening and Reading and a score of 4.0 in

                                                             Writing; Cambridge Proficiency Examination ‘ competence

                                                             level of C; IELTS (International English Language Testing

                                                             System) score of at least 6.5 with no band less than 6.0;

                                                             UFV English as a Second Language assessment results equivalent

                                                             to completion of the 80-level of UFVs ESL writing and grammar.


      50059 AB1 Michelle Superle                ABA    301          T R   0830  0950  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     26

                                                                                               Int’l Students           4


      50060 AB2 Lorette Clement-Smith           ABA    261         M W    1130  1250  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     26

                                                                                               Int’l Students           4


      50061 AB3 Carl Peters                     ABA    259          T R   1300  1420  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     26

                                                                                               Int’l Students           4


      50062 AB4 Ron Sweeney                     ABA    212         M W    1430  1550  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     26

                                                                                               Int’l Students           4

      50063 AB5 Jacqueline Taylor               ABC    1422        M      1900  2150  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     26

                                                                                               Int’l Students           4


      50064 ON1 Jacky Bolding                   ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     26

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                              Int’l Students           4


      50065 ON2 Jacky Bolding                   ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     26

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                              Int’l Students           4


 ENGL 108   INTRODUCTION TO LITERATURE       3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: English 12 or

                                                             English Literature 12 with a final grade of B or better;

                                                             CMNS 099 or ENGL 099 with a grade of C or better; ENGL 081

                                                             or ENGL 091 with a grade of C+ or better; ESL WG84

                                                             with a grade of C+ or better; CPT score of 48 or better;

                                                             LPI minimum score of 30/40 or level 5 in the essay

                                                             section; a minimum of C- in a university-level English or

                                                             Communications course; or TOEFL (Test of English as a

                                                             Foreign Language) score of 570 or better (or 230 if

                                                             computer-based score), plus a minimum TWE (Essay) score

                                                             of 4.0 or TOEFL IBT score of 88, with no section below 20.


      50194 AB1 Elisabeth MacDonald-Murray      ABA    259          T R   1000  1120  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36


      50195 AB2 Andrew Gutteridge               ABA    305          T R   1900  2150  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36


      50066 ON1 Sanja Garic-Komnenic            ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 ENGL 120   INTRO TO FICTION                 3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: English 12 or

                                                             English Literature 12 with a final grade of B or better;

                                                             CMNS 099 or ENGL 099 with a grade of C or better; ENGL 081

                                                             or ENGL 091 with a grade of C+ or better; ESL WG84

                                                             with a grade of C+ or better; CPT score of 48 or better;

                                                             LPI minimum score of 30/40 or level 5 in the essay

                                                             section; a minimum of C- in a university-level English or

                                                             Communications course; or TOEFL (Test of English as a

                                                             Foreign Language) score of 570 or better (or 230 if

                                                             computer-based score), plus a minimum TWE (Essay) score

                                                             of 4.0 or TOEFL IBT score of 88, with no section below 20.


      50067 AB1 Carl Peters                     ABD    136         M W    1300  1420  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36


 ENGL 210   COMPOSITION                      3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): Any two 100-level English courses --

                                                             ENGL 105 or higher; or CMNS 125 and 251; or CMNS 155 and 251.


      50068 AB1 Nadeane Trowse                  ABA    312         M W    1000  1120  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     26


 ENGL 280   CHILDREN'S LITERATURE            3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (any two 100-level

                                                             English courses numbered 105 or higher) or (B or better

                                                             in one of the following: ENGL 108, 115, 120, 130, 150, or 170).


      50069 AB1 Jocelyn Coates                  ABA    261          T R   1300  1420  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36


 ENGL 323   TOPICS IN ROMANTICISM            4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): Any two 200-level English courses.


      50070 AB1 Heather McAlpine                ABA    305             F  1000  1420  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     25

            Delusional Romantics: Drugs, Madness, and the Romantic              MINOR:English Extended                  3

            Imagination                                                         MAJOR:English                          14


 ENGL 349   TOPICS IN AMERICAN LITERATURE    4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): Any two 200-level English courses


      50071 AB1 Andrew Gutteridge               ABA    261          T R   1430  1640  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     25

                                                                                MINOR:English Extended                  3

                                                                                MAJOR:English                          14


 ENGL 373   RHETORIC: LITERARY JOURNALISM    4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): Two 200-level English courses (ENGL 215

                                                             recommended), or any two of the following: 200-level

                                                             English course (ENGL 215 recommended), CMNS 251,

                                                             JRNL/CMNS 300.


      50196 AB1 Trevor Carolan                  ABA    261         M W    1300  1720  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     15

            This course is offered as ENGL 373 and JRNL 373. Students           MINOR:English Extended                  2

            may only take one of these for credit.                              MAJOR:English                           3


 ENGL 490   DIRECTED STUDIES IN ENGLISH      4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): Permission to enter requires 45 credits

                                                             in English and written contract between student and

                                                             instructor, signed by student, instructor, and department head


      50072 IS1 Tim Haner                                                             03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017      1

                                                                                MAJOR:English                           1


 ENGL 491   HONOURS DIRECTED READING         4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): (Acceptance to the English Honours

                                                             program as outlined in the calendar) and (completion of

                                                             all lower-level course requirements for the English

                                                             major) and (a minimum of 24 upper-level credits required

                                                             for the English major).


      50073 IS1 TBA                                                                   03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017      1

            Honours Directed Reading                                            MAJOR:English Honours                   1


 ENGL 492   HONOURS DIRECTED ESSAY           4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): (Acceptance to the Honours program as

                                                             outlined in the calendar) and (completion of all lower-

                                                             level course requirements for the English major) and (a

                                                             minimum of 24 upper-level credits required for the

                                                             English major) and (completion of ENGL 491).


