
UCFV offers a two-year full-time Fashion Design diploma program for those seeking a career in the fashion industry.
    The program is designed to develop and refine your skills and talent, covering all basic elements necessary to carry a marketable design from the original idea to the finished garment. Creativity and technical skills are stressed.
    The curriculum accommodates a strong textile component and allows the opportunity for part-time studies for those wishing to interrupt their learning experiences or acquire additional knowledge in specific areas.

Careers in fashion

The fashion industry involves a wide variety of exciting and diversified career opportunities in the areas of design, production, and sales.
The program prepares students for entry-level positions in the following areas:
• Ready-to-wear manufacturing
• Couture design and construction
• Theatre costume design
• Textile design and production
• Fashion coordination
• Marketing and sales

Entrance requirements
1. B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent or 19 years or older before the first day of classes.

You must attend a personal interview with the program faculty, at which time your strengths and weaknesses are assessed. The personal interview will consider:
    a. Level of creativity: a portfolio of work containing 15-20 pieces. Work should be recent and varied in       nature:
        • Art work — painting, sketches, drawings, prints, in a variety of mediums.
        • Craft work — embroidery, weaving, fabric arts, knitting, macramé, beadwork, etc.
        • Applied art — photography, pottery, sculpture, etc.
    b. Technical skills: minimum of four different garments (e.g., blouse, dress, skirt, pants, suit, etc.)     demonstrating a range of techniques to include darts, zippers, pockets, sleeves and collars.
        • Mechanical drafts — of buildings, industrial designs, garment patterns, etc.
    c. Communication skills: immediately prior to the interview, you will be required to write a brief paragraph on a selected topic.
    d. Math skills: a short math test involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions and     decimals will be administered at the same time.
Note: Calculators are allowed.
Note: Basic computer skills are required.

Applicants will be evaluated on the following point system:
        Art Portfolio                           30
        Technical: Garments/Drafts     30
        Formal training                         6
        Communication skills                8
        Math skills                             10
        Subject knowledge                  4
        Life Skills                              12
            •Work experience
        Total                                     100
A minimum score of 70% qualifies you for acceptance into the program.

How to apply
1. Submit the application fee along with your UCFV application for admission form to the Admissions and Records (A&R) office. Application forms are available from any A&R or Student Services office. You can also print an application form from our website at, or you can apply directly through the internet at See the Admissions Guide for a complete list of application dates and general admission information.

Additional documents required for a complete application:
• proof of B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent if not 19 years of age or older

2. In April you will be informed of an orientation session which you must attend, as the personal interview appointments are set up at this time. If it is absolutely impossible for you to attend, please contact the department assistant to book an appointment. During your interview, which is approximately 30 minutes long, you are asked to present your portfolio and a minimum of four different garments that you have sewn. Letters of reference from teachers, employers, and club leaders would assist in assessing points and should accompany the portfolio.

3. Upon admission to the program you will be provided with registration information. A deposit is required when you register (see the Fees and Other Costs section). This money will be applied to the tuition fees and is not refundable. Final payment of all course fees is due the end of the second week of classes.
    If this program is full, or you are waiting to find out about your admission to the program, you will be given an opportunity to register as a general studies student. It is not necessary to submit a separate application form. If you meet the entrance requirements and a space becomes available later, you will be contacted.

4. For students under 19 years of age, admission is conditional upon B.C. secondary school graduation. Proof of completion of entrance requirements is due the end of the first week in August.

Fees and additional costs
Fees stated are in effect for 2004/05 and are subject to change for 2005/06.
Tuition fees for most full-time students are about $1.900 per semester (based on enrolment in five courses or 15 credits). See the Fees and Other Costs section for more information.
In addition to the tuition fees, it is estimated that the following costs will apply to the full-time student.
Fashion Design — First year approximate cost

        Equipment             $300
        Textbooks              600
        Supply fees             200
        Additional supplies 500
        Field trips                50
        Total                $1,650

Fashion Design — Second year

        Equipment               $ 75
        Textbooks                200
        Supply fees               275 (dependent on option)
        Additional supplies 1,100
        Field trips/Practicum   75
        Total                     $1,750
            plus additional costs for elective courses.

Equipment and supplies
A list of equipment and supplies will be distributed at first class. Most are available from the UCFV bookstore.
Supply fees cover the cost of pre-packaged kits which contain the basic needs for each course and are available from the instructor. They range between $25 and $50, depending on the course. Not all courses have a supply fee.

Abbotsford campus.

Twenty hours per week of classroom time is scheduled in the first year of the program and 12 to 14 hours in the second, with additional time up to 24 hours depending on the electives or options selected.
Students are expected to take advantage of the lab free time to a minimum of 15 hours per week to keep up with the workload.

Deadlines are strictly adhered to as success in the industry relies heavily on the meeting of deadlines and delivery dates.
    Regular attendance is mandatory. Penalties for late arrivals and absenteeism without reason might include a reduction of the final grade.
    Students should not fall behind. Fifteen weeks per semester does not allow time to catch up. Also the design, drafting, and construction courses are so closely linked that a class missed in one area could set you back in the other two.
    Students will benefit greatly from participating in extracurricular activities such as fashion shows and open houses, and are encouraged to do so. Time schedules and duties will be announced well in advance.

