The UCFV Bachelor of Science (BSc) is a program of academic study for students
pursuing educational or career goals in the natural sciences. The program
requirements encourage a breadth of intellectual and academic experience, and at
the same time, recognize the importance of concentrated study in a specific
field or discipline. The BSc may serve as an educational goal in itself, as
qualification for those who wish to pursue advanced degrees at other educational
institutions, or as a qualification for employment.
The BSc consists of a minimum of 120 credits. To receive a Bachelor of Science
degree, students must complete the requirements for either a major, two minors,
or combined major and minor.
Program length
With appropriate planning, the Bachelor of Science requirements can be completed
in four years of full-time study. Because upper-level courses are offered on a
limited basis, students should seek the help of the science advisor to plan
their coursework in advance,
in order to complete their degree in a timely manner. The choice of which
courses are to be offered each year will be made with reference to the needs of
students who have declared their BSc major. Students may also request a Letter
of Permission to take courses from other institutions that have been approved by
the head of the appropriate UCFV department. Students staying for a longer
period may wish to pursue the co-operative education option. All graduation
requirements must be completed within 10 years of initial entry to the program.
Majors are offered in:
Minors are offered in:
Computing Science
Mathematics (Statistics option)
Double minor
A double minor degree is available. Students choose two minors from:
• Biology
• Chemistry
Computing Science
• Mathematics or Mathematics (Statistics option)
• Physics
The double minor BSc degree is designed to accommodate the following
• Biology/Chemistry
• Chemistry/Physics
• Chemistry/Computing Science
• Mathematics/Computing Science
• Physics/Computing Science
• Physics/Math or Math (Stats)
Combinations in biology, chemistry, computing science, physics, and math other
than those listed above are permitted. However, when course requirements and
prerequisites for such combinations are considered, students may find that it
will take longer to complete the degree.
Bachelor of Science students are required to formerly declare a major/minor by
the time they have completed 60 credits or they may be removed from the program.
Students who are undecided should consult with the science advisor regarding
their options.
Science major with an Arts, Business Administration, or Kinesiology minor
A student completing the requirements for a major in biology, chemistry,
mathematics, or physics may combine this with any
arts minor,
kinesiology minor, or any
business administration minor. The combination(s) of a mathematics major with an Arts minor in
mathematics/statistics, or any science minor with a minor in kinesiology for the
BSc degree, are excluded. When a minor outside the science faculty is completed,
the transcript will specify both the science major and the applicable arts,
business administration, or kinesiology minor.
Students wishing to combine a science major with a non-science minor are advised
to seek the help of program advisors to plan their coursework in advance, in
order to complete their degree in a timely fashion. Students should be aware
that choosing a minor outside the science area will likely demand more than 120
credits in order to fulfill all requirements, and that they will have to satisfy
the graduation/program requirements for both the science major and the selected
Co-operative Education option
The Co-operative Education option provides science students with the opportunity
to acquire paid, career-related work experience in conjunction with their
studies in the Bachelor of Science degree, and Associate degree programs.
Bachelor of Science degree students should successfully complete the equivalent
of 25 second-year credits from courses listed in General Science, Associate of
Science degree or the Bachelor of Science degree in order to receive a
Co-operative Education designation. To be competitive in Co-op Ed placements,
you should select a program of science studies that will prepare you to compete
successfully in the current science employment market. Key skills and knowledge
• clear and precise oral, written, and computer communication skills, using the
English language
• an understanding of current management practices
• problem-solving skills, including the ability to analyze and evaluate a
problem, and present a final argument
• an awareness of the social impact of technology.
A typical study and work schedule is:
Year |
Fall |
Winter |
Summer |
1 |
Study term 1 |
Study term 2 |
2 |
Study term 3 |
Study term 4 |
Work term 1 |
3 |
Work term 2 |
Study term 5 |
Work term 3 |
4 |
Study term 6 |
Work term 4 |
Work term 5 |
5 |
Study term 7 |
Study term 8 |
Degree graduation |
* These study and work-term sequences will vary for students
entering into a UCFV Co-op Ed option at the third-year level. See the
Co-operative Education section of the calendar for more details.
Entrance requirements
In order to be admitted to the BSc program a student must obtain:
1. 28 university-level credits with:
a) A minimum GPA of 2.0 in all university-level courses attempted,
b) A minimum GPA of 2.33 in four of the following courses or their equivalents:
• BIO 111
• BIO 112
• CHEM 111 or CHEM 113
• CHEM 112 or CHEM 114
• COMP 150
• COMP 155
• MATH 111
• MATH 112
• PHYS 111
• PHYS 112
• Any course numbered 200 or above in biology, chemistry, mathematics, or
physics, or any course numbered 175 or higher in computing science.
University transfer
Students who have completed university-level courses at other post-secondary
institutions can apply for the BSc at UCFV. A maximum of 90 transfer credits may
be transferred to UCFV for the degree. However, not all courses may be
applicable to specific science programs. Please check with the UCFV science
advisor or a UCFV educational advisor. Applicants with significantly more than
90 credits might consider completing their studies at their original
institution. (See Visiting Students section.)
Most of the lower-level courses (100- and 200-level) offered as part of the BSc
program are transferable to all B.C. universities and university colleges.
Students enrolling in UCFV upper-level courses with the intention of completing
a degree at another institution should consult that institution for information
regarding transferability of these courses.