      50074 IS1 TBA                                                                   03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017      1

            Honours Directed Essay                                              MAJOR:English Honours                   1


 English as a Second Language


 ESL  R70   ESL READING ADVANCED II          3.0    $201.93  Prerequisite(s): ESL RV68, or both R60 and V63, or

                                                             placement by ESL assessment


      50280 AB1 Helen Butner                    ABA    212          T R   1000  1120  03-MAY-2017 18-AUG-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the                        Int’l Students          20

            last week of class


      50281 AB2 Heather Shires                  ABA    305          T R   1430  1550  03-MAY-2017 18-AUG-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the                        Int’l Students          20

            last week of class

      50403 AB3 Maria Bos-Chan                  ABD    134          T R   1000  1120  03-MAY-2017 18-AUG-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the                        Int’l Students          20

            last week of class


 ESL  S76   ESL LISTENING/SPEAKING ADV II    3.0    $201.93  Prerequisite(s): ESL S66 or placement by ESL assessment


      50282 AB1 Helen Butner                    ABA    261          T R   0830  0950  03-MAY-2017 18-AUG-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the                        Int’l Students          20

            last week of class


      50283 AB2 Heather Shires                  ABA    253          T R   1300  1420  03-MAY-2017 18-AUG-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the                        Int’l Students          20

            last week of class

      50402 AB3 TBA                             ABA    254          T R   0830  0950  03-MAY-2017 18-AUG-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the                        Int’l Students          20

            last week of class


 ESL  WG74  WRITING & GRAMMAR ADV II         6.0    $403.86  Prerequisite(s): WG64 or placement by ESL assessment.


      50284 AB1 Rick Binder                     ABA    261         M W    0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 18-AUG-2017     20
                Shirleen Sayers

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the                        Int’l Students          20

            last week of class


      50285 AB2 Rick Binder                     ABB    161         M W    1300  1550  03-MAY-2017 18-AUG-2017     20
                Shirleen Sayers

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the                        Int’l Students          20

            last week of class

      50404 AB3 Heather Shires                  ABA    264         M W    0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 18-AUG-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the                        Int’l Students          20

            last week of class


 ESL  WG84  WRITING & GRAMMAR BRIDGE         6.0    $403.86  Prerequisite(s): WG74 or placement by ESL assessment


      50286 AB1 Bob McGregor                    ABA    266         M W    0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 18-AUG-2017     20
                Henrieta Soskova

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the                        Int’l Students          20

            last week of class


      50287 AB2 Bob McGregor                    ABA    210         M W    1300  1550  03-MAY-2017 18-AUG-2017     20

                Henrieta Soskova

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the                        Int’l Students          20

            last week of class

      50352 AB3 Maria Bos-Chan                  ABA    402         M W    0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 18-AUG-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the                        Int’l Students          20

            last week of class


      50361 AB4 Maria Bos-Chan                  ABA    264         M W    1300  1550  03-MAY-2017 18-AUG-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the                        Int’l Students          20

            last week of class 




 FREN 100   INTRODUCTION TO FRENCH           3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None

                                                             Note: Not open to students with French 11 except with

                                                             permission of instructor or department head.


      50199 AB1 Andrew Iverson                  ABD    225         M W    1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     28


  Choose one of the following labs:

      50197 A#A Helene Lee                      ABD    240         M      1300  1450  03-MAY-17   20-JUN-17       14

      50198 A#B Helene Lee                      ABD    240           W    1300  1450  03-MAY-17   20-JUN-17       14


  FREN 101   FRENCH LANGUAGE I                3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None
One of the following: FREN 100, FREN

                                                             French 11, or instructor's permission. 

                                                             Note: Not open to students with French 12 except with

                                                             permission of instructor or department head.

                                                                                                                                                                   FREN 101 is a new course and has been combined with FREN 100 


      50353 AB1 Andrew Iverson                  ABD    225         M W    1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     28


 Choose one of the following labs:

      50354 A#A Helene Lee                      ABD    240         M      1300  1450  03-MAY-17   20-JUN-17       14

      50355 A#B Helene Lee                      ABD    240           W    1300  1450  03-MAY-17   20-JUN-17       14




 GEOG 103   THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT         4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): None.


      50202 AB1 Mariano Mapili                  ABA    416         M W    0910  1210  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36


 Choose one of the following labs:

      50200 A#A Jennifer Hetherington           ABA    416         M W    1245  1445  03-MAY-17   20-JUN-17       18

      50201 A#B Kathy Peet                      ABA    413         M W    1245  1445  03-MAY-17   20-JUN-17       18


 GEOG 116   INTRODUCTION TO GEOLOGY          4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): None.


      50203 AB1 Carolyn Atkins                  ABA    413          T R   0900  1400  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     25


 GEOG 130   GEOGRAPHY OF CANADA              3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50204 ON1 Terah Sportel                   ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 GEOG 211   ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE            3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): GEOG 101 or 102; or any first-year

                                                             science course in Biology, Chemistry, or Physics.


      50205 AB1 Mariano Mapili                  ABA    416          T R   1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36


 GEOG 241   SOCIAL GEOGRAPHY                 3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None; GEOG 140 is recommended


      50206 ON1 Cherie Enns                     ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

            There will be one optional in-class session on May 10 and an optional field trip on June 10.


 GEOG 300F  MAPS, TERRITORIES AND LAND       4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): Any two 200-level Geography courses


      50293 CH1 Ken Brealey                                        M      0900  1700    26-JUN-2017 26-JUN-2017   25                    

                                                                     W    0900  1700    28-JUN-2017 28-JUN-2017

                                                                     W    0900  1700    05-JUL-2017 05-JUL-2017

                                                                    T     0900  1700    11-JUL-2017 11-JUL-2017

                                                                   M      0900  1700    17-JUL-2017 17-JUL-2017
R   0900  1700    20-JUL-2017 20-JUL-2017

            All seats are reserved for Indigenous Map, Films, Rights &       MAJOR:Indigenous Claims Cert 12 Cr         25

            Land Claims Certificate. Students must apply and be accepted

            into the program prior to registration. Students are required to register in all 3 courses of the certificate

            concurrently GEOG 300F, HIST 396I, HIST 399E.

            See for more information.

            Class held at Sto:lo Nation's Resource and Management Centre 7201 Vedder Rd, Sardis, BC


 GEOG 464   COMMUNITY PLAN & DEVELOPMENT     4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): One of GEOG 344, 360, 362, 364, or 440.