Transfer students and advanced standing
Applicants applying for transfer credits from another institution or advanced standing will be considered on an individual basis. Make an appointment to see the program head.

Any student who has previously applied to the UCFV Fashion Design program but who did not register and wishes to re-apply for admission will follow the same procedures as a new applicant.

Graduation requirements
The Fashion Design diploma will be awarded to students who have successfully completed all required courses with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 (C), plus electives/ options to give a minimum total of 63 to 67 credits.
A minimum C- grade or the instructor’s permission is required in all courses that are listed as a prerequisite for advancement into the next level.

Program outline
First Year: common courses
Semester I

Course  Title  Credits
FD 113*  Fashion Drawing I  3
FD 163  Fashion Design I  3
FD 181  Garment Construction I  3
FD 191  Pattern Drafting I  3
FD 171*  Textiles  3

Semester II

Course  Title  Credits
FD 114*  Fashion Drawing II  3
FD 164  Basic Fashion Design II  3
FD 193*  History of Fashion  3
FD 182  Garment Construction II  3
FD 192  Pattern Drafting II  3

Second Year: common courses
Semester III

Course  Title  Credits
FD 263  Apparel Design and Illustration I  3
FD 281  Advanced Construction I  3
FD 283  Advanced Pattern Drafting I  3
Option course  Chosen from the General, Textiles, or Marketing options (see list below)  3 or 4
Option course  Chosen from the General, Textiles, or Marketing options (see list below)  3 or 4

Semester IV

Course  Title  Credits
FD 264  Apparel Design and Illustration II  3
FD 265  Computer Applications for the Apparel Industry  3
FD 282  Advanced Construction II  3
FD 284  Advanced Pattern Drafting II  3
Option course  Chosen from the General, Textiles, or Marketing options (see list below)  3 or 4
Option course  Chosen from the General, Textiles, or Marketing options (see list below)  3 or 4
Total Credits    63–67

* Courses not requiring acceptance into the program may be taken individually.
In the second year, students may choose to specialize in one of the following options:
• General Fashion Design
• Textile Design
• Marketing.

Fashion Design diploma options

General option
Students who choose the general option are prepared for a career in manufacturing with the emphasis on the technical aspect of the industry.

Course  Title Credits
17 common courses    51
Plus the following:  
FD 291  Draping  3
FD 292  Pattern Grading and Production Processes  3
Option course  Chosen from either the Textiles or Marketing option list  3 or 4
Option course  Chosen from either the Textiles or Marketing option list  3 or 4
Total    63–65

Textiles option
Students enrolled in this option will learn how to design and create original fabrics suitable for use in the garment industry. Machine knitting, weaving and surface design are all included.

Course  Title  Credits
17 common courses    51
Plus the following:  
FD 172  Machine Knitting  4
FD 174  Weaving Fashion Fabrics  4
FD 271  Surface Design I  4
FD 272  Surface Design II  4
Total    67

Marketing option
Students who wish to pursue a career in apparel sales and marketing need all of the following courses:

Course  Title  Credits
17 common courses    51
Plus the following:
BUS 100  Introduction to Business  
or BUS 102  Management (no longer offered)  3
BUS 120  Essentials of Marketing  3
BUS 223*  Advertising  3
BUS 224*  Retail Management  3
Total    63

*Prerequisite: BUS 120
Note: Students who already have credit for BUS 102 do not need to take BUS 100.

Course listings
For complete details on courses see Course descriptions section.

Gayle Ramsden, BHEc (Manitoba), MEd (SFU), Program Head
Maureen Bilodeau, Trained at Singer and Brother Co. of Canada
Margaret Blackburn, Dip. Apparel Design (FVC), Cert. Couture Design (BC Trade School)
Vicki Bolan, Dip. Apparel Design (FVC)
Deanna Devitt, BA (UBC), BFA (Parsons)
Rene Evans, BBA, Dip. Apparel Design (UCFV)
Bev Fanzega, Dip. Fashion Design (PH College of Fashion Design & Merch)
Dennis Greer, BFA (U of A)
Anne Hadziev, Dip. Apparel Design (UCFV)
Laurel Seitz, Dip. Fashion Design (Kwantlen)

Margaret Brackett, Departmental Assistant

Advisory committee
Cosimo Agostino, Kwantlen University College
Mary Bentley, BScEd (Missouri), Textile Artist — Weaver
Vera Buxton, Educator, VSB
Jocelyn Choy, Instructor and Retail consultant
Heleen DeBoer, Weaver/designer
Blair Ducey, Mumblipegg Designs
Ed Gesang, Edge Studios
Lauraline Grosenick, Cadterns
Angela Morrow, Uncommon Thredz Clothing
Antun Trojan, Design consultant
Gabriele Vanderstarren, Gabriele K
Yvonne Wakabayashi, BEd, MEd (UBC),Textile artist

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