Computing Science

Computing Science is a relatively young academic discipline. The field of study is expanding rapidly and is fuelled by steady developments in both hardware and software. Introductory computing science courses focus on algorithms, problem-solving, programming, and the organization and design of computers.
    Students are required to use computers extensively in most courses. Mathematics and problem-solving skills are valuable assets.
    A variety of computing courses are available in both the Computing Science and Computer Information Systems (CIS) program areas. Computing courses can be used to fulfill various requirements in the Associate of Science, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Computer Information Systems programs, and are listed in those sections of the calendar.
    Students wishing to transfer to computing programs at other universities or institutes should consult that university’s calendar, the transfer guide, and/or consult with a Student Services educational advisor or the department. Students interested in taking several computing science courses should start with COMP 125 and COMP 150.

Computing Science minor
This section specifies the Computing Science discipline requirements only. Students must combine these minor requirements with another science minor or major.
See this section for additional Bachelor of Science requirements and the appropriate pages for the chosen major or minor.

Lower-level requirements

Course  Title  Credits
COMP 125  Principles of Computing  3
COMP 150  Introduction to Programming  4
COMP 155  Object-Oriented Design  4
COMP 251  Data Structures and Algorithms  4
COMP 256  Introduction to Machine Architecture  4
or CIS 270  Analysis and Design  3
CIS 230  Databases and Database Management Systems  4
MATH 111  Calculus I  4
MATH 112  Calculus II  4
MATH 125  Introduction to Discrete Mathematics  4

Upper-level requirements

Course  Title  Credits
COMP  Upper-level computing science courses
or CIS  Upper-level computing information systems courses  12
Plus three credits from:
PHYS 462  Digital Electronics and Computer Interfacing  3
or PHYS 472  Digital Electronics  3
or MATH 316  Numerical Analysis  3
or MATH 343  Applied Discrete Mathematics  3
or COMP  Upper-level computing science courses  3
or CIS  Upper-level computing information systems courses  3

Paul Franklin, MSc (SFU), Department Head
Stephen Bohm, BEng, MASc (Concordia)
Shelley Drysdale, BASc (UBC), MEng (UBC), PEng
Ravi Gill, BCIS (UCFV)
Colleen Gingerich, BA (Michigan), lab assistant
Daniel Harris, BCIS (UCFV)
Duncan Jeffries, BSc (UBC), MSc (UBC)
Paul Kroeker, BCIS (UCFV)
Edward Lo, MASc (UBC), PEng
Robert McAuliffe, BIST (SAIT)
Patrick O‘Brien, BComm (Windsor), MSc (BSU)
Gary Ridsdale, PhD (SFU)
Paul Rushton, BSc, BEd (Dalhousie), MSc (Alberta)
Sandi Sasaki, BA (SFU), Instructor’s Diploma (VCC), Lab Instructor
Ora Steyn, BA (South Africa)
Chris Watkiss, PhD (Toronto)

Part-time faculty
Trish Blondin, Dip (BCIT)
Vijay Dass, Dip (Singapore)
Nicole Egresits, MOUS, Dip (CDI)
David Fynn, CA
Jim Hamlin, BCIS (UCFV)
Jim Hobek, Dip (CDI)
Randall Venhola, BSc (Carleton)

Program staff
Leslie Bogula, Media Resources Dip. (Capilano), Departmental Assistant
Dave McCarthy, BA, MCSE, System Administrator

Program Advisory committee
The Computing department receives both advice and assistance from members of an advisory
committee on all aspects of the program. Current members include:

Nicolle Bourget, Telus Enterprise Solutions
Steve Calnek, TSC Software Computer Information Systems Student
Association Member, UCFV
Terry Cox, Computing and Technical Services, UCFV
Lance Duthie, BC Hot House Foods Inc.
Dana Epp, Fraser Valley Linux Users Group
Darlene Jensen, Canada Customs Revenue Agency
Rob Mitchell, Cooperative Education, UCFV
Trevor Newton, Stratabase
Aaron Shepard, Correctional Service Canada
Randall Venhola, Discovery Software

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