      50207 AB1 Cherie Enns                     ABA    413         M      1600  2020  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     28

                Nova Hopkins - This course is team-taught with both instructors.
                All classes held off campus at:
Boardwalk Café and Games 2546 Montrose Ave, Abbotsford
                There will be a mandatory field trip on Saturday June 10th


 Graphic Design


 GD   101   FUNDAMENTALS OF DESIGN           3.0    $757.46  Prerequisite(s): None


      50255 AB1 Miranda Ting                    ABC    1031        M      0830  1220  04-JUL-2017 21-AUG-2017     24

                                                ABC    1120        M      1300  1650

            Tuition includes $36.41 materials fee                        MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts Visual A           5


 GD   157   DIGITAL DESIGN MEDIA I           3.0    $757.46  Prerequisite(s): None.


      50256 AB1 Miranda Ting                    ABC    1120         TW    1300  1650  04-JUL-2017 21-AUG-2017     24

            Tuition includes $36.41 materials fee                        MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts Visual A           5


 GD   202   INTERACTIVE DESIGN I             3.0    $757.46  Prerequisite(s): GD 157.


      50076 AB1 Miranda Ting                                                            03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017   24

                                                ABC    1120          W    0830  1220    03-MAY-2017 10-MAY-2017     

                                                ONLINE UFV                              17-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017
                                                ABC    1120          W    0830  1220    21-JUN-2017 02-AUG-2017                                              

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                          MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts Visual A       5




 HIST 101   CANADA BEFORE CONFEDERATION      3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50208 AB1 Robin Anderson                  ABD    219          T R   1300  1550  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36


 HIST 120   EUROPE 500-1600                  3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50077 ON1 Adrianna Bakos                  ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 HIST 396I  RIGHTS, TITLE AND LAND           4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): Nine credits of lower-level history or

                                                             45 university-level credits.


      50294 CH1 David Schaepe                                         R   0900  1700    29-JUN-2017 29-JUN-2017   25
                                                                      R   0900  1700    06-JUL-2017 06-JUL-2017
                                                                       F  0900  1700    07-JUL-2017 07-JUL-2017
                                                                     W    0900  1700    12-JUL-2017 12-JUL-2017
                                                                    T     0900  1700    18-JUL-2017 18-JUL-2017                                                                                                                                               

            All seats reserved to Indigenous Map, Films, Rights and Land

            Claims Certificate. Students must apply and be accepted into the program prior to registration. Students are required to

            register in all 3 courses of the certificate concurrently GEOG 300F, HIST 396I, HIST 399E. See

            for information on the certificate, application process and special prerequisites.

            Classes held at Sto: lo Nation's Cultural Research Centre 7201 Vedder Rd, Sardis BC


 HIST 399E  FILMS, HISTORIES AND LAND        4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): Nine credits of lower-level history or

                                                             45 university-level credits. Familiarity with the basic

                                                             skills of historical inquiry is expected.


      50295 CH1 Hugh Brody                                          T     0900  1700    27-JUN-2017 27-JUN-2017   25
                                                                    T     0900  1700    04-JUL-2017 04-JUL-2017
                                                                   M      0900  1700    10-JUL-2017 10-JUL-2017     

                                                                      R   0900  1700    13-JUL-2017 13-JUL-2017

                                                                     W    0900  1700    19-JUL-2017 19-JUL-2017  

            All seats reserved for Indigenous Map,Films, Rights and Land

            Claims Certificate. Students must apply and be accepted into the program prior to registration. Students are required to

            register in all 3 courses concurrently GEOG 300F, HIST 399E, HIST 396I. See

            for information on the certificate, application process and special prerequisites.

            Classes held at Sto:lo Nation's Cultural Research Centre 7201 Vedder Rd, Sardis BC


 Human Services


 HSER 120   INTRO TO INTERPERSONAL CMNS      3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50078 AB1 Janit Doyle                     ABD    134          T     1730  2020  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     24

                                                                                MAJOR:Community Support Worker Cert     5

                                                                                MAJOR:Early Childhood Education Cert    9

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services Dipl              5

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     5


      50079 AB2 Nicole Giesbrecht               ABC    1426           R   1430  1720  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     24

                                                                                MAJOR:Community Support Worker Cert     5

                                                                                MAJOR:Early Childhood Education Cert    9

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services Dipl              5

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     5


 HSER 129   Practicum Seminar                 1.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50209 ON1 Curtis Magnuson                 ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     9

            ONLINE - See explanation above                                  

            Section for students completing Abbotsford practicums.

            Permission required. Contact your Program Advisor at


 HSER 160   INTRODUCTION TO GERONTOLOGY      3.0    $468.42  Pre- or co-requisite(s): SOC 101, and one of CMNS 155 or ENGL 105


      50210 AB1 Jeff Wood                       ABB    132         M W    1600  1850  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017      7

            This class section is combined with HSER 160 CT1.


 HSER 192   SUPPORTING LEARNER DEVELOPMENT   3.0    $652.78  Prerequisite(s): HSER 190

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): SOWK 225 or PSYC 250 or EDUC

                                                             290, or permission of the Director.


      50212 AB1 Allan Williams                  ABC    1423         T R   1730  2020  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     30

                                                                                MAJOR:Community Support Worker Cert    24


 HSER 229   PRACTICUM SEMINAR                1.0    $156.14  Prerequisite(s): HSER 130, and completion of at least 30 credit hours


      50213 ON1 Christina Henderson             ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     16

            ONLINE - See explanation above

            Section for students completing Abbotsford practicums.


      50214 ON2 Christina Henderson             ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     16

            ONLINE - See explanation above

            Section for students completing Chilliwack practicums.     


      50215 ON3 Curtis Magnuson                 ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-17        7

            ONLINE - See explanation above

            Section for students completing Abbotsford practicums. 

            Permission required. Contact your Program Advisor at




 JRNL 373   RHETORIC: LITERARY JOURNALISM    4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): Two 200-level English courses (ENGL 215

                                                             recommended), or any two of the following: 200-level English

                                                             course (ENGL 215 recommended), CMNS 251, JRNL/CMNS 300.


      50216 AB1 Trevor Carolan                  ABA    261         M W    1300  1720  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     10

            This course is offered as ENGL 373 and JRNL 373. Students may take only one of these for credit.


