What is the Scholarly Sharing Initiative?
Meetings of the Scholarly Sharing Initiative have been running since 2011, and are a unique venue where faculty, students, and interested others gather together to share, discuss, present, and receive feedback on their current scholarly work in a welcoming and supportive environment. The initiative is supported by the UFV Office of Research Services and the College of Arts.
We aim to hold one session per month. Typically, two faculty members (often from different departments) present at each session, though this can vary and round table discussions with more participants can be accommodated as well, with each discussing a current research project or other scholarly work for about 10-15 minutes, leaving ample time for friendly discussion and cross-talk.
The SSI is a valuable and unique space for cross-disciplinary conversation at UFV, an opportunity to receive supportive feedback in an informal academic environment, and a chance for folks to learn about the range and quality of interesting work going on at the university.
The continued success of the SSI’s modest aims depends on the continued support of people like you stepping forward to participate, both as presenters and audience. Please let us know if you are willing to help us put together another set of engaging panels this academic year! Even if you cannot present, you can support our initiative by attending panels, inviting, or suggesting us to colleagues, and bringing students along as well.