How to apply
1. Submit the application fee along with your UCFV application for admission
form to the Admissions and Records (A&R) office. Application forms are available
from any A&R or Student Services office. You can also print an application form
from our website at, or you can apply directly through the
internet at See
Admissions Guide for a complete list of application
dates and general admission information.
Additional documents required for a complete application:
official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions you have attended
(other than UCFV) showing grade/course achievement as per entrance requirements.
2. Proof of completion of prerequisites is required for registration. It is
essential that you submit an official high school transcript at least two weeks
before you register.
You will be advised of an admission decision and,
if accepted, will be provided with registration information. A deposit is
required when you register (see the
Fees and Other Costs section)
This money will be applied to the tuition fees and is not refundable. Final
payment of all course fees is due the end of the second week of classes.
Fees and additional costs
Fees stated are in effect for 2004/05 and are subject to change for 2005/06.
The fees for a full-time science student taking five courses or 22 credits would
be about $2,200 per semester. Books and additional supplies cost $80 to $100 per
course. See the Fees and Other Costs section for more information.
First-year courses can be completed at either the Abbotsford or Chilliwack
campus. Currently, all courses beyond first year are only offered at the
Abbotsford campus.
Visiting students
Students from other institutions may wish to take courses in the UCFV program in
order to complete their studies at their institution. This requires a Letter of
Permission from their institution as well as an application to UCFV as a
visiting student. Students should consult the Registrar’s office at their
institution. Visiting students may not receive the same priority in registration
as UCFV students.
Program regulations
Students admitted to the BSc degree should seek advice from the science advisor.
Bachelor of Science students are required to declare a major/minor by the
completion of 60 credits or they may be removed from the program. Students who
are undecided should consult with the science advisor or an educational advisor
regarding their options.
Course audit
Students may register as audit students or change to audit status only during
the first three weeks of the semester. Instructor’s permission is required. In
order for an audit to be entered on a student’s transcript the student must have
attended at least 80% of the course. Audited courses are not acceptable for
meeting requirements for the BSc degree.
Course challenge
Course challenge is a method by which a student may obtain credit for course
material learned elsewhere (i.e., outside UCFV). A maximum of 90
university-transferable credits may be obtained by the combined mechanism of
course challenge and transfer credit. For further information, see the
regulations for course challenge.
Course withdrawal
here for details.
Courses at other institutions
UCFV BSc students who wish to take academic work
at other institutions for credit toward the UCFV BSc degree must obtain
permission in advance from the UCFV science advisor. A request for Letter of
Permission form may be obtained from the UCFV Admissions and Records office.
When approval has been granted, the Admissions and Records office will issue a
Letter of Permission to the student. (Also see Visiting Students section on
this page.)
A maximum of 90 transfer and/or course challenge credits may be applied to the
BSc. All requirements for the BSc must be met.
Standing required for continuance
All students at UCFV are expected to maintain acceptable standards of
scholarship. Specifically, they are expected to maintain a minimum 2.0
cumulative grade point average (CGPA). In addition, a CGPA of 2.0 must be
maintained in the upper-division minors or majors when they are considered
Academic warning (probation)
A student who has a GPA lower than 2.0 will be placed on Academic Warning for
the next semester. A student on Academic Warning may not register in a course
overload. Students who do not achieve a semester GPA of at least 2.0 while they
are on Academic Warning will be required to withdraw from the program.
A student on Academic Warning who achieves a single semester GPA of at least 2.0
will continue on Academic Warning until the minimum CGPA of 2.0 is achieved on a
continuing basis.
Course repetition
Students may not register for a course more than twice. No more than five course
duplications will be permitted on courses which apply to the BSc. Students with
more than five course duplications will be required to withdraw from the
program. Where a course has been repeated, only the higher grade is counted in
the GPA calculation.
Required to withdraw
Students who have been required to withdraw from
the BSc program may continue as General Studies students, but may not register
for any upper-division courses which are BSc requirements.
Appeals for readmission
A student who is required to withdraw from the program must submit an appeal for
readmission if he/she wishes to resume studies in the program.
In general, students who have been required to withdraw will be advised to
complete a further nine credits of academic work or to repeat a similar amount
of academic work taken previously in order to demonstrate their academic
abilities. Appeals must be received at least three months before the start of
the semester applied for. Re-admission is not automatic.
Standing on readmission
If readmitted, students will be placed on Academic Warning again, subject to the
conditions for Academic Warning as described above.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all program requirements are
met. This should be done by regular consultation with the UCFV science advisor.
All degree candidates must be approved by the UCFV Science Curriculum and
Advisory committee. Request
to Graduate forms are available from Admissions and Records. Students must
submit a Request for Graduation form to the Admissions and Records office on or
before April 1 with program requirements met
by April 30.
General BSc requirements
To be eligible for the BSc a student must satisfy the following general
1. 120 applicable university-level credits, with a minimum GPA of 2.0. At least
30 of these university-level credits must be completed at UCFV.
2. 44 university upper-level credits (credits obtained from courses numbered 300
and above) with a GPA of 2.0. In addition, a GPA of 2.0 is required in the
upper-level credits in each major or minor subject. At least 50% of the
upper-level credits in each major or minor subject must be completed at UCFV.
3. At least one computing course with a prefix COMP numbered 100 or above.
4. Two courses selected from:
• any ENGL courses numbered 105 or above
CMNS 125
• any CMNS course numbered 235 or above.
5. Discipline requirements for either a major or
a double minor. The major must be in biology, chemistry, mathematics, or
physics. The double minor must be a combination of minors in any two of the five
science disciplines.
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