 Kinesiology & Physical Education


 KPE  103   ACTIVE HEALTH                    3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50080 AB1 Leslie Horita                   ABD    219         M      1600  1850  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


      50217 ON1 Leslie Horita                   ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 KPE  160   CONTEMPORARY HEALTH ISSUES       3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50081 AB1 Amber Johnston                  ABD    136          T     1300  1550  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


      50218 ON1 David Harper                    ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 KPE  161   INTRO TO KINESIOLOGY             3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50219 AB1 Carl Nienhuis                   ABD    219          T R   1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 KPE  170   BASIC HUMAN ANATOMY              4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): None


      50086 AB1 Leslie Horita                   ABB    140           W    1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     72

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 Choose one of the following labs:

      50082 A#A Leslie Horita                   ABD    123           W    1300  1550  03-MAY-17   03-AUG-17       18

      50083 A#B Leslie Horita                   ABD    123           W    1600  1850  03-MAY-17   03-AUG-17       18

      50084 A#C Leslie Horita                   ABD    123            R   1300  1550  03-MAY-17   03-AUG-17       18

      50085 A#D Leslie Horita                   ABD    123            R   1600  1850  03-MAY-17   03-AUG-17       18


 Library & Information Technology


 LIBT 145   INTERNET INFORMATION RETRIEVAL   3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None.


      50220 ON1 Louise Broadley                  ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

            Students residing outside the Metro Vancouver/Lower Mainland

            region may choose to write scheduled midterm and final exams on the Abbotsford campus or through invigilation at a

            designated post-secondary institution. Students residing within the Metro Vancouver/Lower Mainland region are

            required to write scheduled midterm and final exams on the Abbotsford campus. All exams must be written on the

            date and time established either by the instructor or, in the case of final exams, according to the UFV final exam


            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 LIBT 230   INFO SERVICES FOR CHILDREN       3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None.


      50221 ON1 Christina Neigel                ONLINE UFV                              03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

                                                ABD    225            R   0830  1420    25-MAY-2017 25-MAY-2017     
                                                ABD    225            R   0830  1420    15-JUN-2017 15-JUN-2017

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.  ONLINE + 2 on campus sessions

            Students are required to attend and participate in 2 full days on campus (May 25th and June 15th from 8:30 am

            to 2:30 pm). Students who reside outside the Greater Vancouver/Lower mainland Region will participate in

            these sessions through Blackboard Collaborate. All students must be present for these 2 sessions.

            Credit cannot be obtained for both LIBT 230 and EDUC 230.           


 LIBT 345   ADV.  INTERNET INFORMATION       3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): 30 university-level credits or

                                                             permission of the instructor. LIBT 145 recommended.


      50222 ON1 Allan Cho                       ONLINE UFV                              03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

            Students residing outside the Metro Vancouver/Lower Mainland region may choose to write their exams on the Abbotsford

            campus or through invigilation at a designated post-secondary institution. Students residing within the

            Metro Vancouver/Lower Mainland region are required to write scheduled midterm and final exams on the Abbotsford

            campus. All exams must be written on the date and time established either by the course instructor or, in the case

            of final exams, according to the UFV final exam schedule.




 LING 101   AN INTRODUCTION TO LANGUAGE      3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None.


      50090 ON1 Marcela Jonas                   ONLINE UFV                              03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:TESL cert (25 credits)            2




 MATH 052   FUNDAMENTAL MATH I               1.5    $201.93  Prerequisite(s): UUP Department permission (assessment

                                                             may be required)


      50326 AB1 Greg St Hilaire                 ABA    232         M W    1730  2020    03-MAY-2017 21-JUN-2017     24


      50327 CH1 Greg St Hilaire                 CEPA   1415        M W    1130  1420    03-MAY-2017 21-JUN-2017     24


 MATH 053   FUNDAMENTAL MATH II              1.5    $201.93  Prerequisite(s): Completion of Math 052 or UUP Department

                                                             permission (assessment may be required).


      50328 AB1 Greg St Hilaire                 ABA    232         M W    1730  2020    03-MAY-2017 21-JUN-2017     24


      50329 CH1 Greg St Hilaire                 CEPA   1415        M W    1130  1420    03-MAY-2017 21-JUN-2017     24


 MATH 062   FUNDAMENTAL MATH III             1.5    $201.93  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: MATH 051, MATH 053,

                                                             or Upgrading and University Preparation department

                                                             permission (assessment may be required).


      50330 AB1 Greg St Hilaire                 ABA    232         M W    1730  2020    03-MAY-2017 21-JUN-2017     24


      50331 CH1 Greg St Hilaire                 CEPA   1415        M W    1130  1420    03-MAY-2017 21-JUN-2017     24


 MATH 063   FUNDAMENTAL MATH IV              1.5    $201.93  Prerequisite(s): MATH 062 or Upgrading and University

                                                             Preparation department permission (assessment may be required).


      50332 AB1 Greg St Hilaire                 ABA    232         M W    1730  2020    03-MAY-2017 21-JUN-2017     24


      50333 CH1 Greg St Hilaire                 CEPA   1415        M W    1130  1420    03-MAY-2017 21-JUN-2017     24


 MATH 075   INTERMEDIATE MATH I              1.5    $201.93  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: MATH 061, MATH 063,

                                                             or UUP department permission (assessment may be required).


      50334 AB1 Greg St Hilaire                 ABA    232         M W    1730  2020    03-MAY-2017 21-JUN-2017     24


      50335 CH1 Greg St Hilaire                 CEPA   1415        M W    1130  1420    03-MAY-2017 21-JUN-2017     24


 MATH 076   INTERMEDIATE MATH II             1.5    $201.93  Prerequisite(s): MATH 075 or UUP Department permission

                                                             (assessment may be required)


      50336 AB1 Greg St Hilaire                 ABA    232         M W    1730  2020    03-MAY-2017 21-JUN-2017     24


      50337 CH1 Greg St Hilaire                 CEPA   1415        M W    1130  1420    03-MAY-2017 21-JUN-2017     24


 MATH 085   INTERMED ALGEBRA & TRIGNOMETRY   3.0    $403.86  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: MATH 084;

                                                             Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-calculus 10 with at

                                                             least a B; Principles of Mathematics 11, Applications of

                                                             Mathematics 11, Foundations of Mathematics 11, or Pre-

                                                             calculus 11 with at least a C; Foundations of Mathematics 12

                                                             or Pre-Calculus 12 with at least a C-; or UUP

                                                             department permission (assessment may be required).


