Note: Tuition fees stated are in effect for 2004/05, and are subject to change for 2005/06.

    Some courses are offered on a full cost-recovery basis. Their fees may be higher. The fees will be shown in the Registration Guide and Timetable.
* For a detailed breakdown of tuition fees, see Tuition Fee table.

Application fee
$45 for each application.

Additional fees
For all courses except Continuing Studies, students will be charged the following fees in addition to the tuition fees for each course:
     • Ancillary fee: 10% of the tuition fees for activities, athletics, Legacy Fund, Library and Technical Services, Student Activity Centre, and student insurance
    • $25 per semester for Student Union Society membership
    • $4.50 per semester for the Cascade student newspaper.

Senior citizens age 65 or more as of the first day of classes, pay 75% of tuition fee for most courses. UCFV reserves the right to limit the number of seniors enrolled at a discount in a given course.

    Some courses or programs may require a laboratory or materials fee.

College and Career Prep fees
(see also Tuition Fees table, below)

Tuition fees apply to students taking College and Career Prep courses who have graduated from secondary school. The GED certificate is considered equivalent to secondary school completion at UCFV but does not give students any specific credit for Grade 11 or 12 courses. Thus, these fees do not apply to holders of the GED certificate when taking CCP courses.
There are no fees for CCP courses numbered below 070.

Vocational programs

Vocational programs include Cost per credit/week Program cost* Payments over
Certified Dental Assistant $120.89 $4,835.60 3 semesters
Home Support/ Resident Care Attendant $100.10 $2,402.40 1 semester
Practical Nursing $120.89 $4,956.49 3 semesters
Applied Business Technology   $5,613.00 1 semester

* Plus application fee of $45, Student Union Society membership and Cascade newspaper fees.

Fees for international students
There are different tuition, fee, and refund schedules for international students. Please refer to the International Education website at www.ucfv.ca/intl_ed or call 604-854-4544 or email intl_ed@ucfv.ca for more information.

Legacy Fund
The UCFV Legacy Fund is based on the belief that each person served by UCFV should contribute to the future of the University College. The Legacy Fund supports capital projects which directly enhance the quality of student campus experiences. The Legacy Fund is a trust fund managed by a special committee with representatives from the UCFV Board, administration and the Student Union Society. The contribution to the Legacy Fund is included in the ancillary fee.

Student Union Society fees
UCFV collects a membership fee on behalf of the Society at the time of registration for each semester.

Non-refundable deposit on fees
When they register, students are required to pay a deposit (currently $200) which is applied towards fees. In the event that students withdraw from courses before classes begin, all or a portion of the deposit will be forfeited to UCFV according to the dates listed in the Schedule of Events.

Fee payment due date
Students are expected to pay the balance of their fees by approximately the end of the second week of classes (see the semester registration guide and timetable for specific dates).
Failure to pay all fees when due will result in withdrawal from all courses and forfeit of the deposit.

Late registration fee
There is a late registration fee (currently $20 per course) subject to change, for any registration after the first seven percent of the semester (see Schedule of Events).

Refunds/fee reductions
The following guidelines for refund/reduction of fees apply to all classes except courses offered through the Continuing Studies department. For information on refunds for Continuing Studies (CS) courses, please check the CS booklet published twice a year in August and December.

Portion of course or semester completed

Fee reduction



1–15% to a maximum of two weeks


Over 15% or after two weeks


The refund is based on the full course fee, not the deposit, e.g. 10% of the total course fee is charged (not refundable) in the first two weeks of classes.
See Schedule of Events and the semester Registration Guide and timetable for specific dates for each semester.
Where there are extenuating circumstances, exceptions to refund policy may be permitted. Apply in writing to the Registrar. Please allow at least three weeks for processing of refunds.

Financial obligations
Failure to meet financial obligations will result in denial of UCFV services such as statements of grades, transcripts, use of libraries. Students may be withdrawn from all of their classes. Penalties may be applied if obligations are not met by the deadlines. See Schedule of Events for fee payment deadlines. There is a $25 fee for dishonoured cheques.

Study materials and textbooks
Text books are required for most courses. Some UCFV instructors require the purchase of supplemental materials and equipment for their classes. Refer to program course outlines for details.

Income tax receipts
An official receipt for income tax purposes will be available through student web services each February for the preceding calendar year.

Fees Per Credit
Fee Type Credit
College & Career Prep
ESL Vocational Trades & Technology
Courses numbered 1-400 070-100
Non-grad             High School grad
All Weekly -
see table
Tuition $109.90 $0 $82.43 $46.71 $109.90 $91.00
Ancillary fee $10.99 $4.67 $8.24 $4.67 $10.99 $9.10
Total $120.89 $4.67 $90.67 $51.38 $120.89 $100.10
3-credit course $362.67 $14.01 $272.01 $154.14 $362.67 $300.30
4-credit course $483.56 $18.68 $362.68 $205.52 $483.56 $400.40
Typical vocational 16-week term $1934.24 $1601.60


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