Course Descriptions -- Definitions section:

1) Explanation of Transferability Symbols
2) Guidelines for Transfer to Other Universities and Post-Secondary institutions
3) Prerequisites & Corequisites

1) Explanation of Transferability Symbols:

BCIT      British Columbia Institute of Technology
CA          Institute of Chartered Accountants of B.C.
CMA      Certified Management Accountant Association of B.C.
CGA       Certified General Accountant Association of B.C.
OU          Open University
SFU        Simon Fraser University
TWU      Trinity Western University
UBC       University of British Columbia
UNBC    University of Northern British Columbia
UVic       University of Victoria
WWU     Western Washington University
College   Most British Columbia colleges
Mun        Municipal Administrators’ Education Council of B.C.
ICB         Institute of Canadian Bankers
Other      See program coordinator for details

Transferability in the Course Description section can change at any time. Therefore, it is the student’s responsibility to consult the Provincial Transfer Guide (available on-line at for current transfer status or check with an educational advisor in Student Services.

Transfer for 300/400-level courses may be articulated individually by the receiving institution. Students should check with the institution they wish to attend.
    Students are responsible for enrolling only in courses for which they have the stated prerequisite/corequisite(s).
    Stated prerequisites may be waived with the instructor’s permission. Written permission is required.
( ) Brackets with a course number indicate a course offered previously. Previous courses are listed for several years only.

2) Transfer to Other Institutions

You can begin your university studies at UCFV and then transfer to another university or university college to complete your degree.
If you plan to take UCFV courses with the intention of transferring later, you should apply for one of the following (whichever suits your goals most closely):

General Arts
• General Science
• General Studies
• Associate of Science degree
• Engineering Transfer

In many arts and science subjects you can complete a four-year bachelor’s degree at UCFV; for others you can complete one or two years at UCFV and then transfer to finish the degree elsewhere.

The transferability of individual UCFV courses to B.C. universities is explained in transfer guides. The B.C. Council on Admissions and Transfer (BCCAT) produces an online guide for transfer students, at BCCAT also publishes a booklet, “Tips for Transfer”. This booklet includes a transfer planning checklist, answer questions about transfer, and provides many useful hints for transfer students. Copies are available from Student Services or online at the BCCAT website.

In order to do your UCFV course planning, you must be familiar with the degree program at the university to which you wish to transfer. A UCFV educational advisor can assist you in understanding the university calendars, and planning your UCFV courses.

University regulations vary with respect to transfer, but the following guidelines generally apply:

1. Students usually complete a full first year  (30 credits/10 courses) before transferring.

2. Grades less than C are not assured of transfer credit.

A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 (C average) is required.

4. Some universities impose quotas on the number of students admitted to certain programs. In such cases, grade point averages well above the minimum will be required.

5. Students may not normally transfer more than 60 credits towards a four-year degree (residency requirement)

6. Transfer credit is always evaluated by the post-secondary institution from which the credential is to be obtained. Therefore, if you have credit from a previous post-secondary institution, plan to take additional credits at UCFV and then transfer to another university to obtain a credential there, the course work at the first post-secondary institution is not evaluated by UCFV.

7. Some institutions may recalculate your grade point average, including all attempts of any repeated courses.

8. Universities only give credit for upper-division courses (300- and 400-level) on a case by case basis. These courses are not generally included in formal transfer guides.

In summary: You can transfer to many different arts, science, and professional degrees at other universities. In order to do so, you must choose courses that are fully transferable to the receiving institution. Obtain calendars from the university to which you wish to transfer, and consult with a UCFV educational advisor in Student Services to assist with appropriate course planning.

Note: Transferability in the Course descriptions section can change at any time. It is the student’s responsibility to check transferability of coursework in the B.C. Provincial Transfer Guide available online at and/or by contacting the institution.

Professional program preparation

You can begin your studies toward a career as a teacher, lawyer, veterinary, dental hygenist, certified accountant, etc., at UCFV.

If you require assistance planning your program, make an appointment with an educational advisor in Student Services to discuss your program plan.

Professional program preparation

You can begin your studies towards a career in teaching, law, medicine, veterinary medicine, dental hygiene, etc., at UCFV.

Make an appointment with an educational advisor to discuss your program plan.
Contact Student Services:
    Abbotsford: (604)854-4528
    Chilliwack:   (604)795-2808


Prerequisites/corequisites are requirements needed prior to, or concurrent with, your registration in a course. A prerequisite refers to a specific course (or other requirement) that must be successfully completed prior to registration. A minimum grade of C- is required.

It is understood that you may seek instructor’s written permission if you feel that your experience/knowledge is sufficient to warrant exemption from the stated prerequisite or corequisite. This written permission must be presented at the time of registration.

Even though many university college-level courses have no prerequisite listed, it is expected that those enrolling have university-college–level reading, writing, and research skills. If you are unsure of your ability level or want to improve your skills, we suggest you enrol in ENGL 099: Pre-College Composition, or CSM 108: Critical Analysis and Study Methodology, or write the Composition Placement Test (CPT). CPT details are explained here. For details about CSM 108 and ENGL 099, please read the course descriptions.

For more details on support services available, please check Student Services, and the Academic Support courses listed in the Course Descriptions.

Please note: Students are expected to present either Math 12 or Principles of Math 12 to meet appropriate prerequisites. In addition, some UCFV departments require Math 12 provincial examination scores to fulfill prerequisites. Check your program's entrance requirements section for details.

Unless otherwise stated, any B.C. Secondary course used for program entrance requirements or course prerequisites must be completed for full value (4 credits).

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