      50318 AB1 Karamjit Dhande                 ABA    232          T R   0830  1120  04-MAY-2017 15-AUG-2017     24

                                                                                  Int’l Students          15


      50319 AB2 Karamjit Dhande                 ABA    232          T R   1430  1720  04-MAY-2017 15-AUG-2017     24

                                                                                  Int’l Students          15

      50400 AB3 Josh Giesbrecht                 ABA    305          T R   1600  1850  04-MAY-2017 15-AUG-2017     24


      50320 CH1 Josh Giesbrecht                 CEPA   1364        M W    1130  1420  03-MAY-2017 14-AUG-2017     24


 MATH 096   ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY         3.0    $403.86  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (C+ or better in

                                                             MATH 085), (B- or better in one of Principles of Math 11

                                                             or Pre-calculus 11), (C or better in one of Principles of

                                                             Math 12, Pre-calculus 12, or MATH 094), or Upgrading and

                                                             University Preparation assessment.


      50321 CH1 Josh Giesbrecht                 CEPA   1415         T R   1130  1420  04-MAY-2017 15-AUG-2017     24


 MATH 110   PRE-CALCULUS MATH                4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (C or better in

                                                             one of Principles of Math 12 or Precalculus 12) or (C- or

                                                             better in both MATH 094 and MATH 095) or (C- in MATH 096)

                                                             or (C+ or better in Applications of Math 12) or (at least

                                                             55% on the MDPT).


      50257 AB1 Joseph Yu                       ABA    305         M      1300  1550  04-JUL-2017 21-AUG-2017     36

                                                ABA    312           W    1300  1550

                                                ABA    259             F  1300  1550


 MATH 111   CALCULUS I                       4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (B or better in

                                                             one of Principles of Math 12, Precalculus 12, or MATH 096)

                                                             or (B or better in MATH 095) or (C+ or better in

                                                             MATH 110) or (at least 70% on the MDPT).


      50091 AB1 Eugene Yablonski                ABA    416         M W    1515  1725  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36


 MATH 112   CALCULUS II                      4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): MATH 111 with a C or better


      50092 AB1 Robin Endelman                  ABD    213          T R   1300  1510  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36


 MATH 140   ALGEBRA & FUNCTIONS FOR BUS      3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: C+ or better in

                                                             one of Foundations of Mathematics 11 or Pre-calculus 11;

                                                             or C or better in one of Principles of Math 11 or MATH 085;

                                                             or one of Foundations of Mathematics 12, Pre-

                                                             calculus 12, or Principles of Math 12; or a score of

                                                             17/25 or better on Part A of the MSAT.


      50258 AB1 Joseph Yu                       ABB    161         M W    0910  1120  04-JUL-2017 21-AUG-2017     36

                                                ABB    140             F  0910  1120

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Dipl     36


 MATH 141   CALCULUS FOR BUSINESS            3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (C+ or better in

                                                             one of Foundations of Mathematics 12, Precalculus 12,

                                                             Principles of Math 12, MATH 096, or MATH 110) or (C+ or

                                                             better in both MATH 094 and 095) or (C or better in MATH 140)

                                                             or (a score of 17/25 or better on Part B of the MSAT together

                                                             with a score of 34/50 or better on Parts A and B combined).


      50093 AB1 Robin Endelman                  ABD    213          T     1000  1150  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36

                                                ABA    269            R   1000  1150

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Dipl      8

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Deg      26


 Media & Communication Studies


 MACS 299F  SPORT, MEDIA AND CULTURE         3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None. MACS 110 or MACS 130 recommended.


      50341 AB1 Darren Blakeborough             ABD    134         M W    1130  1420  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

            This course is offered as MACS 299F and SOC 299Q.  Students may only take one of these for credit.

Course Description:

The study of the relationship between sport and media has a long and storied tradition. Since the advent of television, sport has

been centrally featured on the broadcast schedule. From its inception, television craved live programming and sport fit the bill

with its ready-made audience and easy to shoot “field of activity”. With the advent of digital media and the rise of streaming

services, television has lost significant cultural importance – as well as viewers – as the fragmentation of channels and

audience has diminished the shared communal experience that television once offered. The exception to this rule, at least

in North America, is with broadcast sports that still command a large audience. What is the value that sports has to the

 media industries and how does all of this affect us, as a culture and as individuals?


 MACS 334   CULTURAL POLICY                  4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): 45 credits, to include at least 6

                                                             credits of Sociology and/or MACS


      50223 AB1 Eric Spalding                   ABD    134         M W    1430  1810  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     25




 PRLG 120   FAMILY LAW                       3.0    $708.65  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Paralegal certificate

                                                             or diploma program.


      50291 ON1 Terry Becker                    ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 28-JUN-2017     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 PRLG 125   CRIMINAL LAW & PROCEDURES I      3.0    $708.65  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Paralegal certificate

                                                             or diploma program.


      50227 ON1 Sabrina Ngo                     ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     20

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 PRLG 135   WILLS & PROBATE ADMINISTRATION   3.0    $708.65  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Paralegal certificate

                                                             or diploma program.


      50292 AB1 Terry Becker                                                            03-MAY-2017 22-JUL-2017   20

                                                CCL    114              S 0900  1130    06-MAY-2017 13-MAY-2017     
                                                CCL    114              S 0900  1130    27-MAY-2017 24-JUN-2017
                                                CCL    114              S 0900  1130    08-JUL-2017 22-JUL-2017

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above




 PHIL 100   REASONING: INTRO CRIT THINKING   3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None.


      50224 AB1 Jeffrey Morgan                  ABD    213         M W    0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     28


      50225 AB2 Glen Baier                      ABD    217          T R   1130  1420  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     28


      50259 AB3 Ethan Davis                     ABD    225         M W    1000  1250  04-JUL-2017 21-AUG-2017     28


 PHIL 110   MORALITY AND POLITICS            3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50094 AB1 Dan Hooley                      ABA    301           W    1130  1420  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     28


 PHIL 362   PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION          3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): PHIL 110 or forty-five credits of Arts

                                                             and Applied Arts courses.


      50226 AB1 Jeffrey Morgan                  ABA    261          T     1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     28

                                                ABA    261            R   1000  1250 




 PHYS 083   PREP UNIVERSITY PHYSICS I        4.0    $538.48  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: MATH 084, MATH 085,

                                                             Principles of Mathematics 11 or 12, Applications of

                                                             Mathematics 11 or 12, Foundations of Mathematics 11 or

                                                             12, Pre-calculus 11 or 12, or Apprenticeship and

                                                             Workplace Math 11 or 12.

                                                             Note: Students with other Mathematics 11 or 12 courses, or who

                                                             are currently enrolled in a Mathematics 11 course, may contact

                                                             the instructor to request permission to register.


      50322 AB1 Peter Rasquinha                 ABA    253         M W    0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 14-AUG-2017     24




 PSYC 101   INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY I     3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): Same as for ENGL 105; see ENGL 105 for details.


      50228 AB1 Alicia Spidel                   ABD    136         M W    1730  2020  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36


      50095 AB2 Richard Legrand                 ABD    219           W    1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36


      50096 AB3 Richard Legrand                 ABD    121         M      1430  1720  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36


      50229 AB4 Bryan Nadeau                    ABA    416          T  F  1515  1810  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     13


      50097 AB5 Alard Malek                     ABD    121          T     1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above     


 PSYC 102   INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY II    3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): Same as for ENGL 105; see ENGL 105 for details.


      50231 AB1 Alicia Spidel                   ABD    136         M W    1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36


      50098 AB2 Bryan Nadeau                    ABD    225            R   1730  2020  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36


      50099 AB3 Bryan Nadeau                    ABD    121         M      1730  2020  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36


 PSYC 110   APPLIED STAT. ANALYSIS IN PSYC   3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: Essentials of

                                                             Mathematics 11, Principles of Mathematics 11, Applications of

                                                             Mathematics 11, Pre-Calculus 11, Foundations of Mathematics 11,

                                                             Apprenticeship and Workplace Mathematics 11, MATH 084 with D grade

                                                             or better, MATH 085 with D grade or better, or MSAT with

                                                             15/25 (60%) or better on Part A.


      50100 AB1 Dianne Crisp                    ABD    121           W    1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36


      50101 AB2 Dianne Crisp                    ABD    121           W    1300  1550  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36


 PSYC 202   RESEARCH METHODS IN PSYCHOLOGY   4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 101 and PSYC 102

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): One of the following: PSYC 110,

                                                             STAT 104 (formerly MATH 104), or STAT 106 (formerly MATH 106).


      50104 AB1 Bryan Nadeau                    ABA    305          T     1130  1420  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36


 Choose one of the following labs:

      50102 A#A Melissa Hoeppner                ABD    221            R   1430  1720  03-MAY-17   03-AUG-17       18

      50103 A#B Melissa Hoeppner                ABD    221            R   1730  2020  03-MAY-17   03-AUG-17       18


 PSYC 221   INTRO TO COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY    3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 101 and PSYC 102


      50105 AB1 Richard Legrand                 ABD    121         M      1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Psychology Psychology            15

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5


 PSYC 241   PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS          3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 101 and PSYC 102


      50106 AB1 Alard Malek                     ABD    121            R   1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Psychology Psychology            15

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5


 PSYC 250   INTRO TO DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCH     3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 101 and PSYC 102


      50107 AB1 Sven Van de Wetering            ABD    136          T     1600  1850  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36           
            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Psychology Psychology            15

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5


 PSYC 280   INTRO TO BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY   3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 101 and PSYC 102


      50108 AB1 Bryan Nadeau                    ABD    225         M      1300  1550  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Psychology Psychology            15

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5


 PSYC 325   MEMORY                           3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 202 (formerly PSYC 210) and PSYC 221.


      50109 AB1 Richard Legrand                 ABD    225           W    1430  1720  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     25

                                                                                MAJOR:Psychology Psychology            20

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5


 PSYC 355   ADOLESCENT PSYCHOLOGY            3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 250, and one of PSYC 202, CRIM 220,

                                                             KPE 301, KPE 400, SOC 255/ANTH 255/MACS 255 (formerly

                                                             SCMS 255); or PSYC 210 and PSYC 220


      50110 ON1 Lesley Jessiman                 ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Psychology Psychology            20

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5


 PSYC 367   PSYCHOLOGY OF LANGUAGE           3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): (PSYC 101) and (PSYC 102) and (one of the

                                                             following: PSYC 202 [formerly PSYC 210], CRIM 220, KPE 301,

                                                             KPE 400, or SOC 255/ANTH 255/MACS 255 [formerly SCMS 255]).


      50232 AB1 Sven Van de Wetering            ABD    225          T  F  1130  1420  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     25

                                                                                MAJOR:Psychology Psychology            20

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5


 PSYC 371   CURRENT ISSUES IN PERSONALITY    3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): (PSYC 101) and (PSYC 102) and (one of

                                                             PSYC 202 (formerly PSYC 210), CRIM 220, KPE 301, KPE 400,

                                                             or SOC 255/ANTH 255/MACS 255 (formerly SCMS 255)).


      50233 AB1 Candace Taylor                  ABD    121          T R   1430  1720  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     25

                                                                                MAJOR:Psychology Psychology            20

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5


 Social Work


 SOWK 110   INTRO TO SOCIAL WK & HUMAN SER   3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50237 AB1 Lisa Moy                        ABC    1420         T R   1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     30

                                                                                MAJOR:Community Support Worker Cert    10

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services Dipl             15

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     5


 SOWK 210   INTRO TO SOCIAL WELFARE          3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): SOWK 110


      50260 AB1 Laurie Schulz                   ABC    1424         T R   1000  1250  04-JUL-2017 21-AUG-2017     30

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services Dipl             25

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     5


 SOWK 330   PRACTICUM I                      6.0    $936.84  Prerequisite(s): Admission into the BSW program, SOWK 300, SOWK 311.

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): SOWK 312 and SOWK 320


      50112 PR1 Darrell Fox                                                             03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017    7

                                                ABC    1424        M      1000  1250    15-MAY-2017 15-MAY-2017      
                                                ABC    1424        M      1000  1250    29-MAY-2017 29-MAY-2017
                                                ABC    1424        M      1000  1250    12-JUN-2017 12-JUN-2017
                                                ABC    1424        M      1000  1250    26-JUN-2017 26-JUN-2017
                                                ABC    1424        M      1000  1250    10-JUL-2017 10-JUL-2017
                                                ABC    1424        M      1000  1250    24-JUL-2017 24-JUL-2017                                                                                      

            Students are to check in on Blackboard by May 8, 2017.

            Class meets bi-weekly starting on May 15, 2017.  This class is combined with SOWK 430 PR1


 SOWK 394   SUBSTANCE MISUSE ISSUES          3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits, including PSYC 101

                                                             with a GPA of 2.5 or greater; or instructor’s permission


      50113 AB1 Patrick Storey                  ABD    213           W    1730  2020  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     30

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Work                      20

      50367 AB2 Sydney Weaver                   ABC    1424          W    1730  2020  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     30


 SOWK 404   RESEARCH METHODS & EVALUATION    3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): SOWK 330, and one of MATH 104, MATH 106,

                                                             or PSYC 110


      50114 AB1 Natasha Files                   ABC    1424         T     1430  1720  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     18


      50115 AB2 Natasha Files                   ABC    1424         T     1730  2020  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     18


 SOWK 430   PRACTICUM II                     9.0   $1405.26  Prerequisite(s): SOWK 320, SOWK 330, SOWK 392, SOWK 404,

                                                             and SOWK 410. Students in the Child Welfare Specialization

                                                             must have the following additional prerequisites: SOWK 412,

                                                             SOWK 483 and SOWK 491. Note: Students should take this course in the    

                                                             final semester of their program.


      50116 PR1 Darrell Fox                                                             03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     7

                                                ABC    1424        M      1000  1250    15-MAY-2017 15-MAY-2017     
                                                ABC    1424        M      1000  1250    29-MAY-2017 29-MAY-2017
                                                ABC    1424        M      1000  1250    12-JUN-2017 12-JUN-2017
                                                ABC    1424        M      1000  1250    26-JUN-2017 26-JUN-2017
                                                ABC    1424        M      1000  1250    10-JUL-2017 10-JUL-2017
                                                ABC    1424        M      1000  1250    24-JUL-2017 24-JUL-2017

            Students are to check in on Blackboard by May 8, 2017.

            Class meets bi-weekly starting on May 15, 2017. This class is combined with SOWK 330 PR1.


 SOWK 450   SOCIAL WORK IN HEALTH CARE       3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): SOWK 330


      50117 AB1 Carl Dragt                      ABC    1424        M      1730  2020  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     30


 SOWK 493   FEMINIST SOCIAL WORK             3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): Admission into the Bachelor of Social

                                                             Work program. (Students with a minimum of 45 credits in

                                                             other degree programs may be able to obtain instructor’s

                                                             permission at the first class. However, they should check

                                                             with their program head to see whether they can apply

                                                             this course to their degree.)


      50238 AB1 Cecilia Mannella                ABC    1424         T R   0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     30


 SOWK 496   DISABILITY ISSUES                3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the BACYC or BSW programs,

                                                             or permission of department head.


      50118 ON1 Bruce Mesman                    ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     30

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 SOWK 497   SOCIAL WORK AND MENTAL HEALTH    3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): Admission into the Bachelor of Social

                                                             Work program, PSYC 101, and either PSYC 250 or SOWK 225.

                                                             (Students in other degree programs, with a minimum of 45

                                                             credits, may be able to obtain instructor's permission at

                                                             the first class. However, they should check with their

                                                             program head to see whether they can apply this course to

                                                             their degree).


      50119 AB1 Munir Velji                     ABC    1424        M      1300  1550  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     30


 SOWK 711   LEADERSHIP & SUPERVISION IN SW   3.0   $1728.84  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSW program


      50120 ON1 Elizabeth Dow                   ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     24

            ONLINE - See explanation above      ABD    219              S 1130  1600  13-MAY-2017 13-MAY-2017

                                                ABD    219              S 1130  1600  17-JUN-2017 17-JUN-2017

                                                ABD    219              S 1130  1600  15-JUL-2017 15-JU1-2017

            Mostly online with 3 mandatory Saturday class times to be determined at the beginning of the term.


 SOWK 750   ADV INTERVENTION IN HEALTH       3.0   $1728.84  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSW program


      50121 ON1 Sydney Weaver                   ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     24

            ONLINE - See explanation above      ABD    213              S 0900  1200  13-MAY-2017 13-MAY-2017

                                                ABD    213              S 0900  1200  17-JUN-2017 17-JUN-2017

                                                ABD    213              S 0900  1200  15-JUL-2017 15-JU1-2017

            Mostly online with 3 mandatory Saturday class times to be determined at the beginning of the term.


 SOWK 797   ADV SW PRACT IN MENTAL HEALTH    3.0   $1728.84  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSW program


      50123 ON1 Munir Velji                     ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     24

            ONLINE - See explanation above      ABD    217              S 0900  1200  13-MAY-2017 13-MAY-2017

                                                ABD    217              S 0900  1200  17-JUN-2017 17-JUN-2017

                                                ABD    217              S 0900  1200  15-JUL-2017 15-JU1-2017

            Mostly online with 3 mandatory Saturday class times to be determined at the beginning of the term.




 SOC  101   INTRODUCTORY SOCIOLOGY           3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50234 AB1 Anita Vanwyk                    ABD    134          T R   1130  1420  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36


 SOC  210   SOCL PROBLEMS-CANADIAN SOCIETY   3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): SOC 101


      50235 AB1 Alicia Horton                   ABD    136          T R   1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36


 SOC  299Q  SPORT, MEDIA & CULTURE           3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): SOC 101


      50340 AB1 Darren Blakeborough             ABD    134         M W    1130  1420  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

            This course is offered as MACS 299F and SOC 299Q. Students may only take one of these for credit.

Course description:

The study of the relationship between sport and media has a long and storied tradition. Since the advent of television, sport has

been centrally featured on the broadcast schedule. From its inception, television craved live programming and sport fit the bill

with its ready-made audience and easy to shoot “field of activity”. With the advent of digital media and the rise of streaming

services, television has lost significant cultural importance – as well as viewers – as the fragmentation of channels and audience

 has diminished the shared communal experience that television once offered. The exception to this rule, at least in North America,

is with broadcast sports that still command a large audience. What is the value that sports has to the media industries and how

does all of this affect us, as a culture and as individuals?


 SOC  331   SOCIOLOGY OF FAMILIES            4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): 45 credits, to include at least six

                                                             credits sociology


      50111 ON1 Jenea Tallentire                ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

      50370 ON2 Jenea Tallentire                ONLINE UFV                            03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 SOC  334   CULTURAL POLICY                  4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): 45 credits, to include at least 6

                                                             credits of Sociology and/or MACS


      50236 AB1 Eric Spalding                   ABD    134         M W    1430  1810  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     25




 SPAN 101   SPANISH LANGUAGE I               3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50241 AB1 Juan Carlos Rodriguez           ABD    213          T R   1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     26


 Choose one of the following labs:

      50239 A#A Francisco Armengual             ABD    240          T     1300  1450  03-MAY-17   20-JUN-17       13

      50240 A#B Francisco Armengual             ABD    240            R   1300  1450  03-MAY-17   20-JUN-17       13


 SPAN 302   ADV SPANISH II - COMPOSITION     4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): SPAN 201 and SPAN 202


      50242 IS1 Juan Carlos Rodriguez           ABB    161          T R   1330  1520  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     15




 STAT 104   INTRODUCTORY STATISTICS          4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: C or better in one

                                                             of Principles of Math 11, Applications of Math 11, MATH 085,

                                                             Foundations of Mathematics 11, or Precalculus 11; or

                                                             B or better in Apprenticeship and Workplace Mathematics 12;

                                                             or one of Foundations of Mathematics 12, Precalculus 12,

                                                             Principles of Math 12, or Applications of Math 12; or

                                                             45 university-level credits with department permission.


      50243 AB1 Gillian Mimmack                 ABD    225          T     0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

                                                ABA    266            R   0830  1120

                                                ABD    226             F  0830  1120


      50244 AB2 Ken Li                          ABD    225          T     1430  1720  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

                                                ABD    225            R   1430  1720

                                                ABD    226             F  1430  1720


      50124 AB3 Karamjit Dhande                 ABA    305         M      1000  1210  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36

                                                ABD    226           W    1000  1210



 STAT 106   STATISTICS I                     4.0    $624.56  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (C or better in

                                                             one of Principles of Mathematics 12, Applications of

                                                             Mathematics 12, Foundations of Mathematics 12, Pre-

                                                             calculus 11, MATH 096, MATH 110, MATH 124, or MATH 140)

                                                             or (C or better in both MATH 094 and MATH 095) or (Pre-

                                                             calculus 12) or (a score of 17/25 or better on Part B of

                                                             the MSAT together with a score of 34/50 or better on

                                                             Parts A and B combined).


      50245 AB1 Ali Reza Fotouhi                ABA    259         M      0830  1120  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

                                                ABA    301           W    0830  1120

                                                ABA    302             F  0830  1120

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration           9

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Dipl      8

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Deg       8

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Deg         6


      50246 AB2 Ali Reza Fotouhi                ABA    305         M      1300  1550  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

                                                ABA    259           W    1300  1550

                                                ABD    242             F  1300  1550

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration           9

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Dipl      8

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Deg       8

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Deg         6


      50261 AB3 Ken Li                          ABD    225          T R   1000  1250  04-JUL-2017 21-AUG-2017     36

                                                ABD    242             F  1000  1250

                                                                                MAJOR:Data Analysis Cert                8

                                                                                MAJOR:Data Analysis Cert                8


      50346 AB4 Tariq Nuruddin                  ABD    225          T     1730 1940   03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     36

                                                ABD    223            R   1730 1940    


 STAT 431   DATA MINING                      3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): STAT 271, STAT 331/COMP 331, and CIS 230


      50247 AB1 David Chu                       ABD    223          T R   1300  1620  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     36

            This course is offered as STAT 431 & COMP 431.                      MAJOR:Data Analysis Cert                8

            Students may take only one of these for credit.                     MAJOR:Data Analysis Cert                8




 THEA 111   INTRODUCTION TO ACTING           3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50248 AB1 Raina von Waldenburg            ABS                M W    1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     18

            Location:  SUS building, Abby


 THEA 250   INTRODUCTION TO STORYTELLING     3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50125 CH1 Nicola Campbell                 CEPA   1457         T R   1000  1250  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     18

            Class will be held in the Gathering Place - A1457


 Visual Arts


 VA   101   FIGURE DRAWING                   3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None.


      50126 AB1 Shelley Stefan                  ABC    1043        M      1300  1650  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     25


 VA   113   INTRODUCTION TO DRAWING          3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50127 AB1 Dennis Greer                    ABC    1043            F  0900  1250  03-MAY-2017 03-AUG-2017     25


      50262 AB2 Toni Latour                     ABC    1043         T R   1300  1650  04-JUL-2017 21-AUG-2017     25


 VA   115   INTRO STUDIO I                   3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None


      50263 AB1 Toni Latour                     ABC    1031          W F  1300  1650  04-JUL-2017 21-AUG-2017     25


 VA   180   DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY              3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None.


      50249 AB1 Tetsuomi Anzai                  ABC    1120         T R   0830  1220  03-MAY-2017 20-JUN-2017     24

            Students require a SLR digital camera.  One can be rented from the department.


 VA   223   PAINTING & DRAWING I             3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): None; one of VA 113, VA 115, or VA 116

                                                             is strongly recommended.


      50264 AB1 Chris Friesen                   ABC    1043          W F  1300  1650  04-JUL-2017 21-AUG-2017     25


 VA   390   COMMUNITY ARTS PRACTICE          3.0    $468.42  Prerequisite(s): 6 VA credits


      50265 AB1 Chris Friesen                   ABC    1031         T R   1300  1650  04-JUL-2017 21-AUG-2017     20

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             5

                                                                                MINOR:Visual Arts Extended              2
